It's not the fact you don't like something in and of itself, it's a refusal to accept that it's not your thing and that your opinion is law because you're a fan of the series. That you're owed anything because of it. Take Rainbow Six as an example. I'm a huge fan of RS3 and the Vegas games. Rainbow Six Siege abandoned a lot of what I thought made the series great, but has become the biggest installment in the franchise. I'm not personally insulted by its existence, and I don't fling poo at the people that play it.
I can live with differing opinions, one of my favorite youtubers is Dunkey and half the time I don't agree with his takes on games. But mainly because the content is funny and because he'll be the first to acknowledge that it's all shit in the bucket
It's not the fact you don't like something in and of itself, it's a refusal to accept that it's not your thing and that your opinion is law because you're a fan of the series. That you're owed anything because of it. Take Rainbow Six as an example. I'm a huge fan of RS3 and the Vegas games. Rainbow Six Siege abandoned a lot of what I thought made the series great, but has become the biggest installment in the franchise. I'm not personally insulted by its existence, and I don't fling poo at the people that play it.
I can live with differing opinions, one of my favorite youtubers is Dunkey and half the time I don't agree with his takes on games. But mainly because the content is funny and because he'll be the first to acknowledge that it's all shit in the bucket
I got 2/3 through the Doom Eternal DLC before work... it's way too easy lol. I was hoping to get my shit kicked in like that last DLC, and I breezed through the first two levels.
I got 2/3 through the Doom Eternal DLC before work... it's way too easy lol. I was hoping to get my shit kicked in like that last DLC, and I breezed through the first two levels.
Good. Last one was way too hard smh. That is the only game I have ever played in my entire life where even easy was challenging at points.
I got 2/3 through the Doom Eternal DLC before work... it's way too easy lol. I was hoping to get my shit kicked in like that last DLC, and I breezed through the first two levels.
Good. Last one was way too hard smh. That is the only game I have ever played in my entire life where even easy was challenging at points.
I can live with differing opinions, one of my favorite youtubers is Dunkey and half the time I don't agree with his takes on games. But mainly because the content is funny and because he'll be the first to acknowledge that it's all shit in the bucket
Free Sims and Star Wars games!
I was hoping to get my shit kicked in like that last DLC, and I breezed through the first two levels.