Played through DOOM DLC 2 again. I liked it more this time around, but still too easy. I did it without dying, only lost like 3 extra lives the entire time on Nightmare lol, and 2 of the 3 were due to laziness.
Next stop, Ultra-Nightmare runs for all scenarios.
Finally beat Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity. It woulda been done a long time ago but I got so wrapped up in Cold War that that’s been like my only gaming time lately lmao.
Game was overall amazing tho, but kept from a perfect score due to some glaring quality of life problems, which are tedious enough that they stopped me from doing all the side missions/challenges, when I otherwise would have. Your only source of health regeneration whatsoever is apples. I played the game on hard, so the drop rate is even lower and they were way too rare. Why this is even more of a problem, is they don’t regenerate when you start a new level or challenge, so if you used all of them in the last fight, you need to hope either a decent amount get dropped in the new level, or you need to farm them beforehand by repeating an older level. Except even the fastest challenge only gives you 2 apples in 2 minutes, so fully replenishing them takes 10. There’s dozens on dozens on dozens of side challenges, and by time you get to the later ones, you’re definitely getting beat up and needing apples, which is fine, except not when you have to farm for 20 minutes before every challenge and there’s a ridiculous amount of them. That quickly became a grind I wanted no part of, and I would’ve done them all if it simply regenerated your apples for each fight. I get that they were carrying over the apple/food system from BOTW, but it worked in there because it was open world, so you were spending a lot of your time roaming around and gathering supplies anyways. It doesn’t translate in a game like this, and all it does is break up the pace. This also fucked me on the very last level. I played the entire game on hard except for the last level, where I ended up switching it to normal. The fights themselves weren’t too hard, but the apples again were a problem. The level consists of 8 back to back boss fights, 9 if you count the fact that the last one has 2 parts. There are literally like 2 or 3 apples you can find in the entire level and enemies don’t randomly drop either. I tried on hard twice, both runs took over an hour, and by the end I was facing the last boss wit one or two hearts left and zero apples. Impossible without flawless parrying. So again that was a grind that wasn’t even worth it, so I switched it to normal. Sad thing is the last boss isn’t even hard like that, but facing him wit one heart left and no regeneration definitely is, and there’s no type of difficulty that drives me insane quicker than the type that requires an extremely long replay to even get BACK to the part that was beating you. Wanna try and get to the final boss wit more apples? Spend another hour and beat the other 7 all over again. For the third time. Yea I’m good on that.
Ended up clockin in at 34 hours, and a lot of the side challenges were included in that playtime. I’d say I did like 70-75% of them. If I finished them up and farmed the supplies to finish all the lil supply runs, it would prolly add another 30-35 hours, so there’s definitely a lot of game here.
You have a big ass roster by the end of the game, but in my case, I felt that Link was so OP and fluid after you get the Master Sword, that I barely ever used anyone else. In some missions and challenges, you’re required to either bring other characters wit you, or locked into using a specific character, so in those cases I would use them, but otherwise I stuck to Link. Other favorites were Impa and Urbosa. All characters control pretty well tho, but the birds are clunky due to how they can go airborne as well, and I didn’t really like using any of the slow, bulky characters. They definitely did a good job at making each character control and feel different, and I’m sure there’s lots of people who mained characters that I barely used.
Combat system is overall button mashey hack and slash, but it was overall varied and in depth enough to keep it from feeling mindless, especially when there’s different separate combos and specials for over 20 different characters. Mastering and memorizing each character would definitely take a long ass grind.
Story was dope, and a lot better than BOTW, if only cause it goes so much more in depth. BOTW didn’t have much of a story. There were a handful of cutscenes and you got a vague backstory, but that was really it. This fills in all those blanks and fleshes out this world and all it’s characters. This game is actually MORE essential than BOTW as far as story goes. They go perfectly hand in hand tho, and this feels more like a direct sequel/prequel than a spin-off.
Overall the game was amazing and even as “same-y” as the gameplay can be, which is the nature of hack and slash in general, it never felt monotonous and I easily fell into long sessions of the game. Keeps every system from BOTW and minimizes it from an open world format to a simplified hack and slash format, and it actually did it very well minus the apples. It’s not a killer app where you should spend $300 to get a Switch strictly to play this game if you don’t already have one, but I would say it’s a must own if you already do, especially if you loved BOTW. Like I said, it’s more of a direct sequel than I think a lot of people were expecting. I woulda gave this a 10 if it had those few quality of life fixes. 9/10
Next game up is Maneater since it’s short. I’m reading it’s only bout 10 hours even for the platinum.
Broke down and got a switch lite lmao. Gf and I are already fighting over using it so I'll wind up getting that upgraded switch when it comes out for the home and bring the lite on the road with me
She was making fun of me cuz I got a few nintendo exclusives but then was sitting here playing Xcom 2 on it which I already have on xbox
Finally got my Switch hooked up as well after the TV upgrade. Hopefully the upgraded Switch will have 4K capability. Until then I've got a lot of catching up to do.
Finally got my Switch hooked up as well after the TV upgrade. Hopefully the upgraded Switch will have 4K capability. Until then I've got a lot of catching up to do.
I own pretty much all the big exclusives they've released so far. I want to give BOTW a proper playthrough before the sequel comes out, along with Odyssey. I'll start with those. Both Xenoblade Chronicles games are on the short list too. I got Mario Kart and Smash for multiplayer.
Im so disappointed with Id right now.
Next stop, Ultra-Nightmare runs for all scenarios.
Game was overall amazing tho, but kept from a perfect score due to some glaring quality of life problems, which are tedious enough that they stopped me from doing all the side missions/challenges, when I otherwise would have. Your only source of health regeneration whatsoever is apples. I played the game on hard, so the drop rate is even lower and they were way too rare. Why this is even more of a problem, is they don’t regenerate when you start a new level or challenge, so if you used all of them in the last fight, you need to hope either a decent amount get dropped in the new level, or you need to farm them beforehand by repeating an older level. Except even the fastest challenge only gives you 2 apples in 2 minutes, so fully replenishing them takes 10. There’s dozens on dozens on dozens of side challenges, and by time you get to the later ones, you’re definitely getting beat up and needing apples, which is fine, except not when you have to farm for 20 minutes before every challenge and there’s a ridiculous amount of them. That quickly became a grind I wanted no part of, and I would’ve done them all if it simply regenerated your apples for each fight. I get that they were carrying over the apple/food system from BOTW, but it worked in there because it was open world, so you were spending a lot of your time roaming around and gathering supplies anyways. It doesn’t translate in a game like this, and all it does is break up the pace. This also fucked me on the very last level. I played the entire game on hard except for the last level, where I ended up switching it to normal. The fights themselves weren’t too hard, but the apples again were a problem. The level consists of 8 back to back boss fights, 9 if you count the fact that the last one has 2 parts. There are literally like 2 or 3 apples you can find in the entire level and enemies don’t randomly drop either. I tried on hard twice, both runs took over an hour, and by the end I was facing the last boss wit one or two hearts left and zero apples. Impossible without flawless parrying. So again that was a grind that wasn’t even worth it, so I switched it to normal. Sad thing is the last boss isn’t even hard like that, but facing him wit one heart left and no regeneration definitely is, and there’s no type of difficulty that drives me insane quicker than the type that requires an extremely long replay to even get BACK to the part that was beating you. Wanna try and get to the final boss wit more apples? Spend another hour and beat the other 7 all over again. For the third time. Yea I’m good on that.
Ended up clockin in at 34 hours, and a lot of the side challenges were included in that playtime. I’d say I did like 70-75% of them. If I finished them up and farmed the supplies to finish all the lil supply runs, it would prolly add another 30-35 hours, so there’s definitely a lot of game here.
You have a big ass roster by the end of the game, but in my case, I felt that Link was so OP and fluid after you get the Master Sword, that I barely ever used anyone else. In some missions and challenges, you’re required to either bring other characters wit you, or locked into using a specific character, so in those cases I would use them, but otherwise I stuck to Link. Other favorites were Impa and Urbosa. All characters control pretty well tho, but the birds are clunky due to how they can go airborne as well, and I didn’t really like using any of the slow, bulky characters. They definitely did a good job at making each character control and feel different, and I’m sure there’s lots of people who mained characters that I barely used.
Combat system is overall button mashey hack and slash, but it was overall varied and in depth enough to keep it from feeling mindless, especially when there’s different separate combos and specials for over 20 different characters. Mastering and memorizing each character would definitely take a long ass grind.
Story was dope, and a lot better than BOTW, if only cause it goes so much more in depth. BOTW didn’t have much of a story. There were a handful of cutscenes and you got a vague backstory, but that was really it. This fills in all those blanks and fleshes out this world and all it’s characters. This game is actually MORE essential than BOTW as far as story goes. They go perfectly hand in hand tho, and this feels more like a direct sequel/prequel than a spin-off.
Overall the game was amazing and even as “same-y” as the gameplay can be, which is the nature of hack and slash in general, it never felt monotonous and I easily fell into long sessions of the game. Keeps every system from BOTW and minimizes it from an open world format to a simplified hack and slash format, and it actually did it very well minus the apples. It’s not a killer app where you should spend $300 to get a Switch strictly to play this game if you don’t already have one, but I would say it’s a must own if you already do, especially if you loved BOTW. Like I said, it’s more of a direct sequel than I think a lot of people were expecting. I woulda gave this a 10 if it had those few quality of life fixes. 9/10
Next game up is Maneater since it’s short. I’m reading it’s only bout 10 hours even for the platinum.
She was making fun of me cuz I got a few nintendo exclusives but then was sitting here playing Xcom 2 on it which I already have on xbox
Almost 400 already on this one, today. Pretty coool