Someone go get this kid some fucking Everclear. And if that's too much for him mix it with some tang and freeze it. Maybe he'll feel like a kid, put on Power Rangers and realize he needs to put his man pants on
You say single like it's a bad thing.. I used to too but while some dudes taking his bitch out for the ten thousandth time and she is just bitching about it the whole time cuz you ain't goin nowhere lol I'll be taking a cutie I just met out and it will be new and exciting and everyone is on their best behavior lol idk sounds pretty sweet to me
It is true, being single can be highly enjoyable and joyful. All depends on your attitude and how you're looking at things. There's a lot you can focus on with yourself when you aren't with someone else and putting them in front of you.
Yeah. Like nola said. I may be single and sure I'd like a good relationship, but iv still never felt better about my life and where it's heading. You know why? Cause I stopped feeling sorry about myself and starting making efforts to make a difference. if you want to be lazy and worthless then do it. But the only thing making you that way is your choice. If you want to be successful then you can be successful. you just have to set your mind to it.
I don't even have a high school diploma. But I won't let that stop me from being successful. iv surrounded myself with successful people and its produced success. Not just for me but also for the people I work for. Change who you hang around. Refuse to let your mind think in a negative way. If you do that things will change. If you want it, and work for it things will happen. Im not even trying to flex. And I don't deserve to. I have a tremendous amount of work to do. But I'm determined. We have been apart of this forum for how long? I want good things for all. But we can't help you unless you want to help yourself.
I think we all need to give MC a fucking break. A lot of people go through depression at his age, especially while away at college. Xeno, Kyle, myself, Alex, etc have all posted shit in the past with our own shit. I think MC has some distorted views on things but everyone shitting on him doesnt help. This has been a place for all of us to vent for the past 7 years. Lets keep it that way.