My friend introduced me to them through Ocean Land when Mabool was released and I was pretty hooked. I spun their last album more times than I can even count. It was and still is one of my favorite albums from recent years.
1. Àrsaidh – Roots 2. Gorguts – Colored Sands 3. Kauan – Pirut 4. Cult Of Fire – मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान 5. Usnea – Usnea 6. VHÖL – VHÖL 7. Carcass – Surgical Steel 8. Amon Amarth – Deceiver of the Gods 9. Black Mare – Field of the Host 10. Anna Murphy – Cellar Darling 11. Anneke Van Giersbergen – Drive 12. Red Fang – Whales and Leeches 13. Fen – Dustwalker 14. Ævangelist – Omen Ex Simulacra 15. De Arma – Lost, Alien, and Forlorn 16. Portal – Vexovoid 17. Protest The Hero – Volition 18. Blood Ceremony – The Eldritch Dark 19. A Pale Horse Named Death – Lay My Soul To Waste 20. Abyssal – Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius
My friend introduced me to them through Ocean Land when Mabool was released and I was pretty hooked. I spun their last album more times than I can even count. It was and still is one of my favorite albums from recent years.
They just always seemed proggy in a way you and Brian usually poke fun at. Kinda like Opeth. When I remember your thing for Heavy Devy, it makes more sense though
1. Àrsaidh – Roots
2. Gorguts – Colored Sands
3. Kauan – Pirut
4. Cult Of Fire – मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान
5. Usnea – Usnea
7. Carcass – Surgical Steel
8. Amon Amarth – Deceiver of the Gods
9. Black Mare – Field of the Host
10. Anna Murphy – Cellar Darling
11. Anneke Van Giersbergen – Drive
12. Red Fang – Whales and Leeches
13. Fen – Dustwalker
14. Ævangelist – Omen Ex Simulacra
15. De Arma – Lost, Alien, and Forlorn
16. Portal – Vexovoid
17. Protest The Hero – Volition
18. Blood Ceremony – The Eldritch Dark
19. A Pale Horse Named Death – Lay My Soul To Waste
20. Abyssal – Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius
Lmao fucking stop it.
Fuck off. Its a real album =;
I listen to stuff in foreign languages all the time. If you haven't noticed by now you gotta be blind.
> 20/20 vision
Deceased @ wingdings.