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The McFuck Approach



  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,598 spicy boy
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    Just because you're not capable of traveling that far doesn't make it unreasonable. :|
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,598 spicy boy
    Oh =)) thought you were saying the other way. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    It is when I don't currently have a car. I will hopefully be getting one in about a month now, though. But even so, that doesn't help me out at all for a couple weekends from now. Idk, I'll figure something out. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    It's like, I keep trying to poke holes in this sort of thing, and i realize I'm doing it......but idk why. 

  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    meh, fuck it
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    SATAN said:
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I was reading an interesting article a few days ago about a recent university study on the contributing causes of Prostate Cancer. I think biologist have thought for a while now that it prostate cancer is somewhat related to ejaculation infrequency, however now this new extensive university study has all but proven this to be true. Note the following link is just the abstract of the study.

    The findings were basically - higher monthly ejaculation frequency was associated with a statistically significant decreased risk of total prostate cancer compared to the reference group at every time period. They were using groups of people who ejaculated 7 times a month verses those that ejaculated 21 times per month.

    It's funny that MC was claiming 100 pages ago (before I skipped), that he would die if he stopped eating food, but that he wont die by not having sex or masturbation. I wonder if this study will have any impact on his thoughts. This study has shown that the position he has taken has put him in a statistically dangerous area for his body forming cancer cells. Not ejaculating ever is literally going to kill him when he gets cancer and he is unable to fight it off. If he wants to keep having this position of anti-ejaculating, my personal opinion is that he should make an appointment to remove his testicles asap such that he lowers the cancer risk he has put himself in by his dangerous lifestyle. Our bodies evolved with the sex organs they have because they require those organs to be regularly exercised to keep the body healthy.

    Personally I thought this study was great because I've started being aware of things like prostate cancer due to my age and increased risk of older men. And so it's not to see they actually have an idea of why older guys develop it, and it is even nicer to know that my lifestyle is very healthy for preventing this cancer. My frequency of ejaculating is about 20-30 times per week.  It also makes me wonder if the real reason older men are more susceptible to this cancer is because their sex drive goes down in their 30's and as such their risk for it goes up. I'd say I very much noticed a decrease in my sex drive in my thirties, however I still need sex or masturbation 2+ times a day.

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,667 spicy boy
    Safe from prostate cancer
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Not exercising his sexual organs via either Sex or Masturbation is about the same as deciding you are going to stop using your legs for a decade and then being surprised a decade later when your legs have extreme muscle atrophy and no longer function. It's like "no shit Sherlock" :| Oh I guess the difference is with the Legs analogy, he just continues with his chosen life of living in a wheel chair... where the not exercising your dick leads to cancer and you die. so yeah. but that's kinda what he wants anyways right?

  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    =)) =)) =)
    I love winning with women
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,710 spicy boy

    So Im back, as you all knew I would be. Only after a couple days. I wasn’t planning on leaving long. I just needed to think through things without your opposing opinion tainting my thoughts. That and aside from this one topic, I do enjoy talking to you people, and I need something to do when work is slow. This place is a good time waster.

    Given all your love for splooge, I was going to splooge a bunch of philosophy onto here right away, but Im deciding against it as doing so will not get us anywhere. Morality is a dead topic, and a dead idea. Instead I am making a proposal, and discussing some observations Ive made about myself while talking through things with my brother and friends.

    My proposal: I will keep all my anti-love, anti-sex, sex-negative, self loathing, friendzone, slut shaming, relationship helplessness, etc discussion to this thread. You should make a thread to keep your pro-sex, pro-slut, flesh conquesting, douchebaggery in. I wont enter it like I dont really enter the weed thread. This will eliminate arguments and keep hostility to a regular and happy "kill yourself".

    On my self observation: As I have said before, I have a bit of a "God complex". Not in the sense that I think I am better than anyone else, but in the sense that I want to be better at everyone else. I want to be the best. And something. Anything. Everything. I almost see myself as an Ozymandias (from Watchmen) figure. Someone who is attempting to elevate himself beyond humanity to save it, even if it means forgoing humanity or doing something wrong. However, I am not a superhero, and I cannot change the world. Nobody can. Ive realized Im beginning to hate humanity. Or at least what its become to stand for. Humans are selfish, corrupt, evil, manipulative, mistakes, fragile, weak. That is why Im so obsessed with advancing beyond animals, and beyond humanity. You have all expressed sex as the most human of activities. Well its no wonder I hate the idea then. Sex implies vulnerability. Vulnerability implies weakness. And I hate my weakness. It all stems from the desire for perfection and to be the best at something.

    It comes out most strongly in my gaming. I get really competitive and into videogames. I feel the need to 100% every game on the hardest difficulties. I need to see myself as good at it. Again, it stems from that desire for perfection.

    But perfection doesnt exist.

    I have a hard time writing songs because I am too critical on what I write. It takes me forever, and Im still never really happy with what I put out. Its why I have a hard time playing with people before I get accustomed to their skill level. Because I am always judging myself in the presence of other musicians. I need to write the best songs. And I haven’t written anything remotely good.

    There is the idea of “your own worst enemy”. I am by far my own worst enemy. I hate myself. Nothing I do is ever good enough for myself. I am always unpleased with my own ability. And as such I seek out the praise of others to boost my self-esteem. Its why I’m a frontman. And I get that praise when it comes to music and video games, but I have never gotten that praise from girls. I’ve never had a girl say I look attractive. And outside of the two short failed relationships Ive had, no girl has ever expressed any interest in dating me. Even the girls that did date me I think did it out of some sense of desperation. How am I to look at dating as a positive thing when all I see is my own failure?

    Which is why dating is so hard for me. I believe I have found the perfect girl already. And she doesnt like me in the same way. She never will. And as a result all I can see are my flaws. Im ugly. Im fat. Im untalented. Im worthless. Im unlovable. Im stupid. So I dont want to date because I dont want to push my imperfections off onto someone else.

    Likewise, because I believe Ive already found perfection, all I notice in other girls is their imperfections. So all other girls are undatable to me as well.

    Additionally, I like to be in control. Of everything. When it comes to sex and relationships, I cannot control everything. So I fear it and despise it.

    When it comes to videogames and music, its all on me. All my failure is 100% because I fucked up, or that I just have to get better than my competitors, or accept that I suck. When it comes to relationships, there are too many other variables. I cant get better. And I will not accept that I suck. So I reject it entirely.

    I cant control how a girl feels about me. I cant control how I feel about a girl. I cant control who a girl has been with in the past.

    Which also plays a toll in me. Any girl I date, I also date whoever shes dated/fucked. I will always be in competition with the dudes of her past, and if I fail to surpass them in any way, then Ive failed entirely. This is another reason I dont date.

    This is also why Im one-ist when it comes to sex. I dont want competition from other dudes, and I dont like the idea of sticking my dick where another dick has been.

    Which brings up another imperfection. I am not a good boyfriend. Im lousy at it. Im not a good person to date. But I am a good friend. Like Ive always said in the past, there are guys who are meant to be the ones who fuck and marry girls, and there are guys meant to be the best friend who the girls lean on for support.

    I am the best friend guy. Always will be. Im good at it. So thats what I should focus on. Instead of struggling to get involved in a relationship of my own - one that is doomed for failure. One that I will fail horribly at. I should focus on being the best friend that I can be. Because being a good friend, is something I can perfect.

    I have no desire to change, just to understand. This is who I am. I cant change that. However, I am becoming a very cynical misanthrope, and that scares me a little. Deep down, I probably still do want a relationship. But its not worth having to have to struggle through years of rejection, loathing, misunderstanding, and failure. As much as I hate being controlled by animal instinct, and as much as I hate being dependent on things outside of myself, fear controls me. But I also think that fear is the ultimate form of respect. I do not think it is something I should reject, but I should use. And as such, I will continue to repress any and all sexual and romantic elements from my life.

    As I’ve said before, me asking my friend out last year was my final attempt at romantic interaction. As I have expressed, this girl is my best female friend. She knows more about me than any other girl I know. If she was not interested in me, why would any other girl be interested in me? And if some other girl miraculously someday did take an interest in me, then this proves that attraction is purely sexual/skin deep – and thus fake and uninteresting to me. For once a girl gets to know who I am, and what Im interested in – then that romantic interest fades to nothing.

    Borrowing a tumblrfag term, I myself coincide with the ideals of a straight “demisexual”. That is, I don’t find members of the opposite sex attractive, I find FRIENDS of the opposite sex attractive. People who are already close to me, and who I already know a lot about, and who already know a lot about me. When I date, I am not looking to have some fun, or get to know somebody. I already know this person. I’m looking to turn a relationship into a marriage. I’m looking for something that will last forever, not a fling or a short term test.

    But also like I have said before, the majority of girls in the world don’t like dating friends, because it could potentially ruin relationships. As a result, I am stuck only taking interest in girls who have already completely ruled me out. So once again, I should focus all my attention on being a good friend.  

    I know most of you wont read this. Its TLDR. But I hope some of you do.

    I am also going to try and reduce the amount I post (at least on this subject) because I was getting obsessive, and obsessive isn’t good. Maybe even leave again, idk.  But, this is the last I will say on the subject for a while outside of response to any of you. 

    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I definitely can't read all of that. And if you want people to discuss sex and their opinion of it and the positives in its own separate one will come in here anymore and you'll be talking to yourself. Then again, you do that already here 

    We could continue to tell you that your ways are very unhealthy but it doesn't matter, it nevet has. When it comes to hating everything you do artistically, I know what that's like. Every artist has this issue. Nothing is ever good enough or something falls short of what you envision. It's what people call an artists curse. 

    Maybe I'll read the rest later..but I doubt it
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers

    So Im back, as you all knew I would be. 

    Honestly thought you killed yourself.
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    mc the new king of the paragraphs of doom
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I love winning with women
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