When it gets good again, in your opinion, come back. Till then, go away. You're just increasing the web traffic to SW related material, there by encouraging Disney to keep "putting out trash" Otherwise, you won't stop them, you're just being a cunt to the rest of the forum that wants to talk about things they like.
The Lions were 1,000 more enjoyable to watch when Barry was still on the team, but I'm not in the NFL thread bitching about it every day 20 years later, throwing flags at everybody for watching today's game.
I want more Strapping Young Lad, but I'm not throwing shade at you every time you mention DTP.
Dime likes the new Anthrax. Nobody follows him around throwing flags saying "la la la, State of Euphoria was better!"
Go find some shit you do like and go talk about that. You haven't added anything worthwhile to the discussion. Quit shitting on other people's joy just because you're a miserable cunt.
Movie was like a 1/10. Only redeeming quality was the Vader scene, and that was like 2 mins.
Dude the entire battle scene on Scariff was incredible. Beautifully shot, terrific execution, everything about that last chunk of movie was damn near flawless.
Nah. It was fucking lame and gay. Boring battles, with zero regard to the lore or vibe of Star Wars. It pained me to see AT-ATs in Rogue One.
I always hear "they actually made Star Wars feel like a war", as if the battles of Yavin, Hoth, Kashyyyk, or Geonosis never happened.
Kashykk wasn't a full blown war though. Geonosis was an arena battle. Hoth can be argued but everything else not really. This had literally everything going on and it was a beautiful thing. You don't have to like it but at least argue with something valid and not just chalk it up to "dur it was gay." And it's funny that you complain they didn't pay enough attention to the lore or the old movies but I guarantee if they did you'd be bitching about fan service.
Movie was like a 1/10. Only redeeming quality was the Vader scene, and that was like 2 mins.
Dude the entire battle scene on Scariff was incredible. Beautifully shot, terrific execution, everything about that last chunk of movie was damn near flawless.
Nah. It was fucking lame and gay. Boring battles, with zero regard to the lore or vibe of Star Wars. It pained me to see AT-ATs in Rogue One.
I always hear "they actually made Star Wars feel like a war", as if the battles of Yavin, Hoth, Kashyyyk, or Geonosis never happened.
Kashykk wasn't a full blown war though. Geonosis was an arena battle. Hoth can be argued but everything else not really. This had literally everything going on and it was a beautiful thing. You don't have to like it but at least argue with something valid and not just chalk it up to "dur it was gay." And it's funny that you complain they didn't pay enough attention to the lore or the old movies but I guarantee if they did you'd be bitching about fan service.
There is a difference between paying attention to lore continutiy and shoehorning fan service. The prequel trilogy did it just fine.
Also, ok how about Naboo? Or Endor? Which had space and land battles occuring simultaneously. Naboo had 4 conflicts at once
The OT was a mess. The prequels were a mess. Why should these be any different? Half the fun of the fandom was all the decades of nerd debate on every fuck up, plot hole, continuity error and all of the rest of the shit that doesn't make any sense.
Aside from the regurgitated plot of episode IV, I think one of the biggest turnoffs was the return of the old cast. Just as much as the prequels sullied the aura of Darth Vader, having to see Mark Hammill wrinkled like a prune or Carrie Fisher bloated and butchered with plastic surgery gives such a ugly end to their arcs.
Movie was like a 1/10. Only redeeming quality was the Vader scene, and that was like 2 mins.
Dude the entire battle scene on Scariff was incredible. Beautifully shot, terrific execution, everything about that last chunk of movie was damn near flawless.
Nah. It was fucking lame and gay. Boring battles, with zero regard to the lore or vibe of Star Wars. It pained me to see AT-ATs in Rogue One.
I always hear "they actually made Star Wars feel like a war", as if the battles of Yavin, Hoth, Kashyyyk, or Geonosis never happened.
Kashykk wasn't a full blown war though. Geonosis was an arena battle. Hoth can be argued but everything else not really. This had literally everything going on and it was a beautiful thing. You don't have to like it but at least argue with something valid and not just chalk it up to "dur it was gay." And it's funny that you complain they didn't pay enough attention to the lore or the old movies but I guarantee if they did you'd be bitching about fan service.
There is a difference between paying attention to lore continutiy and shoehorning fan service. The prequel trilogy did it just fine.
Also, ok how about Naboo? Or Endor? Which had space and land battles occuring simultaneously. Naboo had 4 conflicts at once
Okay, I'm just gonna say it; I like the Ewoks but a Teddy Bear slapstick battle was not as good as the ending of Rogue One.
Barry was a monster. Breaking 6-8 tackles in a play. Anytime he got the ball, there was a chance you were gonna see greatness happen. Didn't always happen, but when it did it was fucking spectacular. That's what I meant by more enjoyable. Stayed loyal his whole career too, even though he never had much of a decent team around him. He could have went anywhere to play he wanted. Probably should have, his career would have been better for it. But he stuck with his team till the end.
Believe me. Barry will always be my favorite likes discussion. I just disagree that they were more enjoyable. This fucking teams never been enjoyable to watch.
The Lions were 1,000 more enjoyable to watch when Barry was still on the team, but I'm not in the NFL thread bitching about it every day 20 years later, throwing flags at everybody for watching today's game.
I want more Strapping Young Lad, but I'm not throwing shade at you every time you mention DTP.
Dime likes the new Anthrax. Nobody follows him around throwing flags saying "la la la, State of Euphoria was better!"
Go find some shit you do like and go talk about that. You haven't added anything worthwhile to the discussion. Quit shitting on other people's joy just because you're a miserable cunt.
Also, ok how about Naboo? Or Endor? Which had space and land battles occuring simultaneously. Naboo had 4 conflicts at once
When you KY, trying spinning. It's a good trick.
The cinematography looks so much better on the new movies. The fire and explosions for the Endor battle are painful to look at.
The OT was a mess.
The prequels were a mess.
Why should these be any different? Half the fun of the fandom was all the decades of nerd debate on every fuck up, plot hole, continuity error and all of the rest of the shit that doesn't make any sense.
Stupid fucking Ewoks.
also a lie.
Barry was a monster. Breaking 6-8 tackles in a play. Anytime he got the ball, there was a chance you were gonna see greatness happen. Didn't always happen, but when it did it was fucking spectacular. That's what I meant by more enjoyable. Stayed loyal his whole career too, even though he never had much of a decent team around him. He could have went anywhere to play he wanted. Probably should have, his career would have been better for it. But he stuck with his team till the end.