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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    Anybody wanna do the MW2 co-op trophies wit me? Shit is hard wit bum ass randoms.

    @MarcTheFallen @Xeno ?
    Only got the PC at the moment, don't have MW2 yet because I've barely had any time for gaming since resuming trucking and the time I do have, Rocket League demands I keep trying to make champ
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    Is anyone planning to get Hogwarts Legacy? 
    Probably on sale. Can't wait to lead my house-elf genocide.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    I need to see some more gameplay, but I've been getting back into Harry Potter, so I'm kinda interested. But I also don't want to be cancelled for buying it. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,027 spicy boy
    Xeno said:
    I need to see some more gameplay, but I've been getting back into Harry Potter, so I'm kinda interested. But I also don't want to be cancelled for buying it. 
    I consume so much cancelled media at this point lmaooo

    I am debating waiting for the Switch release vs buying on Steam though, but the Switch version doesnt release until like next year, so idk. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,027 spicy boy
    Wow I just learned the PS4/PS5 have an exclusive dungeon that actually sounds cool, AND the exclusive ability to run your own shop. Platform exclusivity is fucking bullshit. 
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    yeah that shit is gay. thanks for confirming i get the ps5 version lol
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    As always gonna wait on the initial reviews on Hogwarts cause most these developers can’t make a game worth a shit to spend $70 on. I bet there’s gonna be game breaking bugs and M$ littered in it. 

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,002 jayfacer
    Actually extremely hype for that Gran Turismo 7 PSVR2 update. That’s bout to be extremely immersive especially now that I have the racing wheel. Definitely gonna have to dive back into that game next month.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    edited January 2023
     I'm tired of everything having a battle pass. 
    :| MFW i complete the 20 level free battle pass on marvel snap and there is a 9.99 premium pass with hundreds of levels

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    also my face when i insta bought it
    also my face when i insta bought it
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    i dont like battle passes, but in free games i dont hate them so much. 

    Like i play 10 bucks worth of entertainment a month out of it. It just matters what the battle pass has. 

    Pokemon unite its getting better. But they put skinks you can only get from the pass on there. And the skins are like 20 bucks and the battle pass is 7 so i live with it lol. Its made progress though.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,027 spicy boy
    I have never once paid for a battle pass, and never will. Biggest scam ever. I'd rather take loot boxes again. 

    Shit monetization has ruined the multiplayer game experience. 
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    Have fun being a basic bitch in every game
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,027 spicy boy
    Better than spending endless dollars on a monetization system designed to be as parasitic and grindy as humanely possible
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  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Playing through the Donkey Kong Country Trilogy. Beat the first one for the 20th rime. This was probably my third attempt on Donkey Kong Country 2 and I finally fucking beat it. Jesus christ that's a tough fucking game. Excellent, but tough. 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Fuck 100% it though. Started 3 and was so happy that has a check system for bonus pick ups lol cleared the first two worlds completely so far. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,002 jayfacer
    Finished all solo trophies on MW2. Took like 13.5 hours. Jus waiting to find a partner on Reddit or something to do the 6 co-op trophies for the Platinum but moving on to Sonic Frontiers in the mean time. Hopefully that delivers because that is now 2 dogshit games in a row. MW2 is actual worst of the year at this point. Gotham Knights at least had some fun aspects to it, MW2 did not. Absolutely zero redeeming qualities to it whatsoever and at no point was it ever even slightly fun. And this isn’t even an MW/IW bias thing, I thought the campaign of MW2019 was the only good thing about it, so I had similar hopes for this one, but it was no joke the worst COD campaign I have ever played in my life. Horrible forced stealth levels over and over again taking up the majority of the game that play like complete dogshit wit poor ass design, horrible scaling that clearly wasn’t play tested. I played on Veteran for the trophies so this was somewhat self inflicted, but this is now 4 COD campaigns in a row played on Veteran, and this is the only one that had such a bad issue. Horrible layouts wit little to no cover where you can get shot from all sides, horrible enemy spawns, horrible squad and enemy AI, horrible auto checkpoints that will pin you down and spawn you in the literal middle of live fire if you die, etc. Icing on the cake is all the bugs and overall complete lack of polish, including a gamebreaking “lights thru walls” graphical glitch where essentially, after dying a certain amount of times, which happens a lot on Veteran, especially this horrible iteration of it, you load back in wit every single light in the level shining thru walls and lighting up the screen all at once, no matter how far you are from them, which causes a blinding glitter effect. Reloading checkpoint doesn’t fix it once it happens, and the only way to get rid of it is to quit the mission and completely restart it over again in chapter select. These missions are way too long for how garbage they are, so every time it happened, I said there ain’t no fucking WAY I’m starting from the beginning again, so I finished bout 4 missions wit this lighting bug in effect. Again, absolutely unacceptable for a game of this kinda budget and status to be this broken, especially 3 WHOLE MONTHS AFTER RELEASE, and it is still not patched out and fixed yet. 

    It’s to the point that I legitimately feel like Angry Joe was paid for his review of it. It has everything that he usually cries about wit COD, but to the worst extent it’s ever been, but yet somehow this time around he deep throats the game for it???? He’s to the level of status that he’s getting his own G-Fuel flavor, so a sponsorship/partnership of that caliber would not be out of the question. It makes absolutely zero sense otherwise.

    0/10. An irredeemable flaming bag of complete dogshit and legitimately one of the worst games I have ever played in my entire life. I try to sit here and think of a single positive I can give it a point for, and there isn’t one. I can’t even say that it’s a pretty game graphically because for all the moments of potential, there’s some weird shading issue or texture issue or fuzziness or the laughably bad pop-in of the convoy driving level lmfao. Oh there’s also the bug where your graphical settings keep reverting to default and turning blur back on if you had it off, etc. Again, still not fixed after 3 months. I would not have finished this if it wasn’t so short. And even then, those 13 hours were the longest 13 hours have ever felt for a game. I pray Infinity Ward never touches COD again but unfortunately the lame ass sheep have all decided they’re the default COD dev at this point, which I will never for the life of me understand. They do everything wrong and this jus made me all the more thirsty for the next Treyarch fronted COD. 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,657 moneytalker
    Better than spending endless dollars on a monetization system designed to be as parasitic and grindy as humanely possible

    It’s only horse armor. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
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