But for real, I don't even get the joke. Shit isn't funny like 95% of the quotes in this thread.
Like, his dad is gonna join the WNBA because some girl is playing little league, wtf am I supposed to laugh at? "omg some 13yo chick is playing with boys, guess I better play pro women's bball!!" lmao so funny my god I'm dying
But for real, I don't even get the joke. Shit isn't funny like 95% of the quotes in this thread.
Like, his dad is gonna join the WNBA because some girl is playing little league, wtf am I supposed to laugh at? "omg some 13yo chick is playing with boys, guess I better play pro women's bball!!" lmao so funny my god I'm dying
my dad "so a girl can play baseball I think I'm gonna join the wnba"
He sounds bitter
It's called a joke.
Arlo is king white knight
But for real, I don't even get the joke. Shit isn't funny like 95% of the quotes in this thread.
Like, his dad is gonna join the WNBA because some girl is playing little league, wtf am I supposed to laugh at? "omg some 13yo chick is playing with boys, guess I better play pro women's bball!!" lmao so funny my god I'm dying
Jokes are generally about the tone of voice and the pace of your words...you gotta be there most of the time
Better complain
You're not wrong about that, which is why I think this thread tends to fall flat a lot of the time.
Is your new job stressin you out bruh? Most of your posts lately have been complaints.
Pull a Michael Brown
I don't see any ice