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The McFuck Approach



  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Jobe  came back with a very logical post that you had no retort for so you said forget it pretty much cuz you got Nuthin 
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Jobe read your point and countered it with relative information which you chose to not re counter and then you say it's on us lol 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,528 moneytalker
    The actual love that arises out of marriage and long lasting relationships is one of companionship and family-hood. It is not romantic. 

    Its similar to the love you feel for a parent or sibling or child. 

    You don't chose your parents, and you don't choose your kids. Your parents leave tthis world long before you do. Your kids grow up and have their own lives.  Your spouse, if done right, is with you for every aspect of the life you build together until your old and dead. 

    Tbh, you seem like an decent guy, but your line of thinking is clouded, even if you can't see it. You surround yourself with enough people who think the same way so it seems normal to you. I've seen it happen, been there myself (different paths, same pattern) Looking back at it now I kick myself in the ass for the time I wasted thinking I had it all figured out. I made everything so much more difficult and extreme than it needed to be. Now I feel like it took me so long to pull my head out of my ass that I'm still behind where I could have been in life already. It's my honest hope that we can pull your head out of your ass sooner and get you to grow as a person so you get the most out of what life has to offer.

    It's not that I don't listen to you, it's just that your wrong.
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    You really want to start this? 
    Ok fine:

    Here are your fucking articles proving that romantic "love" is not an emotion, but an addiction to chemicals:

    Additionally, everyone feels real emotions the same way. Anger, sadness, happiness, etc all have the same effect and reaction from people. Sure they may hit in different extremes, but the feeling is the same. Everybody "feels" "love" differently. And as such, it is not an emotion, it is a reaction to a set of emotions felt while in a relationship, and to those chemicals. 

    For me, I have nothing but negative experience with "love". So when I think of love, my mind immediately goes to heartbreak, sadness, and disappointment. So I have chosen not to engage in romantic activity. 

    Pointing out your contradictions (from the very beginning):
    On sex:
    >Biological purpose of sex is reproduction
    >You claim (at least Jobe and maybe Wake claims) that it is biologically normal for people to be polygamous, with the intent of reproducing with as many people as possible
    >Yet people don't always have sex for reproduction

    >Ok, so going passed biology then: People have sex for love
    >Yet breakups and divorce happens all the time, so love isn't true
    >And there is no "perfect" person out there, so you can't guarantee loving whoever you have sex with
    >People have sex with random strangers
    >So sex isn't for love

    >So sex is for recreation 
    >Which takes away any significant philosophical and symbolic meaning to the act
    >Yet you claim sex still has meaning
    >With random fucking people you don't care about performing an act strictly for recreation

    >You say sex is good for you
    >I post articles proving that sex is bad for people mentally and psychologically

    On love:
    >I say I love this girl
    >You say "true love isn't real"
    >You tell me to get over her
    >So I get over her
    >You: "loool no you didn't. You didn't love her then"
    >Which according to you I didn't, so I didn't?

    >I say romantic love isn't real
    >Its a series of chemical addictions, and giving into lust (sexual desire)
    >Point out how its different than actual emotions
    >Post articles proving my point

    Then you go around and say that I'm crazy, I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm contradictory, and I'm wrong. 

    So be me:
    >Scared of sex
    >Disgusted by sex
    >Negative correlation with relationships
    >Hasn't so much as gone on a date in 4 years
    >No girl likes me
    >I see the negative impact of sex and love on the psyche
    >I see how addicted and obsessed people are with it
    >See how hostile people get when I speak against it
    >Read articles supporting my thoughts
    >Find like minded people on the internet supporting my thoughts
    >Am actually happier not trying to find love or relationships
    >Think the idea of striving for sex and love is hilarious
    >Elevate above primitive human desires of lust 
    >Don't need romantic love for companionship - I have that in my friends
    >Have no desire for sex
    >Have no desire for marriage
    >Have no desire for reproduction

    And you think my rejection of love and sex is a bad thing?
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
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  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    edited April 2015
    Who on earth said true love isn't real?
    how did you prove romantic love is different from other emotions?

    your contradictions are contradictory in themselves by the way .. In two of them you say how sex for procreation is contradictory and then you say sex for pleasure is contradictory.. Well it had to at least be one of them lol I don't think we have penises and vajays for no reason..

    and you gotta be fucking kidding me that we ignored the " negative aspects" of sex.. I literally had multiple page convos with you about it .. 
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I think MC needs to go and have some discussions with old individuals at a home. Maybe they can share some wisdom. That is, if he'll listen. 
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Also in order for your theory of " community of people like me" to work you gotta really have different types of people, different genders, different ages and at different stages of life to agree with you .. It can't all just be no pusdy getting depressed teenagers.. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    Who on earth said true love isn't real?
    how did you prove romantic love is different from other emotions?

    your contradictions are contradictory in themselves by the way .. In two of them you say how sex for procreation is contradictory and then you say sex for pleasure is contradictory.. Well it had to at least be one of them lol I don't think we have penises and vajays for no reason..

    and you gotta be fucking kidding me that we ignored the " negative aspects" of sex.. I literally had multiple page convos with you about it .. 
    The contradictions were expansions and contradictory within themselves. Read more carefully. 

    Also in order for your theory of " community of people like me" to work you gotta really have different types of people, different genders, different ages and at different stages of life to agree with you .. It can't all just be no pusdy getting depressed teenagers.. 
    The group I am talking about is a FB group of people of all ages, and genders. I don't know these people IRL. 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    I did read carefully and I don't understand your point..  People have sex for multiple reasons, some have sex for love so have sex for strictly pleasure.. People use different things in different ways all the time that doesn't make it contradictory... Some people eat for the full benefit of nutrition, some eat shit food cuz it tastes good.. That doesn't mean since some people eat shit food that they are wrong or negate the real reason for eating..
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Who on earth said true love isn't real?
    how did you prove romantic love is different from other emotions?

    your contradictions are contradictory in themselves by the way .. In two of them you say how sex for procreation is contradictory and then you say sex for pleasure is contradictory.. Well it had to at least be one of them lol I don't think we have penises and vajays for no reason..

    and you gotta be fucking kidding me that we ignored the " negative aspects" of sex.. I literally had multiple page convos with you about it .. 
    The contradictions were expansions and contradictory within themselves. Read more carefully. 

    Also in order for your theory of " community of people like me" to work you gotta really have different types of people, different genders, different ages and at different stages of life to agree with you .. It can't all just be no pusdy getting depressed teenagers.. 
    The group I am talking about is a FB group of people of all ages, and genders. I don't know these people IRL. 
    Yeah but the size of your group matters as well as how they are handling their lives.. As you know it's easy to lie on the internet they could be saying their life is great and it could suck dick.. There are also nazi and kkk groups still that think alike.. Just because there is a group of like minded individuals doesn't make it any more healthy
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    And everyone on the internet is so truthful and sincere. You surround yourself with these people to feel accepted and better about your views and the way you feel. You haven't opened your mind to expansion and you don't try to see what others with different views/experiences are trying to say to you. We've been through a lot more than you have..including heartbreak and the like. But unless we agree to your twisted logic what we say never matters.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    Seriously tell me that ANYTHING I will argue for you will take seriously? This is just a way to troll me and waste my time. 

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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    inb4 Nola "you lost since you're not responding"

    go fuck yourself. Hard to have a conversation with a forum of people who blindly thinks the exact opposite you do, and won't understand no matter what I say
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,711 spicy boy
    Bottom line:
    >I will never date again
    >I will never have sex
    >So I am moving on with my life. 
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  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Points that I don't disagree with you on
    - kids these days are too casual with the serious side of sex, especially boys
    - sex has many negative aspects to it
    - sex plays too large of a role in our society
    - the respect side of sex is lacking these days
    - people use sex for the wrong reasons to often

    there ya go

  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    We don't blindly think the opposite of you, you goddamn fucktard. Don't you read anything? We give you insight on our life experiences, people we know, and our own views from our mistakes and so forth. But because our views are very different from yours and you strongly disagree with them..we're the ones in the wrong. You're nothing but a box of contradictions and you honestly don't seem to give a shit about much of anything. Including listening and taking in others views. This is why quite a few people think you are nothing but an elaborate internet troll
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