It was annoying as fuck trying to navigate through Crue tonight. Crowded and going up the ramp took like half an hour because idiots apparently don't know how to walk. After not moving for like ten mins this black guys next to me goes "Good thing this isn't a fuckin Slayer show. We would have all been dead by now." )
Watching The Simpsons episode where Lisa and Bart Ghost write Itchy and Scratchy episodes.
After telling Grandpa they submitted the episodes under his name: Lisa: "Grandpa, didn't you wonder why you were sitting around without doing any work and still getting paid?"
Grandpa: No, I thought the Democrats were back in power again )
Fuuuuck. How does Danny even begin to come up with the structure? And then remember it just build into another complex structure...
intension > ticks and leeches
Joe_MacMilan said:
Holy fuck no
Intension is an alright song. But it's a totally wasted song in a twelve song set
yeah because intension and not the fucking intermission is the waste.
I'm straight on not seeing that or wings/10,000 days live again rather hear other shit
Intermission is gay as we'll
First time I saw them though they say in front of the drums and smoked a joint though...everybody just kinds chilled and smoke down together
seen Rosetta, right in two and ticks
should have seen one of those songs. might as well add fucking vicarious on there.
rosetta stoned ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
Think I'm bout to beat it to porn and call it a night
singer of some band tonight
right when they came on stage "kill your mother"
right before some breakdown "drop out of school"
Devin: "That chick has a morbid angel shirt on"
Me: "where"
Devin" "that fat bitch to the right of you"
It was annoying as fuck trying to navigate through Crue tonight. Crowded and going up the ramp took like half an hour because idiots apparently don't know how to walk. After not moving for like ten mins this black guys next to me goes "Good thing this isn't a fuckin Slayer show. We would have all been dead by now."
Cousin was talking to my mom about dressing fashionably to go out. My mom said something along the lines of "what Nekrogoblikon isnt fashionable?".
Then mom says to my cousin: "will I ever have grandchildren?"
Cousin laughs
Me: probably not
Mom: i was joking
Me: i wasnt
Brother: yea, i wouldnt get my hopes up
This conversation was had last night
Just happened now
My dad, "I bought underwear today. Turning point in my life."
Watching The Simpsons episode where Lisa and Bart Ghost write Itchy and Scratchy episodes.
After telling Grandpa they submitted the episodes under his name:
Lisa: "Grandpa, didn't you wonder why you were sitting around without doing any work and still getting paid?"
Grandpa: No, I thought the Democrats were back in power again