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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    I've played it for like 2.5 hours so far and only beat the Bootleggers, the Pawns, the Horse, and the Western one in the plane so far
     I finished it. But as is tradition I played it with my youngest brother lol he got me into Cuphead so our spending time together has been multiple play through on different difficulties and trying to S rank everything. He texted me about the DLC and I took a personal day from work and headed out to my mom's to chill with him all day and play it. He was ecstatic lol still have yet to play it solo but we got stuck on that dogfight and the snowman fight for like 4 fucking hours. We breezed that final boss in like 20 mins though. He died like 4 seconds in and I couldn't save him in time =)) so I sat with clenched cheeks fighting it through on my own. He cheered like he just one a million dollars when I got it on the third try
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Found 2 more games on my back log that I haven't touched yet. Star Wars Fallen Jedi Order or whatever the hell it's called and the Medievil remake. Haven't played either obviously but I think I'm gonna jump into Medievil next. After two separate 70 hour playthroughs on Ghosts and Days Gone a simple game from the golden Era might be best. Have also never played rhe original Medievil but my little brother has the og for PS1. Should I play that through 1st or does the PS4 remake pull a Crash 1 and become the definitive way to play it?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Dime2 said:
    Found 2 more games on my back log that I haven't touched yet. Star Wars Fallen Jedi Order or whatever the hell it's called and the Medievil remake. Haven't played either obviously but I think I'm gonna jump into Medievil next. After two separate 70 hour playthroughs on Ghosts and Days Gone a simple game from the golden Era might be best. Have also never played rhe original Medievil but my little brother has the og for PS1. Should I play that through 1st or does the PS4 remake pull a Crash 1 and become the definitive way to play it?
    The MediEvil remake is great. Its def the "definitive version". You can also unlock the PS1 version by 100%ing the PS4 version. 

    Fantastic game though. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Also Jedi Fallen Order is good too. Its pretty buggy at times, and the backtracking can get a bit tedious, but its a solid game, and the best Star Wars story since Disney bought it by a metric landslide. 
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    edited August 2022
    The state of Vanguard right now is pretty hilarious lmao. For Season 5, they jus added what is essentially like a lazer gun, which would be way more at home in like Halo or something. So combine that wit the Terminator skins, and you essentially have a bunch of robots running around wit lazer space guns….in a WW2 game. And it ain’t even about being historically accurate because I promise you, I couldn’t possibly care any less about that lmao. But it’s the complete and utter lack of any kind of defining aesthetic and direction that makes it come off corny and ineffective. It almost feels like what they truly wanted to make was Advanced Warfare 2, (Sledgehammer developed the first one.) but Activision shoehorned them into making a WW2 game, so the bundles, guns, and skins were their way of trying to do both. Matter fact, I can almost guarantee that’s EXACTLY what happened. And throwing this lazer gun in on the final season, it feels like basically they know that as soon as MW2 drops, the player base will drop essentially to zero, so fuck it let’s throw in some off the wall shit for this final season while we still can. Ain’t nobody ever playing this again after these 2 months so why not lmao.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,969 spicy boy
    Jedi fallen order sucks. The story was cool, but the gameplay was not consistent in that game. 

    Hated the level design mostly though. It has a lot of good moments if you can get past the BS. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Also, finished The Siege Of Paris DLC on Valhalla over the weekend. Liked it a lot more than The Wrath Of The Druids. I especially liked the assassination missions on this one that called back to the original Assassin’s Creed style and were more of an open ended multiple choice sandbox style like Hitman. Granted, they were nowhere NEAR as complex as those assassinations, but I still appreciated the throwback, and it did a good job of making the DLC feel like it’s own separate thing away from the base game, whereas The Wrath Of The Druids truly was nothing but more of the same from the base game. This also has a different type of feel overall, felt a lot darker and more dreary, had a more “gothic” aesthetic overall. Overall enjoyed it tho, took about 13 hours to 100% it.

    Running thru Stray real quick starting today, and then knocking out Dawn Of Ragnarok after that before starting my next full game. Then Valhalla will finally be fully done lmao.
    Jedi fallen order sucks. The story was cool, but the gameplay was not consistent in that game. 

    Hated the level design mostly though. It has a lot of good moments if you can get past the BS. 
    Yeah honestly it was overrated as fuck. Cool story but awful level design and the game was one of he buggiest I've played in years. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Jedi fallen order sucks. The story was cool, but the gameplay was not consistent in that game. 

    Hated the level design mostly though. It has a lot of good moments if you can get past the BS. 
    Yeah honestly it was overrated as fuck. Cool story but awful level design and the game was one of he buggiest I've played in years. 
    It was really buggy, but the level design seemed pretty par for course for the type of game it was. It had some tedious elements, but still. 

    Maybe I was just so thirsty for ANYTHING remotely good Star Wars though, that it seemed much better to me because it wasnt absolute dog shit like literally every other thing lately. I'll be getting the second one, hopefully they dont fuck it up. Shame about the book though. 
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    I’m so fucking happy rn lmao finally fucking secured one.

    Fumbled the bag on day 1 of preorders and it’s been the biggest fucking struggle ever since. I paid for a month of the premium subscription of HotStock (Only $5) cause it gives you instant updates when something comes in stock. I caught this in stock a couple times but every time they sold out in literally seconds and wouldn’t let me add it to the cart. Finally got fucking lucky this time and secured one. Got damn that was a rush rn lmao.
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Jesus wtf is in it that makes it worth that much?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer

    Realistically it’s kinda overpriced but then again maybe not, obviously the game itself is $70 so it’s $190 for everything else and you get a decent amount of shit. And depending on how high quality that hammer is, model quality shit of that size like lil statues and shit go for as much as $150-$200 all on their own, so overall it’s pretty fair I’d say. Plus you get the extra DLC as well.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Dime2 said:
    Jesus wtf is in it that makes it worth that much?
    GoW fan are willing to pay it
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Sure but that’s about standard pricing for collector’s editions in general. Meaning the highest tier version obviously, not jus a steelbook or something. That Hogwarts Legacy one that jus dropped is even more, it’s $290. Gotham Knights one is $250 I believe, etc. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Damn so Destroy All Humans 2 does have some censorship

    They removed the Black Hippie dialogue, and removed the mission where you ruin the trans dude's life
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    edited September 2022
    Bro wtf is Halo Infinite doing. 😐 They released the roadmap up to June, and at the end of Season 2 in November, instead of doing Season 3, they’re doing an in-between seasons update that lasts 5 MONTHS until March. The battle pass for that is free, but it’s only 30 tiers, which can literally be finished in a week playing only an hour a day if you use double XP tokens. It does add 2 new maps, but again, that’s it for essentially half a year, and then the actual season 3 itself is only 3 months, from March to June. How is the full paid season even shorter than the free update? 😐 And it yet again will only add 1 new regular map, 1 BTB map. 

    That shit is sad bro. The gameplay itself is insanely fun but at the end of all that, it will be almost 2 years after release, and they are STILL drip feeding content.

    Oh, and couch co-op got cancelled altogether. You know, only the main feature that everybody was begging and waiting for. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    I heard that 343 commissioned a foreign developer for the game engine to save time and now the 343 developers have no idea how to make it work with new content
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    343 is so fucking incompotent. I hope Microsoft disbands them and gives Halo to one of the FPS centric studios they just acquired. They have Id, Raven Soft, Machine Games, hell they even have Treyarch and Infinity Ward. 343 have proven THREE fucking times now with a new mainline Halo title that they're incompotent and dont know wtf they're doing
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  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Finished Medievil. Oof. That was a rough one to get through but thankfully short. There's not a whole lot of interesting shit going on with characters or world building. The story never really drew me in and I didn't start actually enjoying the game until about 2/3rds of the way in (The ruins, ghost ship, castle etc were all stellar levels). I love the trade off you get with the Chalice mechanic since they're technically not required but you get better weapons for completing them. That's smart. 
        That's also about the only thing I enjoyed when it came to gameplay because holy shit, I know this game came out like 20 years ago, BUT HOLY FUCK IT PLAYS LIKE IT. The combat is absolute dogshit, my god. Just bad design and cheap one hit deaths due to broken and janky level design and not difficulty. Combat also isn't fun. The hit boxes are so inaccurate not helped by the awful camera, any scrub ass enemy can wipe away a health bar if you're not careful. To not fix any of this is inexcusable for a modern day remaster. 
        That being said, while the combat is broken and poorly designed, the story uninteresting, the characters completely forgettable personality wise, the game does look and sound absolutely wonderful. The aesthetic and design of the game world and the characters is gorgeous, lush and colorful and its helped by the fact that this is meant to be a spoopy game that didn't just go with a bland color pallet. The music also gets a big thumbs up. I wanted to love this, I really did but it's just not that interesting. I need one more trophy for the platinum, but it essentially involves replaying the entire I uninstalled it instead. 5/10
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