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The McFuck Approach



  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    And you do t go a month without video games so stfu
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    Answer these questions:

    Are sex and love related?
    If so, why do people have sex with people they aren't in love with?
    If not, why is it weird or wrong to go without sex in a relationship?

    In a world concerned with contstant advancement and evolution, why do we let one archaic animalistic instinstinct control our lives?

    Does sex have meaning?
    If it does, then why are people so inclined to have meaningless sex? If its merely here for recreation, why do people make it out to be some great thing?

    Is it really a great thing that everybody enjoys and should enjoy? If it is, why do we make a big deal about consent and rape? Arent you just giving somebody something great? Or is there more to it? And if there is, again, why do people engage in promiscuity?

    If sex doesnt mean anything, why do people get hurt when their significant others cheat?

    Is modern sex really natural? You all claim sex is a natural thing that every living creature partakes in. Yet, isnt the biological/natural point of sex for reproduction? How can sex for pleasure, with birth control/contraceptives be considered natural? 

    People enjoy it, so its good. People enjoy killing others, yet its not good. A better analogy, people like over eating junk food - yet that is seen as a negative. Those people are considered fat and gluttons. So why isnt sex viewed similarly? 

    How can you claim you are not addicted to sex when most of you cannot go long periods of time without it, and claim relationships are dependent on sex?

    Question for Satan specifically:
    What makes your girlfriend special? Outside of the fact that you have kids, it doesnt seem you have anything special between just you two. Sex typically takes that place as a special thing between relationships. Yet you'd willingly fuck any whore that would willingly fuck you. So again, what makes your girlfriend special and different than any other slut you fuck? Why even consider her a girlfriend?

    Now apply any answer you come up with and apply it to any potential sexless relationship I nay develop. Why is your perceieved relationship better?
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  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Nobody respond

  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    Boomhauer said:
    Nobody respond

    Nope. I attacked the all holy act of sex. They gotta respond because Im ignorant and inexperienced.
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  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    If you pick one question I'll answer it.. To answer that whole thing completely would take forever but all questions you asked have pretty reasonable answers
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Boomhauer said:
    Boomhauer said:


    ...also drugs

  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    Boomhauer said:
    Boomhauer said:


    ...also drugs

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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy

    If you pick one question I'll answer it.. To answer that whole thing completely would take forever but all questions you asked have pretty reasonable answers
    Pick one then. 
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  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    1. Sex can be separate from emotion. It all comes down to the individual in question. But sex is always better and more satisfying with someone you truly love

    2. Sex is a proven healthy act whether you decide to accept it or not. The only thing hindering our advancement is religion along with bs politics.

    3. People get hurt when their significant others cheat because that's betrayal. You put trust into someone that they'd be faithful and they break it. Depending on the depth of the emotion that you feel for that person, it can hurt very little or have a devastating effect.

    4. Sex is natural, it's fact. Yes the main purpose is to reproduce and prolong the species. But it is also proven that species other than humans have sex for pleasure. Dolphins are a wonderful example of this. Monkeys even masturbate. 

    5. People that over eat, no matter what it is, have a problem. There's many reason people kill other people. But when it comes down to it it's all morals, brain funtion, and emotion. To compare these things to sex makes no sense unless you wanted to compare food addiction to sex addiction. 

    5. We claim we are not addicted to sex because we know we're definitely not. We know what addiction is, especially me because I've known quite a few addicts in my time. I'm happy a handful are recovering. If we were indeed sex addicts we would literally go insane without it and do whatever it takes to get it. That's definitely not the case with me and I'm sure that's how it is for others here. By your question I can claim that you're addicted to video games because you cannot go a month or more without playing one. 

    6. Satan is in an open relationship with his girl. I'd explain what that is to you but I believe you wouldn't be able to understand it or accept that kind of lifestyle.

    7. Our relationships are better because we actually want to be around the person we're with as often as possible. The sex we have is a bonus and lets us be as physically close to someone as humanly possible and can bring you emotionally close as well depending on the relationship in question. You restrict yourself so much that I believe you will never have a successful relationship. Simply because you'd rather hang out and talk to your dude friends more anyway. After you revealed how often you'd see and talk to your "girlfriend" while you were together it makes sense. In all honesty you never had much of a relationship to begin with. What you had was more of a friendship where you'd occasionally talk and maybe hang out once a month
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    So judging by your answers. Sex and relationships are unrelated, and should be treated as such. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    Your answers contradict eachother btw
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  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I swear, idk why you ask questions if you refuse to actually read and take in all the details of the answers
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    Yeah, we're not weak and pathetic just because your ignorant opinions say so :))
    You cant go a month without sex. 
    Satan says he hates going a week without sex. 

    Im a videogame addict, and I can go that long without gaming. 

    Yet you all deny you have a problem. Deny you're addicted. Deny that your views on sex and love have become perverted. You make me laugh. 

    You are all so hypocritical when it comes to sex and love it hurts. Ive yet to meet anybody who makes sense when discussing these topics.
    Just pointing it out
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    I swear, idk why you ask questions if you refuse to actually read and take in all the details of the answers
    I did. You separated it in your answers, then contradicted yourself.
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  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Did you not listen when I said I've gone longer than a month before? The longest I've gone is around a year or so if you want specifics here. If you can go a month or more without gaming, you are NOT an addict. Do you know wtf addiction is?
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Alright I'll pick the important one then which is about the importance and real meaning of having relationships and why sex in a relationship is important 

    the sex that like xeno is having and the sex long lasting couples are having are completely different.. There is a more special bond that cannot be there in a casual hookup, it has transcended just mutual pleasure into something more. So you can definitely say that relationship sex is better than hook up sex, at least IMO 
    the reason people get upset when they see someone cheat is because they are afraid of losing that person, it's beyond them just being upset about the actual acts.. Just like how if you found out that your significant other was spending ample amounts of time with someone else behind your back., you deeply fear this because it might result in the end of your relationship.. The main reason people don't want extra marital sex is because of a fear of losing that person within spending time with someone else because feelings can grow .. 
    Our brains get bored tho when we do the same things over and over again tho and we feel the need to spice things up.. This is where the food analogy comes along.. You just don't get your daily nutrients repetitively everyday, you sone times eat bad shit that tastes good or even good shit that tastes good to spice it up.. 
    Lastly I'll talk about why it's more special to do it with a significant other .. I'll use an ex.. There is a fair around my town that is the biggest fair I think in the country idk.. I go every year since I was born.. Every year I go with friends or family and it's fun and everything but honestly every year I just want to go with a chick.. The times I go with a chick that I really like us more special and have more fun for some reason.. We do the same shit I've done a million times but for some reason it's better just being in tjr presence if that person.. So that's what it feels like to have sex with someone important rather than just a random hook up.. It's a feeling that's hard to explain just like the feeling that you are happier when you are around certain special people is hard to explain.. But it is a very good feeling and almost a necessary feeling to get through life

    also most people here are def sex addicts.. If they say otherwise they are in denial .. I am a sex addict

  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I swear, idk why you ask questions if you refuse to actually read and take in all the details of the answers
    I did. You separated it in your answers, then contradicted yourself.
    Please, explain how. You just want someone to agree with your views on such subjects. So when someone tries to explain to you all aspects of your questions at hand..this is what happens
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    Let me break your contradiction down for you:

    1. Sex can be separate from emotion. 

    Ok sex and love are separate. Question answered. 

    But sex is always better and more satisfying with someone you truly love
    So its not separate?

    2. Sex is a proven healthy act whether you decide to accept it or not. The only thing hindering our advancement is religion along with bs politics.

    Irrelevant to my question

    3. People get hurt when their significant others cheat because that's betrayal. You put trust into someone that they'd be faithful and they break it. Depending on the depth of the emotion that you feel for that person, it can hurt very little or have a devastating effect.

    Why would a level of trust be required for something sexual? What is there to betray if sex is just for fun. Its like playing Mario Kart with somebody besides your sig other. Or is there more to sex? Thus contradicting #1 that sex and emotion are separate.

    4. Sex is natural, it's fact. Yes the main purpose is to reproduce and prolong the species. But it is also proven that species other than humans have sex for pleasure. Dolphins are a wonderful example of this. Monkeys even masturbate. 

    Certain animals may have pleasure in sex, but their purpose is reproductive. They cannot put a condom on and fuck without the implications of pregnancy. Humans can. Therefore, we have perverted sex's meaning to something unnatural. 

    5. People that over eat, no matter what it is, have a problem. There's many reason people kill other people. But when it comes down to it it's all morals, brain funtion, and emotion. To compare these things to sex makes no sense unless you wanted to compare food addiction to sex addiction. 

    The point of this question was that just because people enjoy something, doesn't make it a good thing. Why is sex good just because you enjoy it?

    5. We claim we are not addicted to sex because we know we're definitely not. We know what addiction is, especially me because I've known quite a few addicts in my time. I'm happy a handful are recovering. If we were indeed sex addicts we would literally go insane without it and do whatever it takes to get it. That's definitely not the case with me and I'm sure that's how it is for others here. By your question I can claim that you're addicted to video games because you cannot go a month or more without playing one. 

    So again, why is it weird to go months without sex in a relationship?

    6. Satan is in an open relationship with his girl. I'd explain what that is to you but I believe you wouldn't be able to understand it or accept that kind of lifestyle.

    I only care about Satan's response. 

    7. Our relationships are better because we actually want to be around the person we're with as often as possible. 
    So if I had somebody that I wanted to be around 24/7. I wanted to eat with them, watch TV with them, play games with them, go on walks with them, talk to them, etc - but just didn't want to have sex, then our relationship isn't as important? 

    Again if sex and emotion are separate like you said in question #1, why is it suddenly related here?

    You restrict yourself so much that I believe you will never have a successful relationship. 
    Even I agree I will never have a successful relationship. But it is because of who I am, not because of my restrictions. Nice guys never get girls. 

    Simply because you'd rather hang out and talk to your dude friends more anyway. After you revealed how often you'd see and talk to your "girlfriend" while you were together it makes sense. In all honesty you never had much of a relationship to begin with. What you had was more of a friendship where you'd occasionally talk and maybe hang out once a month
    Isn't that what a relationship is? Simply a deeper friendship? Or is sex needed to escalate it beyond a friendship? Again contradicts the separation. Again contradicts that meaningless/relationship less sex is ok. 

    I am looking for definite here. Not wishy washy "sometimes its ok to fuck randos. Sex sometimes has meaning sometimes it doesn't" kind of answers. IS SEX NECESSARY FOR RELATIONSHIPS TO WORK? DOES SEX IMPLY EMOTION? DOES SEX WITHOUT RELATIONSHIP MEAN ANYTHING? 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy

    also most people here are def sex addicts.. If they say otherwise they are in denial .. I am a sex addict

    there we go
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