Finished Chapter 1. I liked it. Solid all the way around. Prob watch Chapter 2 tomorrow. Also, I don't understand the big reveal. Have no clue who that is lol
No one does, but George Lucas was notorious for not allowing anyone to explore that characters backstory or species in any media. It was the one thing that was off limits. So regardless of who it is the fact that they exist is kind of a big deal.
I gave up on it last time after that whole watch order debacle but I've binged like 10 episodes today and its lit. Plo Koon is dat nigga.
I toughed it out and watch the entire thing. No regrets lol it's awesome. And dude Plo Koon was one of my favorites through out the show. Any episode that focusus on the clones is 2 dope as well.
The weak and helpless princess in the gold bikini literally strangled the fat neckbeard who kept her tied up with the chains he tried to hold her with.
I gave up on it last time after that whole watch order debacle but I've binged like 10 episodes today and its lit. Plo Koon is dat nigga.
I toughed it out and watch the entire thing. No regrets lol it's awesome. And dude Plo Koon was one of my favorites through out the show. Any episode that focusus on the clones is 2 dope as well.
Yeah the clones are dope. The watch order has you start with the show watching a season 2 episode that shows you Bravo Squad passing their trials. Shit hit me right in the feels
Supposedly the new game is really good. Even my brother likes it