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    FLAT said:
    FLAT said:
    FLAT said:
    “I trust the science”

    >science proves weed is good medicinally but big pharma still keeps it illegal. 

    And I’m out. 
    Legal where I live. Sorry Iowa is full of morons 
    Same morons telling me to wear a mask and trust the science. 
    > Iowa is a majority republican state
    > Republicans are anti-mask
    > Republicans are anti-weed


    So you’re saying the people in charge here are morons? We shouldn’t have morons with no common sense in charge. And inb4govote. We shouldn’t have to vote for people to have common sense. 
    Not only am I saying that morons are in charge there, but I am saying everyone who voted for those morons are also morons. Sucks to suck. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,665 spicy boy
    My guy said I’m smart 😎
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,665 spicy boy
    edited April 2021
    We should have an aptitude test or an iq test to hold office or something. Fucking retards run shit. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,597 spicy boy
    Would you pass? 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,597 spicy boy
    edited April 2021
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,665 spicy boy
    Hmm is weed medicinal and should be off schedule 1? Yes. 

    Yep passed. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,665 spicy boy
    Is weed worse than meth? Nope. Reschedule. 

    Yep passed. 

    The science though. 
    Would you pass? 
    Todd's last few comments in this thread suggest no
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,528 moneytalker
    FLAT said:
    “I trust the science”

    >science proves weed is good medicinally but big pharma still keeps it illegal. 

    And I’m out. 
    The science isn’t the problem, it’s the greed of people. Big Pharma can’t patent a plant. They can make more selling pills that try to what weed does naturally. If you medicate yourself with a plant you can grow yourself, they just lost potential customer profits. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    Ive had COVID twice now. Last month my 63 year old parents and 3 month old daughter had it. My mom took it the worst, but she was over it in less than a week and mostly just had to stay in bed. Dad barely showed any signs at all. Daughter took it mostly like a head cold. These are the demographics that are supposedly the most at-risk.

    Last year, when I had it the first time, the hospital didn’t even take it seriously because it was before they started the shutdown. I believe the virus is a real thing, but I think the danger is heavily overblown. I’ve known 2 people that have been vaccinated now and both got much sicker than anyone I’ve known that had the virus.

    Nobody here ever wore masks. Walmart and Kroger and such put up signs stating masks were required, but everyone just ignored them and nobody enforced them. 

    I actually think this is a huge problem. I feel like once we get down the road and realize this whole thing is mostly just a bunch of overreaction, it’s going to be seriously dangerous when a truly deadly virus comes along. Like the boy who cried wolf. 

    I believe in science, but I also know it’s corrupted by capitalism. Not trying to be a dick, but I think you have to be naive not to take that into account. Especially with all the reports about the type of money that’s been made by a small handful during the pandemic. 

    I won’t be getting vaccinated.
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    Well that's an incredibly disappointing read. 

    I mean, surely you understand that symptoms from a vaccine are fundamentally different than an illness caused by a virus, right? You seem to be equating to drastically different types of reactions 

    I also gotta ask, should we really care that much about your anecdotal experience? Are we supposed to be shocked that people in a higher risk category didn't get deathly ill? That happens, we know people in a higher risk demo aren't all just going to get sick and die, but a non statistically insignificant amount of people are negatively affected by this pandemic. We are going to have around what, 600,000 Americans die of this virus, WITH mitigation measures in place. And just cause you didn't see people wearing masks at your local Walmart doesn't mean that these measures didn't make a difference. We basically didn't even have a flu season this year thanks to them. 

    I don't want to come off as dramatic, but you're honestly doing a disservice to the world by not getting vaccinated against COVID. You'll prolly not be badly affected by it, which will confirm your priors that this was overblown from the start, but collective vaccination is going to get us out of this mess, and it's so frustrating to see you unwilling to help that. 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    edited April 2021
    You are not a dumb guy, and I actually appreciate your skepticism of authority and government entities. However, I think that skepticism can cause you to overthink certain situations like this. This is a worldwide problem, not just one country trying to take advantage of its citizens. Unbiased medical experts across the board support the vaccines. They've been shown to work in real world application. Israel is nearing herd immunity thanks to them. 

    If the vaccines are honestly worse than the virus, then what's the endgame for the people supporting them? Many that praise them don't make a dime from them, they're doctors and scientists that understand how these vaccines work and know the importance of having a population come together to take them so we can get past this shit already. What's in it for them? What are the dangers of these vaccines in your opinion?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,597 spicy boy
    edited April 2021

    This is the kind of stuff that scares me about covid. Its not really the virus, its some
    of the after effects we are seeing. 

    Sure you can say this is rare, but what if it was my kid who was one of these 30 lids developing this weird condition. Id be devastated for them. 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    I haven't been exactly afraid of COVID since the first few months of the pandemic. But, I've been afraid that I'd be a carrier that only ends up exacerbating the problem. The odds of getting seriously ill are small, but I look at it this way, if we all accepted a 1% chance of death every day then odds are we'd all be dead within 4 months. Plus, long COVID is pretty legit scary and it may take years to fully understand exactly how bad it is. I'm going to try and mitigate my risks as much as I can, without going overboard. I think the mitigation measures are supported by the data. I can't even begin to imagine how bad this all would have been without those measures being put in place. 

    That being said, I'm starting to get rather annoyed with the "you still need to socially distance and stay home after you're vaccinated" crowd. From what I've read and researched about these vaccines, I'm going to feel fully confident going out once the full effectiveness kicks in and already have 2 flights planned and a slew of restaurants I'm going out to. I cannot freaking wait. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,597 spicy boy
    Oh yeah ima party hard here in a few weeks. 
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy

    Pt 1

    It’s more than one thing that helped me make this decision. I just think what COVID actually is isn’t worth all the hoopla that’s come with it. It’s a lot like the flu. From personal experience, a weak version of the flu. I understood the precautions in the  beginning because it seemed rational to want to put a lid on something that might be deadly. But it’s a year later now and things never got worse. They had everyone scared of “what if it mutates???” But it didn’t mutate into anything horrible. 

    This is all a symptom of a larger distrust though. We watch as time and time again, the govt either reinforces its negative bullshit or just sits back and allows corporate interests to dominate us. Our voice means nothing. They steamroll us whenever they want. It doesn’t matter how many celebs support the cause. 

    For instance, if they want to build a pipeline through native burial grounds, they’ve shown they will send in some brutes to rough up and arrest the protesters and do it and nobody will really do anything about it. We all saw it happening and got mad about it, but that didn’t stop anything. And situations like this happen all the time.

    There were the bank bailouts nobody supported. Recently, we had the robinhood drama with the GameStop stocks. There’s the continued epidemic police aggression that nobody will deal with and they make it worse by letting the murderers go. Jeff Epstein was given a tiny slap on the wrist before reporters finally outed his sweetheart deal. Then he got suicided. There’s a pattern: protect the rich by all means and keep the masses in line. And keeping the masses in line usually means keeping us afraid.

    As an Middle-aged American, I’m still very much stung by the Patriot Act. I’ve seen how our govt has exploited fear to heavily invade our privacy. And I’ve watched subsequent years go by with no democrat intervention. Barack was my last straw. They leveraged the visceral disdain everyone had for George W. Bush to get people to vote for him. I was like that. I had never voted for a major party candidate prior to him. But they stung me, along with anyone else that was paying attention. He didn’t do anything he promised. He had the exact same scenario as Biden has now with a Democrat congressional majority. But instead of just swinging his dick and pushing his agenda, he watered down bills like the healthcare Bill even though he didn’t have to. Then he fucking signed off on the extension of the evil Patriot Act. He continued the wars. It was on his watch that Eric Garner and Mike Brown ended up dead and unavenged...among others. I could go on. In the end, Barack was just a puppet like the rest. It was a little embarrassing in hindsight to trust him. He was just an eloquent speaker. 

    Biden finds himself in the same position with a majority in Congress and is already treading the same path. Its pretty burned into me now that they don’t give a fuck about us or our interests or pleas. They care about who is paying them.

    Big Pharma has too much power and little accountability. My wife had hernia mesh surgery in 2014. Ever since then, she’s suffered from autoimmune issues. Having to study into the process by which the govt approves medical treatments was eye opening. It turned out that the mesh was approved through something called a 510(k) exception where Covidian just told the govt that it was close to something else that had been previously approved. Based on that, despite the product only being in development for just 4 months and with no human trials, it was approved. 

    The mesh is plastic, with barbs that burrow into the abdominal wall. It cannot be removed without major reconstructive surgery. It was covered with pig secretions to trick the body into not rejecting it, but once those secretions melt away the body starts to exhibit a lot of the same symptoms as Lyme disease and lupus. The only tests this product was put through was on sheep in France. 

    My wife now has chronic pain, fatigue, her eyes and teeth have declined. Now the fun part: Since no recall has been triggered for her specific mesh, no attorney will help. Every different version of this mesh is approved separately. So while a recall is out on one product that’s nearly identical to several others, the other products aren’t necessarily recalled. My wife’s hernia mesh surgery was one of 10 of it’s type in medical history. So the likelihood of this specific product being recalled is next to nil. And it’s not that we can’t sue, it’s just that we can’t find an attorney that’s willing to take on Big Pharma’s army of attorneys without it being a class action with a verified recall. 

    From working in law, I’ve viewed first-hand how the line between govt bodies and those they’re appointed to govern is alarmingly thin. I’ve seen where attorneys that built cases for clients were later hired by trustee offices where they objected to those same cases. It’s a major conflict of interest, but it happens all the time.

    Many govt regulators have this conflict, especially the ones that aren’t sexy enough for the public at large to pay attention to. John Oliver did a segment about it a few years ago where they found that the SEC regulators were former employees of the banks they were regulating. After their terms ended, they went right back to working for the banks. It’s been like that for decades. The govt functions like this everywhere. Think of Dick Cheney: he stepped down as CEO of Halliburton to become VP under Bush. Halliburton then gobbles up a ton of no-bid contracts during his tenure.

    Next, you have the science issue with what’s called peer-review. Basically, when medical tests are completed and the scientists make their findings public, the findings are then put through peer-review. This is how our society evaluates science. The issue is that most of these findings are of little interest or consequence to most doctors and scientists. Then you have the issue of resources. 

    Most scientists are either students or employed by large corporations. While some may have hobbies, most of their work is for-hire. Science is subjective to a certain extent, mainly based on the test subjects. It’s been shown in studies that if you remove or ignore certain variables, one could come up with all sorts of scientific conclusions. So if a company decides to have several of their scientists peer-review to confirm a finding of one of their coworkers, their findings will become scientific “fact”. They can also use these means to discredit science they don’t agree with. 

    Next, you have these tech oligarchs that have taken to censoring COVID “facts” they don’t like, removing and banning posts and videos that don’t follow the official narrative. When you have nurses and doctors questioning what’s going on, I feel like you should listen to them. It’s odd to me that facts and science mean so much to people, but when those that work on the frontline raise red flags, they get dismissed and shamed. 

    We still exist under the same govt that assures us that Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman and that tower 3 wasn’t brought down by a demolition team. We KNOW they lie to us. Why is this any different? And now our govt has given immunity to the corporations developing these vaccines against legal liability to their negative side effects. No regulation. Just carte Blanche to serve us up any concoction they please. I’m not interested. 

  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    Pt 2

    Honestly, I don’t even believe most people really fear the virus. I think a lot of people are fine with being lazy and collecting unemployment. I have no problem with that, really. I get it. The glaring issue is people’s inability to halt regular life. They act like wearing a mask is enough. 

    Consider if the virus was something really scary, like Ebola. Do you think they would still be having sporting events? But no, life goes on with a heavy case of denial. All these ridiculous COVID protocols that essentially mean nothing. If people really thought they were gonna die from human contact, we would’ve all been holed up at home the last year. I went to the movies to see Godzilla v Kong and they had three seat separations between us and the people to the right or left of us, but people directly in front and behind. What a joke. Ive seen doctors refer to masks keeping the virus at bay as similar to using a chain fence to keep out mosquitoes. 

    Sadly, I think a lot of this has to do with the politicizing of the virus. The Fauci vs Trump shit has a lot of people fucked up. Like if you aren’t on the fear-the-virus bandwagon, you’re automatically a Trump/Qanon troglodyte. 

    It’s made life fairly difficult for me because most of my friends are brunch libs, especially my artsy friends. I was recently invited to secret gathering of artists, filmmakers and comedians that are having a hard time with the zealotry our peers are exhibiting. People are getting downright fascist about the vaccine. I’m not even mad at other people getting the vax. To me, it’s none of my business. You do you, Booboo. But when they start talking about stupid shit like Vaccine passports that will condemn people for opting out, that’s where I get really uneasy. 

    Tl;dr: Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me

  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    These show the overlap between our govt and corporate employees 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,282 mod
    Just had a friend get out of the hospital after a week cause of Covid. My 69 year old uncle who has prostate cancer got it and went to the hospital and got sent home same day but he is fine now. I also had a friend who lost both of his parents at the same time to it. No clue as to why some people get it bad and die and some don’t. All I know is I don’t want it. I’ll do my part and wear my mask and get vaxxed up. 

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