Either love is an eternal flame of emotion that you can only feel with one other person ever in your entire life that will never diminish and you'll live happily ever after.
Or love is nothing more than a word people use to represent some feeling you get when you think someone is ok and you bang them a few times and move on to the next partner.
I dont give a fuck about the science. I care about the moral, the emotional, the psychological, and the philosophical implications of it all.
) jesus fucking christ. You're like the 1500's Christain church burning Giordano Bruno to death for suggesting the The Sun doesnt revolve around the earth and that the stars were distant suns like our own. "Fuck science! My emotional feelings tell me the sun revolves around the Earth and you can't tell me im wrong"
By your logic you should be anti homosex too. "Oh they arent using sex as a means of reproduction. They're going against their evolutionary genetic calling"
But love is fake (given our conversations yesterday).
Here's what I think you should do. Shut the fuck up about sex and don't even think about putting both sex and love into one sentence. Unless you've had both you have no ground to walk on. Love is not fake, you just believe it is because god forbid other humans enjoy fucking people. Sometimes with no emotions attached. I find it hilarious that seems to bother you so much that you don't want anything to do with sticking your penis in a vagina...ever. Which evidently caused you to come to the conclusion that love is fake. Buncha bullshit that is
By your logic you should be anti homosex too. "Oh they arent using sex as a means of reproduction. They're going against their evolutionary genetic calling"
Go fuck yourself asshole
Personally I believe (not this is not proven fact) that as the science of genetics is progressed, we will soon scientifically prove that being homosexual is actually a genetic difference from our mean/average genetic evolution. This mutation (bad term but can't say it better because im not a generic scientist) is likely a result of over-population to deal with the lack of potential mate for the individual.
The evolutionary desire to mate, is not a drive to produce offspring, but a drive for sexual fulfillment because that will result in offspring. A mutation of homosexuality does not change that desire, but changes the target of that desire. Does this mutation ruin the purpose of the evolutionary reason for having it? YES. Not all genetic differences are constructive for advancing the species. and as such we will never see 100% conversion of the population to homosexuality because it would be the end of the species.
I remember when I had the mindset there was only one person for everyone. I was like 13-14. Only difference is my "only" one died, years went passed, blah blah, and I learned that one person concept is bs. There's more than one person for everyone. That doesn't fucking mean you can fall in love with the next person you see, either. You need to stumble on each other which could take a while
We don't think you are a freak. We think you are close minded and ignorant.
I agree with Rex somewhat... I don't think you are freak/loser/crazy/whatever, but I do agree that what you are is a lot closer to closed minded and ignorant. Why I said I somewhat agree with Rex is because I don't personally think you are naturally closed minded or ignorant, but what I think is you are suffering from a very well done case of brain washing at the hands of the Christianity. You've been conditioned to reject some aspects of society as a means for them to get control of you. Although you've since rejected a lot of what the church conditioned you for, you still grasp hold of the very core concepts of their conditioning program. It has been warped from what they teach such that you adapt it to your life away from them, but the very essence of it is still in tact.
FACT MC - Had you never even heard of Christianity you'd be an extremely different person than you are today.
So yeah, Rex is right... You're not a freak or weird, but you are closed minded and ignorant. You are that way because you were tricked by people in authority to make you view the world in their made up bullshit ways. I can see you struggling with this interpetation of the world daily, yet instead of realizing that you are struggling because it's all bullshit, you instead struggle trying to make it line up with how you see the world.
It's crap, and I hope you work your way out of that
The convo is going nowhere because you're not open to it going anywhere but exactly where you want it to go. Which is people agreeing with your ridiculousness or supporting your way of thinking on this subject matter. The only consideration you've had with our replies is "love doesn't exist" "sex is satans playground" amongst other things. And when enough people chime in and try to get you to understand you pull the "I get it. I'm weird, a freak, a loser, crazy. Whatevs, I'm done". Because that works
I'm not trying to be an asshole when i say ignorant, like the way erik is with the word. I am just saying you are ignorant when it comes to the subject of love. Your ideas on how it works are wrong. Thats not your fault, a lot of it has to do with how you were brought up. This is where the closed minded aspect comes in. You refuse to even consider the thought that you might be wrong. You expect people to understand your view when you are completely defiant against the views of the other people you are having the discussion with.
I'm not trying to be an asshole when i say ignorant, like the way erik is with the word. I am just saying you are ignorant when it comes to the subject of love. Your ideas on how it works are wrong. Thats not your fault, a lot of it has to do with how you were brought up. This is where the close minded aspect comes in. You refuse to even consider the thought that you might be wrong. You expect people to understand your view when you are completely defiant against the views of the other people you are having the discussion with.
Or love is nothing more than a word people use to represent some feeling you get when you think someone is ok and you bang them a few times and move on to the next partner.
Not black and white at all.
Go fuck yourself asshole
The evolutionary desire to mate, is not a drive to produce offspring, but a drive for sexual fulfillment because that will result in offspring. A mutation of homosexuality does not change that desire, but changes the target of that desire. Does this mutation ruin the purpose of the evolutionary reason for having it? YES. Not all genetic differences are constructive for advancing the species. and as such we will never see 100% conversion of the population to homosexuality because it would be the end of the species.
Im a freak. A loser. Weird. Crazy. Whatever. Im done.
FACT MC - Had you never even heard of Christianity you'd be an extremely different person than you are today.
So yeah, Rex is right... You're not a freak or weird, but you are closed minded and ignorant. You are that way because you were tricked by people in authority to make you view the world in their made up bullshit ways. I can see you struggling with this interpetation of the world daily, yet instead of realizing that you are struggling because it's all bullshit, you instead struggle trying to make it line up with how you see the world.
It's crap, and I hope you work your way out of that