Because I'm apparently the only one who gives a shit enough to really think about it.
No you're the only fucking one who has let negative experiences, stereotypes and cliches delude himself into some silly ideal about never finding anyone ever because the world is full of disgusting morons who all hate each other and fuck just to feed some mandatory lust. Its not all as black and white as you make it seem.
I don't really. I just have constant and continuous negative head talk. All day every day. "I'm stupid. I'm untalented. I'm a failure. I can't do anything. I suck at guitar. I'm a horrible vocalist. I suck as an audio engineer/producer. I'll never be successful. My dreams will never come true".
Some of that headtalk is "I'm ugly. I'm fat. No girl will ever like me. I'm going to be alone forever. I'm retarded."
etc etc.
Its been really bad lately, and I can't get rid of it. And its almost always there.
Plus, I underwent that whole mess with that girl I like too. So that's still fresh on my mind and emotions, which is contributing to the relationship obsession.
and honestly, deep down I think I do want somebody to be committed to, and to be committed to me in return, and to have a relationship with. And its been a real long time since I've had anything remotely close to that, and looks like its going to be even longer till I have it again.
Its partially why I game so much. Cuz its something I actually consider myself to be relatively good at, and it gives me a way to escape real life for a while. Coping with virtual reality. I can be/do anything I want in games.
I'm gonna guess that talking to other pathetic, depressed motherfuckers is just gonna make you more depressed.
Well talking to you all just makes me more angry and depressed. So I figured talking to people who think like me might work like a support group. Strength in numbers.
I wanted to read the last 4 pages but then I was like Nah
Some of that headtalk is "I'm ugly. I'm fat. No girl will ever like me. I'm going to be alone forever. I'm retarded."
etc etc.
Its been really bad lately, and I can't get rid of it. And its almost always there.
Plus, I underwent that whole mess with that girl I like too. So that's still fresh on my mind and emotions, which is contributing to the relationship obsession.
and honestly, deep down I think I do want somebody to be committed to, and to be committed to me in return, and to have a relationship with. And its been a real long time since I've had anything remotely close to that, and looks like its going to be even longer till I have it again.
Only difference is mc isn't crying about girls not liking him even though he is "buff"