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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Halo Infinite is dead af 
    Define dead because it literally takes less than 30 seconds to find a game, every single time, regardless of time of day. 😐 Even if the player base had a severe dip, the game is still more than active. I get instant matchmaking consistently, so that’s all that ultimately matters. Meanwhile Vanguard, you can easily sit there for 3+ minutes for a game to start, only for it to STILL not be filled. THAT’S what dead is.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    I mean, I can find matches in Quake rn too. But that shit is deader than dead too 
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,969 spicy boy
    The daily concurrent player count is like 6k so yeah dead af
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Quake Champions released out of early access today! lmao
    After 5 years. 
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Spiritual successor to the Battle For Bikini Bottom remake. Meaning it’s a sequel to the original, jus in the art style of the remake. Actually really hype for this lol. Fun ass old school platformer, which are in short supply these days.

  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    I will stan collectothon platformers til the end of time
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Damn, new Saints Row got a 6 even from IGN. That’s basically a 2 anywhere else lmao. Kinda on the fence about getting it now. They’re notoriously generous and never give below a 7 so it’s GOTTA be bad for them to hit it wit a 6.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    Yeah I'm definitely not on the fence lmao
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    It's been looking awful. My brother pre-ordered it, I was like "why?" He's a big fan of the franchise, he even liked Agents Of Mayhem. But I dont think he'll even like this one, it looks so fucking bad. 
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,969 spicy boy
    I'm going to play it at some point. Probably not right away because it will need a few patches. 

    Some things look cool. The customization options they have are nice. 

    There's honestly not many new games to play right now though so 🤷 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Yea I’ll prolly jus wait til it’s like $30 in a month or so lol. Got more than enough of a backlog to play in the meantime.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Sony is Jewish as fuck. Was gonna cop a month of PS+ Extra to play Stray, same way I do Game Pass games, only to find out that you can’t buy only a month if you have an active subscription, and the only option is to upgrade the remainder of my year up to Extra, for like $32. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ That shit is so backwards. You CAN buy a month at a time too, but only if you don’t have a current subscription. It wouldn’t be a thing to jus simply let you pay for a month of Extra, and then if there’s any time left on your active subscription, it jus goes back down to Essentials after that month is over. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Just finished Days Gone. Another one I almost jumped ship on several times in the beginning (kind of the beginning, honestly the first 40% of the game is rough). Everything annoyed me early on. The characters and dialogue were predictable, cliche and cringey, the side missions had Assassin's Creed syndrome (there's like 90 but it's really 3 things done 30 times each) and it takes a hot minute before riding a motorcycle is any fun at all due to how easy it gets damaged early on and how fast you go through fuel. 
         That being said, when you reach the Lost Lake camp, the game finally starts to flesh out and the story becomes engaging. Also, I guess they were hiding all the good characters here because the other two camps prior were full of lifeless and annoying mother fuckers but I LOVED everyone here. This is also where the missions stop becoming repetitive and start taking some risks and it pays off big time. The game gets tense and we start getting some actual stakes. It's also at this point where I really noticed our main characters starting to actually grow and change. It's surprisingly subtle for a game this belligerent but it's done extremely well through out and by the end I really really cared about weather these characters made it out alive or not. 
          All that being said, the story misses alot of beats imo. It starts off sort of aimless, and then we get a really interesting mystery behind a rival gang whose leader winds up being related to your characters pre-zombie apocalypse and I found that an interesting and believable twist. Then they fuck that up and focus on how to fight the zombies lol I felt like those two story beats should have been swapped. The game does end on a bang regardless though so they stick the landing but there are so many points through out where it's an interesting or tense set up with a lousy or clumsy pay off or vice versa. Their are some humanizing moments that are done really well though and again, with a touch of subtlety I thought not capable of this game's writing. 
          The combat is nothing special at all. Stealth is extremely bare bones and the gunplay has been done a million times before. It's done well though so I guess better than it being broken. The open world isn't empty, I'll give them that but I feel like this game could have benefitted from being linear. 
        It's such a mixed bag. The story is like a Walking Dead/Sons of Anarchy fan fiction that starts off cringey and predictable and while it doesn't throw any mund boggling twists at you, it does get better as it goes and I did become invested. Deacon's character development gets an A+ and the game looks and plays well when you get the hang of bike upgrades and crafting. I don't feel like it needed to be an open world experience and Stealth could have used some work as well as hammering out some pacing issues during the story. This is also a long fucking game even without dicking around. They could have taken this from a 42 hour experience and easily made it 25 especially since it's almost never ambitious enough to earn its run time. I'd say 6/10. It's all been seen and done before but there is just enough love put into this to make it worth one single playthrough. I've heard rumblings of a sequel and there's alot to improve on so hopefully the team can work it out. Taking aside everything I've just said, they've still come a long, great way from Bubsy 3D lmao
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Sonic Frontiers dropping the day before Ragnarok. That is fucking BOLD lmao.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,969 spicy boy
    Different target audiences 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,969 spicy boy
    Dime2 said:
    Just finished Days Gone. Another one I almost jumped ship on several times in the beginning (kind of the beginning, honestly the first 40% of the game is rough). Everything annoyed me early on. The characters and dialogue were predictable, cliche and cringey, the side missions had Assassin's Creed syndrome (there's like 90 but it's really 3 things done 30 times each) and it takes a hot minute before riding a motorcycle is any fun at all due to how easy it gets damaged early on and how fast you go through fuel. 
         That being said, when you reach the Lost Lake camp, the game finally starts to flesh out and the story becomes engaging. Also, I guess they were hiding all the good characters here because the other two camps prior were full of lifeless and annoying mother fuckers but I LOVED everyone here. This is also where the missions stop becoming repetitive and start taking some risks and it pays off big time. The game gets tense and we start getting some actual stakes. It's also at this point where I really noticed our main characters starting to actually grow and change. It's surprisingly subtle for a game this belligerent but it's done extremely well through out and by the end I really really cared about weather these characters made it out alive or not. 
          All that being said, the story misses alot of beats imo. It starts off sort of aimless, and then we get a really interesting mystery behind a rival gang whose leader winds up being related to your characters pre-zombie apocalypse and I found that an interesting and believable twist. Then they fuck that up and focus on how to fight the zombies lol I felt like those two story beats should have been swapped. The game does end on a bang regardless though so they stick the landing but there are so many points through out where it's an interesting or tense set up with a lousy or clumsy pay off or vice versa. Their are some humanizing moments that are done really well though and again, with a touch of subtlety I thought not capable of this game's writing. 
          The combat is nothing special at all. Stealth is extremely bare bones and the gunplay has been done a million times before. It's done well though so I guess better than it being broken. The open world isn't empty, I'll give them that but I feel like this game could have benefitted from being linear. 
        It's such a mixed bag. The story is like a Walking Dead/Sons of Anarchy fan fiction that starts off cringey and predictable and while it doesn't throw any mund boggling twists at you, it does get better as it goes and I did become invested. Deacon's character development gets an A+ and the game looks and plays well when you get the hang of bike upgrades and crafting. I don't feel like it needed to be an open world experience and Stealth could have used some work as well as hammering out some pacing issues during the story. This is also a long fucking game even without dicking around. They could have taken this from a 42 hour experience and easily made it 25 especially since it's almost never ambitious enough to earn its run time. I'd say 6/10. It's all been seen and done before but there is just enough love put into this to make it worth one single playthrough. I've heard rumblings of a sequel and there's alot to improve on so hopefully the team can work it out. Taking aside everything I've just said, they've still come a long, great way from Bubsy 3D lmao
    I'm considering grabbing this on a pc sale knew of these days
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,030 spicy boy
    Different target audiences 
    Yep, I'm getting Sonic Frontiers day one. Will not be getting Ragnarok day one. 
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,003 jayfacer
    Different target audiences 
    Not the point. Frontiers is already a game that has a lot of doubt and skepticism around it, and you wanna drop it a day before the most hyped game of the entire year. It’s jus a bad move business wise and it will guaranteed hurt the release week sales. Some people, like me, will cop both, but for the people who can only cop one or will only cop one for the time being cause they won’t be playing both at the same time, Ragnarok will get the overwhelming majority of those sales. There was already heavy rumors that most developers are avoiding November releases strictly cause of Ragnarok.
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,928 jayfacer
    Dime2 said:
    Just finished Days Gone. Another one I almost jumped ship on several times in the beginning (kind of the beginning, honestly the first 40% of the game is rough). Everything annoyed me early on. The characters and dialogue were predictable, cliche and cringey, the side missions had Assassin's Creed syndrome (there's like 90 but it's really 3 things done 30 times each) and it takes a hot minute before riding a motorcycle is any fun at all due to how easy it gets damaged early on and how fast you go through fuel. 
         That being said, when you reach the Lost Lake camp, the game finally starts to flesh out and the story becomes engaging. Also, I guess they were hiding all the good characters here because the other two camps prior were full of lifeless and annoying mother fuckers but I LOVED everyone here. This is also where the missions stop becoming repetitive and start taking some risks and it pays off big time. The game gets tense and we start getting some actual stakes. It's also at this point where I really noticed our main characters starting to actually grow and change. It's surprisingly subtle for a game this belligerent but it's done extremely well through out and by the end I really really cared about weather these characters made it out alive or not. 
          All that being said, the story misses alot of beats imo. It starts off sort of aimless, and then we get a really interesting mystery behind a rival gang whose leader winds up being related to your characters pre-zombie apocalypse and I found that an interesting and believable twist. Then they fuck that up and focus on how to fight the zombies lol I felt like those two story beats should have been swapped. The game does end on a bang regardless though so they stick the landing but there are so many points through out where it's an interesting or tense set up with a lousy or clumsy pay off or vice versa. Their are some humanizing moments that are done really well though and again, with a touch of subtlety I thought not capable of this game's writing. 
          The combat is nothing special at all. Stealth is extremely bare bones and the gunplay has been done a million times before. It's done well though so I guess better than it being broken. The open world isn't empty, I'll give them that but I feel like this game could have benefitted from being linear. 
        It's such a mixed bag. The story is like a Walking Dead/Sons of Anarchy fan fiction that starts off cringey and predictable and while it doesn't throw any mund boggling twists at you, it does get better as it goes and I did become invested. Deacon's character development gets an A+ and the game looks and plays well when you get the hang of bike upgrades and crafting. I don't feel like it needed to be an open world experience and Stealth could have used some work as well as hammering out some pacing issues during the story. This is also a long fucking game even without dicking around. They could have taken this from a 42 hour experience and easily made it 25 especially since it's almost never ambitious enough to earn its run time. I'd say 6/10. It's all been seen and done before but there is just enough love put into this to make it worth one single playthrough. I've heard rumblings of a sequel and there's alot to improve on so hopefully the team can work it out. Taking aside everything I've just said, they've still come a long, great way from Bubsy 3D lmao
    I'm considering grabbing this on a pc sale knew of these days
     Its worth a run through. The first portion of it is rough though. I'd say do it if it's on sale for like $30. Definitely don't pay full price for it 
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