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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Damn he even pulls out the microscope on bitches.

    Explains a lot. 🤔
    Agree on Wood on Margaery. Not big on Daenerys, but Margaery is hot af

    Not surprised Erik thinks she looks good, her face is crooked af. Explains a lot lol. 

  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    edited July 2023
    It doesn’t take a microscope to see it. You can act like it’s just me on my bullshit saying her elbows are too pointy but there are a ton of posts, stories, pages, articles, videos and interviews about it. I didn’t make them. She’s talked about it herself. Her shits all crooked, Facts. Whaddayawant from me?

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,933 jayfacer
    Holy fuck what a series finale. Featured one of the most brutal death scenes I’ve ever seen, I literally felt claustrophobic during it lmao miles and miles better than the SOA finale. This season has been a fun watch but messy in spots (I think the cast was trying to save face by saying they chose to end here; it really feels like it got cancelled) but they somehow flew it in for a mostly great landing. Can’t believe I’ve been tuning in for five years after wanting to tune out of the last 3 years of SOA lmao 
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    On season 6 of GOT now and I definitely like it, but I feel like it’s too inconsistent for me to consider it one of the GOATs like I always heard about it. When it drops a holy shit moment, Goddamn is it a HOLY FUCKING SHIT moment. Season 3 episode 9 and season 5 episode 8 (and 9 and 10 by extension.) being prime examples, but there’s a whole lotta meandering in-between that honestly bores the shit outta me and kinda loses me.

    The season 5 recap at the beginning of season 6 kinda hammered this home even further tbh. Was an entire season recap, but literally every single scene shown on it was strictly from the final 3 episodes. Nothing at all from the first 7. And those final 3 were fantastic, like I already mentioned, but all that does is confirm that the 7 before it were simply biding time and ultimately delivered nothing that mattered long term, exactly like it felt in the moment as well.
    Just stop watching now. The rest of the show is utter dog ass. I loved the first four seasons. Season 5 was decent. The last two seasons SUCK
    Bruh there are 8 seasons. 6 is the best of the show other than 3.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    What is the reason the last 2 seasons are hated? Because they finally got to the action that they were cock teasing for 6 whole seasons and it’s less narrative/dialogue driven? Cause season 7 is my favorite so far lmao whole shit feels like “BOUT DAMN TIME”.
    Trash taste confirmed 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Okay “TLOU is the best show in the history of mankind”
    Bro you just said your favorite season of GoT was one of the two most hated seasons of any tv show ever =)
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    All I watch is Toku now
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Bro you just said your favorite season of GoT was one of the two most hated seasons of any tv show ever =)
    K. Feel free to at any time answer my question on why it’s so hated away from “LOL UR TASTE TRASH.”

    If this can’t be answered without spoiling the end then we can come back to this conversation shortly cause I’m on season 7 episode 8 so I got 9 episodes left til the whole thing is over, but I’m really not understanding what the hate was here yet, unless something drastically retarded happens in the last 3 of this season. Tonally this is the same show and didn’t switch anything major up, and the only difference I’m so far seeing is that there’s finally a whole lot more of the action they been talking about for the entire fucking series and it’s less narrative driven.

    Did they retcon the books or something? I never read the books.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    They passed the books and that was a lot of the problem. They have at least 2 books to go to wrap it up. It’s been held up for a decade or so. The show went from being tightly written to cringe dialogue. Major plot points get rushed and seasons worth of build up to no where or get ignored completely. Season worth of character growth suddenly goes out the window. Major plot points get resolved in the dumbest ways. Lots more. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    Yea, its just super rushed and sloppy, with stupid plot points and things left unanswered. Coming from a series known for intelligent and deep writing it stuck out even more
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  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    The audio books are great though. The voice actor takes a bit of getting used to. 40 hours+ each if you wanna go down that rabbit hole. Great for making work fly by. The books have so many layers to them that every time you listen to them again you pick up more details and put together cool background plots and details that you missed previously. Things that were nuanced and subtle in the books they just hit you over the head with in the show, and that was before the show went downhill. 

    Stannis, Theon’s Uncles, Children of the Forrest, the faceless men, the entire Dornish Kingdom and many others were all butchered by the show. The Night King doesn’t even exist as a character in the books. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer

    Season 8 was a masterpiece.

    Yall smokin propane.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy

    Season 8 was a masterpiece.

    Yall smokin propane.
    trash taste
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    Why am I not surprised =)
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies

    Season 8 was a masterpiece.

    Yall smokin propane.
    Knew it when ya started
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,010 jayfacer
    Naw I was playin, easy ass bait lmfao BUT seasons 7 and 8 without a doubt had me the most invested out of any of the others. Not a masterpiece and had it’s flaws, but shitting on it like it’s one of the worst things ever made was jus flat out inaccurate. The Long Night alone, or whatever it was called exactly, the extended episode that’s nothing but a long ass battle against the White Walkers, was one of the most (literal form of the word) epic large scale battles I ever seen on screen, and it topped most movies. It’s up there wit the final battle of Endgame no bullshit. They went all out on the action side of things and you can have your gripes wit plot lines, but give credit where it’s due. They did not slack whatsoever in that department. I literally wanna watch jus that episode again, it was that good.

    Where I do think they went wrong is rushing the last 2 seasons. They’re the 2 shortest in the entire series. 7 having 10 is acceptable, but 8 only having 6 was a huge mistake, even if they were all slightly extended episodes. None of the plot lines were bad really, but they needed way more time than they got. The final White Walker battle happens, and then the full blown Daenerys heel turn and war against Cersei gets only 3 episodes. They played out pretty decent as it stands, but something that major should have gotten it’s own entire season, especially as long as they had spent building up prior, less significant storylines. I thought adding yet another incest storyline was a lil weird, but I do understand it served as Jon’s right to the throne. But again, a bombshell that gigantic getting dropped wit only 5 episodes left to wrap it up was definitely sloppy. 

    I see where the complaints are, but I think it was extremely over exaggerated how bad they were. They were still extremely enjoyable to me and great TV, jus had their flaws like most other series do. Ruined the entire series tho like I seen all over the place? Absolutely not. I feel like it wrapped everything up that had been being built for 8 entire seasons pretty nicely, it was jus too rushed at the end. This honestly was a series that would not at all have suffered from a 9th season, or felt milked. It really could have used it wit all the shit revealed at the end, and I think that’s where a lotta the issues lie. Great show, would actually prolly rewatch again some day down the line, even as long as it is.

    I also watched House Of The Dragon afterwards and that shit was fucking horrible. I was bored out of my mind and couldn’t wait for it to end.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,036 spicy boy
    edited August 2023
    It literally wiped Game Of Thrones off the cultural zeitgeist it was so bad. Even most casuals were like "this sucks". Not even Star Wars, for how awful it is, has causals turning on it to such degrees. 
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