Nah I kinda agree with him. There are "young fun guys", and there are "settledown guys". Im a "settledown guy". While Im probably just as cynical as the guy who wrote this, Im not quite as negative. I know and accept my role life.
That sounds horrifying to me. I've always known that good things would eventually come to me. I'm the hero in my own novel. I banged around for years trying to narrow down what made me happy and I figured it out and I'm achieving it right now. If you just sit back and decide that everything is just going to be miserable and don't do anything to change it then that's exactly what will happen and it'll be your fault. And what an unfair way to view your potential mate; that she's just some used old cunt that gives you a piece once a week for room and board? I really would rather kill myself than have that sort of loser outlook. I kinda feel like you're born with a set of tools and in life you can either figure out how to use those tools and be happy or be lazy and just let them sit around and be miserable
Not really. It goes beyond just getting turned down. Been doing a lot of thinking. Lot of observing. Talking with my friends and family about life and relationships. Time and time again, the people like me, my friends, my cousins, etc are the ones like that guy above. Nice guys have no place in todays dating world. We're here for girls to fall back on when they want to settle down, but they dont want people like us until then. They'd rather be with dudes they can get drunk with and fuck.
You think that guy from the wizardchan is a "nice guy?" Because he sure sounds like a bitter, insecure asshole who would rather blame everyone else for his problems than himself.
How many girls have you tried to start a relationship with MC? Two? And thats enough to justify that all women just want to get drunk and fuck. THATS the reason they dont want to be with you )
There are tons of girls that dont believe in sex until marriage. Why dont you try and get one of them as a girlfriend? Oh wait, its because youre a pussy and when you try it half assed and they reject you, your retarded logic wouldnt be able to be justified.
Whatever. Like I said, these thoughts arent just stemming from me and this one rejection. Im forever going to be the "brother" type friend. It is what it is. But once again, Im letting my conflicting emotions get the best of me. I dont care. Or at least I shouldnt care. Im trying not to care. Go back to how I was a few months ago. My logic is sound, not "retard" logic.
I'm just not understanding how you're only finding girls that just wanna "drink and fuck". I know several girls that are still virgins and even my gf was one when we first started dating. Oh, and she also had never been drunk before too.
Not to mention I personally find girls that wanna wait until marriage are generally more judgemental and annoying than the ones who are more open about their sexuality, same goes for guys too.
I know for a fact there are girls that would like you, MC, but the current mindset you have isn't really helping your case at all man.
Not to mention I personally find girls that wanna wait until marriage are generally more judgemental and annoying than the ones who are more open about their sexuality, same goes for guys too.
the current mindset you have isn't really helping your case at all man.
im with you on that one. most people dont care as much as we think they do.
I know girls that are virgins too. Or at least I think they're virgins. They dont talk about sex or dating at all really. Obviously there are exceptions. But the majority I have met that are looking for romantic interaction are either interested in cheap one night stands, or are more interested in the physical over everything else. Not dudes like me. Dudes like me become the best friend. Obviously there are exceptions. I mean I do have one friend in a relationship right now, and he's a great dude. But they're already having sex and stuff. So he's not exactly in the same position.
Either that, or they're the type of girl that has been in a relationship for 6 years already, spanning all of high school, and are planning on marrying the person.
Long story short, I do feel like I know girls that would be interested in more than getting drunk and getting laid. But when it comes down to it, they look at me and dudes like me as "brothers" and "best friends", not potential boyfriends. So there has to be more to it.
The issue I believe enlies ( no idea how to spell that word) with the concept of's how I see it.. Mc and everyone else lol are all kind if correct.. There are many many girls out there who do exactly what that wizardfag posted, you can choose to accept it or not but it a lot of girls.. There are also many many girls who don't have any interest in drinking or getting as much sex as possible etc.. The problem I see that arises though with girls now adays is selfishness... And the blame of this is both guys and girls fault.. We live in a society now where girls pretty much run the show, Arlo can spew out a bunch of garbage about how men control everything and poor helpless women but in the dating world that's all a lot if horseshit.. Dating is supply and demand and girls of all colors and sizes are in the demand and not all men are in the demand so there is a skew.. Basically that means girls as a whole can get away with pretty much anything they desire cuz there will be four betas who will do whatever they most girls are brainwashed at a young age into believing this fucking fantasy fairy tale bullshit story of a perfect woman's life and most eat it up hook line and now girls have this image in their head of a perfect life and now have the boys in line to make all their dreams come true.. So over time girls have learned to exploit guys in order to get their fairy tale.. Not every girls fairy tale is exactly the same, but usually is pretty similar.. Think of just this one example, a girl could pretty much accomplish any sexual act they wish to desire, the supply on the other side is 100 percent there.. This is not true of the male counterpart etc.. Once these girls realized the hold all the power they became more selfish.. And I'm not blaming girls for this, it's human condition but that doesn't make it right either.. If you don't think compassion and empathy are lacking in today's modern dating world your fucking blind.. Girls these days are obsessed with achieving success in every aspect in their lives that some people have to be left in the wake of that success.. Pretty sad., and I'm not this big woman hater, I could write just as much about the downfalls of the modern dating man but people need to put the whole picture in perspective
that's such a gross over exaggeration.
That sounds horrifying to me. I've always known that good things would eventually come to me. I'm the hero in my own novel. I banged around for years trying to narrow down what made me happy and I figured it out and I'm achieving it right now. If you just sit back and decide that everything is just going to be miserable and don't do anything to change it then that's exactly what will happen and it'll be your fault. And what an unfair way to view your potential mate; that she's just some used old cunt that gives you a piece once a week for room and board? I really would rather kill myself than have that sort of loser outlook. I kinda feel like you're born with a set of tools and in life you can either figure out how to use those tools and be happy or be lazy and just let them sit around and be miserable
*tips fedora*
I am Groo
I cum goo
You think that guy from the wizardchan is a "nice guy?" Because he sure sounds like a bitter, insecure asshole who would rather blame everyone else for his problems than himself.
How many girls have you tried to start a relationship with MC? Two? And thats enough to justify that all women just want to get drunk and fuck. THATS the reason they dont want to be with you
There are tons of girls that dont believe in sex until marriage. Why dont you try and get one of them as a girlfriend? Oh wait, its because youre a pussy and when you try it half assed and they reject you, your retarded logic wouldnt be able to be justified.
drink a gallon of bleach.
I'm just not understanding how you're only finding girls that just wanna "drink and fuck". I know several girls that are still virgins and even my gf was one when we first started dating. Oh, and she also had never been drunk before too.
Not to mention I personally find girls that wanna wait until marriage are generally more judgemental and annoying than the ones who are more open about their sexuality, same goes for guys too.
I know for a fact there are girls that would like you, MC, but the current mindset you have isn't really helping your case at all man.
im with you on that one. most people dont care as much as we think they do.
He's not. Thats just what he wishes to believe.
Long story short, I do feel like I know girls that would be interested in more than getting drunk and getting laid. But when it comes down to it, they look at me and dudes like me as "brothers" and "best friends", not potential boyfriends. So there has to be more to it.
my head hurts
The issue I believe enlies ( no idea how to spell that word) with the concept of's how I see it.. Mc and everyone else lol are all kind if correct.. There are many many girls out there who do exactly what that wizardfag posted, you can choose to accept it or not but it a lot of girls.. There are also many many girls who don't have any interest in drinking or getting as much sex as possible etc.. The problem I see that arises though with girls now adays is selfishness... And the blame of this is both guys and girls fault.. We live in a society now where girls pretty much run the show, Arlo can spew out a bunch of garbage about how men control everything and poor helpless women but in the dating world that's all a lot if horseshit.. Dating is supply and demand and girls of all colors and sizes are in the demand and not all men are in the demand so there is a skew.. Basically that means girls as a whole can get away with pretty much anything they desire cuz there will be four betas who will do whatever they most girls are brainwashed at a young age into believing this fucking fantasy fairy tale bullshit story of a perfect woman's life and most eat it up hook line and now girls have this image in their head of a perfect life and now have the boys in line to make all their dreams come true.. So over time girls have learned to exploit guys in order to get their fairy tale.. Not every girls fairy tale is exactly the same, but usually is pretty similar.. Think of just this one example, a girl could pretty much accomplish any sexual act they wish to desire, the supply on the other side is 100 percent there.. This is not true of the male counterpart etc.. Once these girls realized the hold all the power they became more selfish.. And I'm not blaming girls for this, it's human condition but that doesn't make it right either.. If you don't think compassion and empathy are lacking in today's modern dating world your fucking blind.. Girls these days are obsessed with achieving success in every aspect in their lives that some people have to be left in the wake of that success.. Pretty sad., and I'm not this big woman hater, I could write just as much about the downfalls of the modern dating man but people need to put the whole picture in perspective
No wonder black dudes are taking over. They don't give a fuck what women want
black dudes are taking over cuz of social culture and they fuck better than white dudes