On the Go-Karts in Wisconsin Dells and then see these two girls get off their carts and start boxing on the racetrack -.- in front of their own kids.. GROW THE FUCK UP!!!
So today I had a family order 25 dollars worth of food, as soon a they sat down they brought the food back to me and were saying they want there money back....I asked him what was wrong with his burrito from what he ordered and he said it tasted like dog food..I continued to question him about it...he was cussing me out and what not...I told him I could give him his money back for everything except one item because it was 1/2 eaten and I'm not refunding 1/2 eaten food. Well he said " either your giving me all my money back or I'm call the cops"
I literally Yao minged him
This is where it gets good...they were obliviously a white trashy type of family...and at this point it was obivious to me the guy was trying some sort of scam...after a few more cus words from him I explained he needed to stop with the language or he could leave without any money...he continued to argue..finally asking me to talk to my boss ) should have seen his face when I told him I was the boss.
After some more badgering back and forth my assistant manager stepped in and lost his cool
He told the guy " you know what sir, if you don't like our good you can take your government Wellfare food stamps and go to meijers ( Midwest grocerie store) buy some food and cook it your damn self " ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
I had to have a talk withy assistant about never doing that again and to let me Handel the customer issues but I wanted to hi five him at the end ) =D>
My sister: I always have such a hard time shaving my legs in the shower because the water rinses off the shaving cream before I have time to finish. Me: even if you point the shower head toward the wall? My sister: you can move the shower head?! Me and my mom: )
Mark: She's on her way to Mikes. Jez: What?! I thought you told her about him saying he's only looking for a fuck monkey Mark: Yeah she told me that, as it turns out, sitting around eating bananas all day and getting fucked by Mike sounds pretty great to her.
aka bill
On the Go-Karts in Wisconsin Dells and then see these two girls get off their carts and start boxing on the racetrack -.- in front of their own kids.. GROW THE FUCK UP!!!
I literally Yao minged him
This is where it gets good...they were obliviously a white trashy type of family...and at this point it was obivious to me the guy was trying some sort of scam...after a few more cus words from him I explained he needed to stop with the language or he could leave without any money...he continued to argue..finally asking me to talk to my boss
After some more badgering back and forth my assistant manager stepped in and lost his cool
He told the guy " you know what sir, if you don't like our good you can take your government Wellfare food stamps and go to meijers ( Midwest grocerie store) buy some food and cook it your damn self "
I had to have a talk withy assistant about never doing that again and to let me Handel the customer issues but I wanted to hi five him at the end
Me: even if you point the shower head toward the wall?
My sister: you can move the shower head?!
Me and my mom:
Mark: She's on her way to Mikes.
Jez: What?! I thought you told her about him saying he's only looking for a fuck monkey
Mark: Yeah she told me that, as it turns out, sitting around eating bananas all day and getting fucked by Mike sounds pretty great to her.
Future roommate lmfao