I can check all three of those. My sorrow has given way to emptiness. I dont feel sad about it, I dont feel anything. Ive given up on the idea of ever finding a girl I can be with - whether this girl or any other girl. And I think its best. I know she will always be just a friend, and Im fine with that and happy that she is a friend.
I say bullshit. Your emptiness is systemic of your feelings for her. Everything you said here shows you are not over her. In my story above about my ex that it wasn't working out with, what did I say I did after I resolved to get over her? I didn't mope. I got out and started doing shit and having fun with life and stopped letting that shit bother me.... Now I understand this is a lot easier to say then to actually implement in real life. Can I give you any tips on how to do it? No sorry. I feel like it is a little like stopping smoking cold turkey. It can be done (I did that too) but requires a tremendous amount of will power. I think in general I am just a very determined person naturally, and so when I set my mind to it I don't give up until I accomplish or die doing so. I don't think I am all that special, I think many people can do this. Of course I think many people also give up easily and aren't as determined as I (and others) are.
Yeah a lot of my ability to drop feelings like that at the drop of a hat comes from what MC is going through knowing that pain and knowing I never want to put myself through that shit again. If you put your head down and charge on its amazing how fast you can overcome some obstacles that seem impossible.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
basically what I am saying MC, is you're probably just not all that determined in life. It seems like you give up easily and as a consequence you are destined for a shitty depressed life. I do think you could turn it around if you wanted too, but that requires a lot of things you probably don't want to do. Things like stop feeling sorry for yourself, and stop getting so wrapped up with your philosophical debates on relationships, and start living life a little. New hobbies, new experimentation, new things, if you meet a girl and you are digging her then fuck when you have the opportunity. Shit like that.
Yeah a lot of my ability to drop feelings like that at the drop of a hat comes from what MC is going through knowing that pain and knowing I never want to put myself through that shit again. If you put your head down and charge on its amazing how fast you can overcome some obstacles that seem impossible.
oh excellent to hear! Perhaps it is a learned behavior then.... Yeah exactly what Rex said. You put your head down and charge on. Blaze new life trails and don't look back. Shit gets better when you aren't stuck in your same old rut pining over the same old girl and how she rejected you. Pssh.. grow a pair. man up and move on, or just put a shotgun in your mouth already.
Nah I am done. Id rather feel nothing and not care than sadness. Im over her. It took me until now to realize that her turning me down was for the absolute best. Im not good dating material. And I dont care to change.
You're absolutely right I have no drive. Im too laid back and lax for it. I dont give a shit about my life. And now I dont give a shit about finding a relationship either.
I'll just start playing a bunch of Japanese dating sims. Waifu will never hurt me. To them I will always be senpai, and they will always cry for me to notice them [-(
I listen to Limp Bizkit and I don't think I've ever heard something dumber than this.
You're absolutely right I have no drive. Im too laid back and lax for it. I dont give a shit about my life. And now I dont give a shit about finding a relationship either.
Dont believe me? Fine. But its true.
I still want to be a musician, and a producer. But I havent had luck with any of it.
when shes balls deep in your ass