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  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    But whatever. I say open up and let's go already. Wear a mask is that's what we need to do. How come I can go to Walmart but not the mall? Makes no sense. Social Distance? Yea. Like mf''ers are distancing at Walmart. So many brick and mortar ain't gonna survive this. Pretty sad. 
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner

    One can make the case for massive inflation coming our way due to the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates back down to zero and pumping trillions of dollars into the economy through Quantitative Easing (QE) and increasing the money supply.

    Then there’s Congress, which is spending money like water and running the deficits up from $1 trillion to $4 trillion or more.

    The end result is surely a new round of inflation not unlike the 1970s. That’s why gold is moving back up. I would not be surprised to see gold go over $2,000 an ounce within the next year or two.

  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    Xeno said:
    Literally what about what I said would even make you think I support Bernie's economics you dense fuck

    Every time you open your mouth it's like The Hangover
    "You are literally too stupid to insult"
    "Thank you"
    On smarter than you Mr. king of the left lane. I hope dot breaks it off in your ass and fines you 1000 for your first eld violation. Word
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    Like I said...INFLATION
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    Fuck it's good to be back. Missed you all
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    Reborn said:
    On smarter than you 
    did you miss some keys there buddy
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    Trump did change some things that directly affect me AND YOU  if you ever get on the road and if you own a home. Oh wait. Nm..just affected me. It's called no more itemizing but for the greater good of the country which had prob. The best growth it has ever seen I swallowed it respectfully.  Pls..just stfu.  You know very little of what you are talking about. Have fun on the road JB. Go back and read about inflation. 
    Yes Gary you're the only person in America that owns a home and drives a truck for a living. God its like you dont even think about the stupid shit you post before you post it.

    And yeah Gary, taxing both mine and your meager income more by taking away deductions is "for the good of the country" you get fucked in the ass and you take it willingly like a sheep.

    Tell me, why doesn't Trump tax Amazon and these other billion dollar companies that pay almost nothing? Wasn't he supposed to "drain the swamp?" Because he's a shill just like the rest of the career politicians. 
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    One day you'll get it. Probably not anytime soon. You're just a stupid fucking millenial who thinks you know everything and is entitled to anything you want. Your generation is a joke for the most part. You prob. Agree with AOC and the rest if the squad.  
    One day I'll get what? That sheeps like you enjoy swallowing government cock and cant stop and think for yourself which allows our government to take advantage of us?

    What exactly am i acting entitled about Gary? I pay my taxes just like you. I'm not asking for handouts. I have a good job, benefits, a car, a house just like you.

    You're just too stupid to think for yourself. Republicans hate tax increases and call it socialism but Trump takes away your deductions which is a defacto tax increase and you take it like a bitch because Daddy Trump did it. If Obama did it you would be cursing his name. 

    And I'm not putting this solely on Trump. Obama is a shill. So is Hilary. Biden. Bush. All of the fuckers in Washington are, past and present. But so is Trump. The difference between you and me is continue to stick up for Trump when he is just like the rest of them.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    Reborn said:
    Trump did change some things that directly affect me AND YOU  if you ever get on the road and if you own a home. Oh wait. Nm..just affected me. It's called no more itemizing but for the greater good of the country which had prob. The best growth it has ever seen I swallowed it respectfully.  Pls..just stfu.  You know very little of what you are talking about. Have fun on the road JB. Go back and read about inflation. 
    Damn didn't realize pointing out your typo would make you cry so bad
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    Only one who will be crying is you when you're on the rd for 21 straight driving through a blizzard. White knuckle faggot. Remember  12 6 really means 13 6
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    If this is an example of what happens to a human brain after a lifetime of trucking I'll put a bullet in my head right now. Room temperature IQ boomer
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    Xeno said:
    If this is an example of what happens to a human brain after a lifetime of trucking I'll put a bullet in my head right now. Room temperature IQ boomer
    Weak rebuttal for a true statement. Swift is hiring. Lol
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    Dude you got backed into a corner and the only thing you could think of was "uhhhh snow driving is hard!" Like that or listing mega carriers is somehow an insult lmao
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    Mega carrier? Omg. Dude serious. Have a good time with that mega carrier. Backed into a corner hardly. This started with inflation and I proved your statement false. Then you had little Jake jump in like he matters. Cant keep writing checks. 
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 316 salt miner
    From now on you're known as Little Jake
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    I'm not working for a grad mill company you dumbfuck
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