Got a buddy whose a bit slow. Actual medical problems and shit but he likes to make fun of himself so today he goes "When God was passing out brains, I thought he said trains so I told him I'd catch the next one." Then he turns around and whispers "There was no next one"
Wrote Slayer on a dry erase board at the EMA building where I volunteer at. No one knew it was me so our Deputy Coordinator comes in and goes "There's that Slayer writing on the board again. Anyone know what that is? I think its that damn gang that runs around here hurting people" I thought my lungs were going to collapse because I was trying so hard not to laugh.
it was a YouTube comment faggot.
There is this thing called suicide you should try
there's this cool thing called probation you should try
my buddy joe commenting on some hot chick pic that something posted
" I'd eat her from her cooter to her tooter"
I just got Friendzoned by one beautiful girl, and this is the only thing that can calm me down...
What song?
Playing Taboo with gf and a few friends the other night
Gf: I tend to do this sometimes...I like to over___?
Me: React!
*time runs out*
the word was tip
They also called it graffiti and said if they found out who it was they would fine the person
my friend earlier, "literally every kid that lives at least an hour and a half away from Chicago, say they are from Chicago."
When I went to Chicago we stayed in Schaumburg. Yeah might as well just say chicago.
Some hotel across the street from an ikea.
By Woodfield? Thats like 5 minutes away from my house.