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Mental Health



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    Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,471 spicy boy
    Pops is going to have to have the Brock lesnar surgery. Essentially they are going to take out the part of his colon that is all fucked up. 

    Hes gonna have to wear a poop bag for 3-6 months. 

    After that though i think his outlook will be pretty good. Hope he does good in surgery though. Hes getting checked by lung/heart doctors today to make sure hes good to go into surgery. 
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    Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,470 moneytalker
    Glad they’re gonna patch him up. Plus you’ll get to make plenty of shit bag jokes so that’s a bonus. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
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    Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,471 spicy boy
    Yeah I'm pretty pumped about the jokes part lol. 

    He's actually doing pretty well when I talked to him yesterday. It sucks that he's 45 minutes away because I can't just stop in and see him with us only having one car at the moment. 

    But when I talked to him yesterday his spirits were up because he just wants to feel normal again, and they brought someone in to explain how it will work, and they told him he will be able a soon after the surgery. 

    He said he just wants to be walk the dog lol.
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    Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,471 spicy boy
    Pops made it through surgery pretty well off. He had what is called a loop ileostomy. basically this cut his intestin and colon and attached those to a bag outside the body while everything heals up. Then they will sew him back together. 

    Hes got a massive scar. Goes from below his belly button to almost his chest. But they cut out about 7 inches of intestines that were bad. 

    Hes doing well. Hes in pain but should be out of the hospital in about a week. 
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    FLATFLAT Posts: 60,594 spicy boy
    He get any good drugs?
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    SATANSATAN Posts: 25,815 spicy boy
    Good luck to him. That’s a pretty massive undertaking 
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    Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,471 spicy boy
    FLAT said:
    He get any good drugs?
    they got him on IV pain killers. 

    Oxy which he claims doesn't work, and Dilantin.  
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    FLATFLAT Posts: 60,594 spicy boy
    Damn he got the good stuff. When I got my kidney stone morphine didn’t do Shit but when they hit me with that Dilaudid I was in heaven 
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    SATANSATAN Posts: 25,815 spicy boy
    Dilaudid is the OG

    They gave me that after my back surgery in 2001
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    Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,471 spicy boy
    yeah i didn't know exactly how it was spelled lol. But yeah. He isn't so bad that they gave him a button, but he gets it at regular intervals. 

    What type of back surgery did you have @SATAN   That shit always scares me because i dont feel like ive meant anyone whos had major back surgery that isn't like always in pain lol. 

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    FLATFLAT Posts: 60,594 spicy boy
    I kept asking for it because I didn’t have a button I was like fuck this. Also I googled how to spell it. 
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    Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,471 spicy boy
    Talked to my dad today and it turns out it was 12 inches of his colon lmao. Jesus.
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    SATANSATAN Posts: 25,815 spicy boy
    yeah i didn't know exactly how it was spelled lol. But yeah. He isn't so bad that they gave him a button, but he gets it at regular intervals. 

    What type of back surgery did you have @SATAN   That shit always scares me because i dont feel like ive meant anyone whos had major back surgery that isn't like always in pain lol. 

    I’ve been in constant pain since around August of 2000. I was working at a paper company and a stack of skids fell on me in the warehouse. Herniated my L5 and S1 discs and they eventually had to be removed. I spent a year trying to rehab before I gave in and had the surgery. That year was insane because doctors just dumped an assload of painkillers on me, to the point where I ended up with an ulcer. The surgery alleviated the pain, but I’m fucked for life. I was 22 when I got the surgery. If I’d had any idea what sort of pain I’d be dealing with and for how long, I would’ve held out for more money in my lawsuit. I’ve had to learn how to mostly deal with the pain on my own. As part of my settlement, I got a year of free healthcare from the company. When that ended and they cut off my painkillers I thought I was gonna go insane. I lost a beautiful girlfriend I had at the time because the withdrawals I experienced made me a raging asshole. I have nerve damage, so there’s constant pain  and burning sensations going down my left leg and my left foot is mostly numb. A couple of years ago, I stepped in broken glass and my foot was so numb that I couldn’t feel it and it had blown up with infection before I realized what had happened
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    Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,471 spicy boy
    Jesus man that sucks. 
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