if you fags would have listened to my advice you might A) be with your mcfuck chick or would stop drowning in your own tears.
chick with fuck trophy ( ) ) i talked to yall about like 2 months ago. well it had seemed like we were hitting it off at the time but when ever i tried to text her i would't get very good responses if any at all. fast forward a month later, i stopped giving a fuck about putting effort in with out getting a return. Our families are close friends so we always end up at the same bar on Friday night. So i started paying more attention to other people at the bar, acting less interested in her ext.
well what do ya know, all of a sudden shes always asking me on Fridays if im going to be there. Always asking me to dance. wanting to hang out 1 on 1.
stop being Mcfuckheads and putting chicks on pedestals and you can obtain what you want.
I havent been a dick
Not going to give her the chance too.
I'm still somewhat upset about it, tbh, but I'm done feeling like shit over it.
if you fags would have listened to my advice you might A) be with your mcfuck chick
chick with fuck trophy (
well what do ya know, all of a sudden shes always asking me on Fridays if im going to be there. Always asking me to dance. wanting to hang out 1 on 1.
stop being Mcfuckheads and putting chicks on pedestals and you can obtain what you want.