I am fucking lit today. Yesterday my car had some issues when i went on lunch. it has 225k miles and i have a 12 volt battery that needs replacing, and it died when i got gas.
So anyways, i left it there until i could get help later in the day. I have 8 hours floating holiday, so i asked my boss at 10 am if i could leave at 1:30 to take care of the issue. So i didn't have to do it after work and get home late ect.
She said no because i have to put it in the night before.
Well today Nancy told us all she is leaving to receive a delivery. No notice. no anything. Fucking cunts.
I can deal with a lot of BS, but one thing i can not deal with is the fucking secretary having more privileges than me. I make the company money. Bitch takes calls. and isn't even good at it.
Do you really have to ask her if you can leave? Just tell her “hey I have to leave at 1:30 today.” If she says no tell her you weren’t asking for permission, you were doing her the courtesy of informing her. What’s the worst that can happen? If they write you up or drag you to HR point out they do the same shit.
So i think i mentioned how my sales leader doesn't want us leaving the office during the week, but that we are supposed to work 8 hours minimum in the field.
Well today her assistant told me that employee relations told her she has to let us work in the field. So Basically she was hinting to me that i should just do it, and not even report it/tell her, and if she tries to write me up just call employee relations.
That pretty much solves all my problems if i were to have any. Me and the other guy training with me are shooting to get our names on the top of the list boi.
So awhile back I was complaining about the newbie hires at my job that they hired for the new branch we're opening. 2 of the first 3 new bankers already quit )
I'm taking the week of Christmas off to go to Denver and see family and go to the wrestling show with my dad and my boss just asked if I would consider postponing my vacation to help open the new branch. That's gonna be a no for me dawg
We got three new employees and they suck. Two are ok, but they ask to leave early every single day, and they suddenly dont have the hour availability they said they did when we hired them. The third guy is awful though. Fucks shit up all the time, no initiative. He just sits there trying to preach about how great China and Communism are while we do all the real work.
Then my brother has a new employee too. He works at a lab that tests water for chemicals. This new chick apparently does everything wrong, takes forever to do her job, and gets an attitude when you tell her she's fucking up.
One of them was the boomer who can't operate a computer. He quit cuz he couldn't get the hang of everything and is close to retirement age so he's just gonna stay home for a few months and live off his savings before looking for a different job.
The other is gen z. Nice girl but she didn't realize that being a banker is a sales role we get paid hourly but the real money is off the bonuses for meeting your sales goals. And it's pretty cut throat, if you're not meeting your numbers our boss is on your ass which she didn't like so she quit.
Older people are the worst co workers to have by far in my experience. They refuse to adapt to change and are generally unpleasant to be around. Plus they all use ellipses (those little dots at the end of a sentence...) and it drives me up a fucking wall having to read passive aggressive emails from them all the time. They also tend to kiss the most ass to the higher ups. Just fucking retire already.
Work is weird. One of my best work friends is an old ass man that’s gonna retire next year. There is actually a bunch of people here retiring in the spring, but he’s the only one I like. We shoot the shit every morning and he gives me all the hot plant gossip.
My job doesn't ask for receipts for meal reimbursement unless it's over 40 bucks so when I travel I just eat fast food and say each meal was 35-39 bucks and just pocket the cash.
Everyone thinks I'm crazy I traveled with a coworker one time and she wanted to go to the cheesecake factory and I said hell nah ill drop you off and go to taco bell )
Bitch wrote me up for going to the courthouse to get a court decree from when i was 18.
My state licenses were issued by the time i got back to the office. I needed that to have my Job code changed and get paid my bonus.
Shes a fucking cunt for that.
I am fucking lit today. Yesterday my car had some issues when i went on lunch. it has 225k miles and i have a 12 volt battery that needs replacing, and it died when i got gas.
So anyways, i left it there until i could get help later in the day. I have 8 hours floating holiday, so i asked my boss at 10 am if i could leave at 1:30 to take care of the issue. So i didn't have to do it after work and get home late ect.
She said no because i have to put it in the night before.
Well today Nancy told us all she is leaving to receive a delivery. No notice. no anything. Fucking cunts.
i have to stay 12 months to not pay back the 5k bonus lmao
If she says no tell her you weren’t asking for permission, you were doing her the courtesy of informing her. What’s the worst that can happen? If they write you up or drag you to HR point out they do the same shit.
I was written up recently though so im just letting it cool off, and for myself to get some money on the books before i just do what i want.
This old man came in today and when nancy was helping him he said verbatim "your life must not be very interesting"
it took everything in me not to fall down on the floor rolling laughing. She was so insulted lmao.
Well today her assistant told me that employee relations told her she has to let us work in the field. So Basically she was hinting to me that i should just do it, and not even report it/tell her, and if she tries to write me up just call employee relations.
That pretty much solves all my problems if i were to have any. Me and the other guy training with me are shooting to get our names on the top of the list boi.
When i was looking for a job, they had an add out and ended up deciding they didn't need a rep in my state at the time.
So like every 45 days I just shoot them a follow up email with my resume in it and am like hey I'm still here haha.
Well they reached out and want to do a zoom meeting next week.
I'm taking the week of Christmas off to go to Denver and see family and go to the wrestling show with my dad and my boss just asked if I would consider postponing my vacation to help open the new branch. That's gonna be a no for me dawg
We got three new employees and they suck. Two are ok, but they ask to leave early every single day, and they suddenly dont have the hour availability they said they did when we hired them. The third guy is awful though. Fucks shit up all the time, no initiative. He just sits there trying to preach about how great China and Communism are while we do all the real work.
Then my brother has a new employee too. He works at a lab that tests water for chemicals. This new chick apparently does everything wrong, takes forever to do her job, and gets an attitude when you tell her she's fucking up.
Gen Z isnt equipped for the work force.
The other is gen z. Nice girl but she didn't realize that being a banker is a sales role
Not only have I made about 150 after paying for gas but I get 20 q day for breakfast (who tf eats breakfast)
And 25 for lunch.
Lunch at AAA world headquarters is about 8 dollars for a 4 course mall lunch.
So you make 30+ a day with lunch dinner.
Tonight I ate pizza that ordered with my $60 + night allowance for dinner last night, and spent my 60 for tonight at the bar.
AAA rules
Everyone thinks I'm crazy I traveled with a coworker one time and she wanted to go to the cheesecake factory and I said hell nah ill drop you off and go to taco bell
I just didn't eat breakfast. So I made 100 this week for just doing my normal routine.
Then they have a cafeteria where I can eat lunch for 6 bucks haha. $$$$$