New episodes are still pretty funny. They are really hit or miss. You're never gonna find hilarious ones, but there are some pretty funny ones. At least half the season is good.
When I was a 5th grader, Bart Simpson shirts were banned at our school lol. They thought The Simpsons were gonna bring the apocalypse or something back then
"Made the mistake of messaging a girl on OkCupid asking her about her thoughts on Jari crowdfunding the new Wintersun album. The first two words of her passionate, multiple paragraph response were "Devin Townsend.""
Over at my Uncles earlier. Little Cousin asks everyone what they wanna be for Halloween. Gets so excited even though its a while away.
Cousin: What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?
My Brother: I'm going to be a Democrat for Halloween. That way I can take half the candy from everyone who is outside trick-or-treating and give it to everyone who was too lazy to trick-or-treat
Simpsons at it's peak were goat. Haven't watched it prolly 5 years but I'm sure it sucks
Tbh I watched a new episode the other day and it was still pretty funny
When I was a 5th grader, Bart Simpson shirts were banned at our school lol. They thought The Simpsons were gonna bring the apocalypse or something back then
itchy and scratchy will desensitize america!!
"Made the mistake of messaging a girl on OkCupid asking her about her thoughts on Jari crowdfunding the new Wintersun album. The first two words of her passionate, multiple paragraph response were "Devin Townsend.""
And the thread that followed
Over at my Uncles earlier. Little Cousin asks everyone what they wanna be for Halloween. Gets so excited even though its a while away.
) died
Cousin: What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?
My Brother: I'm going to be a Democrat for Halloween. That way I can take half the candy from everyone who is outside trick-or-treating and give it to everyone who was too lazy to trick-or-treat
...and so goes the cycle
my tinder game
Tinder game too strong
holy fuck