Social culture I can understand, but I think their sexual prowess gets overstated. I've dated several black girls and all of them told me that even though I'm not packing like a black dude, I use it better and I get all the peripherals corrects. Specifically: I eat pussy like a champ. I've been told most black dudes won't even try.
But I'm not really talking about that stuff so much as how black dudes generally look at women. Even my girlfriend told me when we first got together that she thought black dudes are just more manly. I laughed at that because my idea of manly is taking care of your family, something a lot of black dudes fail at miserably. But to women being manly is more being aggressive. I think a lot of white dudes have become complacent and entitled when it comes to women. Minorities have to be more aggressive about what they want in life because it's not in their culture yet to just expect a whole lot. That's where they have an edge with women. They're aggressive, up front and have the danger/forbidden element to a lot of women. I say this in a general way because I have a black friend who pretty much lives in the friend zone, but even he was molested as a child so he has kind of an excuse as to why he so lacking sexually. I could go into all the reasons I think white dudes are slacking, but it would be above the usual MU IQ and I'd just get a bunch of tl;dr or the like. But I def think white guys need to get off their asses and have more confidence about females
Beta's are not good breeding stock, they produce inferior offspring. This shit isnt a mystery, it throwback dna instinct from cave man days. If you dont wanna be "friend" guy, do something about it. Step your game up. Eat better, work out, clean yourself up, get out and do things. Be the lion and not the gazelle. The only thing holding you you. You know what you want but refuse to put effort into getting it. Women want a hunters and gatherers to make sure their babies dont starve, not berry pickers. Stop being a berry picker.
Like Satan said, you're the star of your own action movie. This is the beginning when the hero, discontent with a shit life, realizes he has a higher calling, a hero's quest for greatness, and must break out of the mundane to achieve goals that seem impossible.
some other shit on the video. not sure if the dude wrote it, pry not. still sick
A wise man once asked his student "Why is a rose or a river 'beautiful?' Upon thinking about the answer for a great length of time, the student replied "I cannot define precisely why those two things are beautiful,...they just are."
In response to the students answer, the wise man stated, "A rose is considered beautiful, because it remains perfectly still and silent in its natural form, a perfectly still and silent object. As for the river. It is beautiful because it remains non-static, & either loud & intimidating or gentle and relaxing in sound. As it should be. Now my student,.....why is a human considered to be beautiful?"..........
Up knows first hand haha
Social culture I can understand, but I think their sexual prowess gets overstated. I've dated several black girls and all of them told me that even though I'm not packing like a black dude, I use it better and I get all the peripherals corrects. Specifically: I eat pussy like a champ. I've been told most black dudes won't even try.
But I'm not really talking about that stuff so much as how black dudes generally look at women. Even my girlfriend told me when we first got together that she thought black dudes are just more manly. I laughed at that because my idea of manly is taking care of your family, something a lot of black dudes fail at miserably. But to women being manly is more being aggressive. I think a lot of white dudes have become complacent and entitled when it comes to women. Minorities have to be more aggressive about what they want in life because it's not in their culture yet to just expect a whole lot. That's where they have an edge with women. They're aggressive, up front and have the danger/forbidden element to a lot of women. I say this in a general way because I have a black friend who pretty much lives in the friend zone, but even he was molested as a child so he has kind of an excuse as to why he so lacking sexually. I could go into all the reasons I think white dudes are slacking, but it would be above the usual MU IQ and I'd just get a bunch of tl;dr or the like. But I def think white guys need to get off their asses and have more confidence about females
*Son goes out with friends, and comes home obviously loaded, babbling he lost his phone.
*Next day the wife and I tell him he'll get another one when we feel like it since he cant keep up with his own shit.
Son: ok, that phone was getting old anyway, I need a new one.
*Next day his friend shows up and brings him his phone.
Son: can I still get a new phone?
Me: Heeeeeelll Nooo!!!
I didn't know Todd SR. Posted here
Me texting my friend: "Wanna know a secret?"
Friend: "si"
Me: "I'm texting from on the toilet"
Friend: "really?"
Me: "why would I lie?"
friend: "No lie, I am too"
End your suffering and hang yourself
Some beta bullshit going on in here.
Beta's are not good breeding stock, they produce inferior offspring. This shit isnt a mystery, it throwback dna instinct from cave man days. If you dont wanna be "friend" guy, do something about it. Step your game up. Eat better, work out, clean yourself up, get out and do things. Be the lion and not the gazelle. The only thing holding you you. You know what you want but refuse to put effort into getting it. Women want a hunters and gatherers to make sure their babies dont starve, not berry pickers. Stop being a berry picker.
Like Satan said, you're the star of your own action movie. This is the beginning when the hero, discontent with a shit life, realizes he has a higher calling, a hero's quest for greatness, and must break out of the mundane to achieve goals that seem impossible.
Answer the call fuckers.
fuck just read this on some intension video..
The greatest gift the universe can give, is for conscious energy to take form as a 'Human.'
some other shit on the video. not sure if the dude wrote it, pry not. still sick
A wise man once asked his student "Why is a rose or a river 'beautiful?' Upon thinking about the answer for a great length of time, the student replied "I cannot define precisely why those two things are beautiful,...they just are."
In response to the students answer, the wise man stated, "A rose is considered beautiful, because it remains perfectly still and silent in its natural form, a perfectly still and silent object. As for the river. It is beautiful because it remains non-static, & either loud & intimidating or gentle and relaxing in sound. As it should be. Now my student,.....why is a human considered to be beautiful?"..........