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Connecticut school shooting: Reports say more than dozen dead



  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers

    You can be high on your soap box now but if you were in his shoes being falsely named as a kid killer you'd do that same thing

    not a chance in hell. I'd be trying to get ahold of my mother or brother probably to see what was going on, not making douchebag posts on Facebook like some defiant little bitch
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy

    Blood isn't on his hands (as far as we know...he is being questioned in custody after all). However if he's a victim, he should act like it and not make dickhead, douchebag posts like FUCK YOU CNN and EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP IT WASNT ME!!. That's very classy when all poor innocent children and teachers were just massacred. Either say nothing at all, delete your Facebook temporarily or say something with a little more class. What he did was about the worst way to handle it that I can think of.

    I agree that he could have worded it better, but it's easy to point the finger at this guy when it isn't you who had your name, face, and info plastered on screens for the world to see.

    Pepsi had a false syringe scare some years ago, where one person decided to claim that she found a syringe in her can. Utterly ridiculous, and more people came forward and claimed the same. All of them were bullshit in the end, but it doesn't matter. The case may have been cleared, but the company can never erase pictures used like this


    the same as Ryan Lanza's name can never be truly cleared of pictures like this

    I love winning with women
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers

    A) The news is very fucked with mis-information. It's like that with every major news story like this unfortunately. There was so much that was said yesterday that wound up being not true at all.
    B) Again it was his brother, i can sort of see how the mixup might happen. Like i said earlier its not like they closed their eyes and pointed to a name in the phonebook. It was still his damn family that was responsible and probably knew that it was his brother as soon as he heard about it.
    C) There is so much other stuff to focus on with this tragedy that this shouldn't be anyones focus.
    D) Its a douchebag looking Facebook profile pic anyway, he should be shit on for that alone
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers

    i honestly think the sort of nonstop 24/7 coverage of this shit is only going to encourage more suicidal whack jobs to reach for there 15 minutes of fame

    It does seem that real life violence inspires psychos sometimes. Especially since I just read the book 'Mind Hunter' by john douglis who is a former FBI agent and was basically a pioneer in criminal profiling. Amazing book, by the way. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not blaming violence itself. people are responsible for their own actions. I always put the blame on the people responsible no matter how fucked in the head they are or what their reasoning is.
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies

    You can be high on your soap box now but if you were in his shoes being falsely named as a kid killer you'd do that same thing

    not a chance in hell. I'd be trying to get ahold of my mother or brother probably to see what was going on, not making douchebag posts on Facebook like some defiant little bitch
    It's obvious he had a clue that a massacre happened. You also don't have a damn clue what he did off of the internet. Just because he made posts on facebook pissed off about being falsely identified as the killer doesn't mean that's all he gave a shit about. I didn't know that every twitter and facebook post meant those are the only things people care about <_>
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    I read he killed his mom to get the guns. How does tighter gun laws stop that?
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers

    You can be high on your soap box now but if you were in his shoes being falsely named as a kid killer you'd do that same thing

    not a chance in hell. I'd be trying to get ahold of my mother or brother probably to see what was going on, not making douchebag posts on Facebook like some defiant little bitch
    It's obvious he had a clue that a massacre happened. You also don't have a damn clue what he did off of the internet. Just because he made posts on facebook pissed off about being falsely identified as the killer doesn't mean that's all he gave a shit about. I didn't know that every twitter and facebook post meant those are the only things people care about <_>
    then don't post anything at all or delete your facebook. There is no law that says you have to have a Facebook.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Most people have it to vent and to keep in touch with people they don't see very often. Sorry it makes you butthurt
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    your very misinformed you think i'm butthurt. I'm just saying stop feeling sorry for the d-bag, he deserves no sympathy from you or anyone else
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Of course, now he'll look like a jackass if he doesn't donate pretty much all of it to a fund they'll set up.

    Big, shitty deal for him.
    I love winning with women
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    My bad. It just seemed like you were butthurt from you not shutting up about it
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Nah I'm just not Understanding why, with everything that happened , we are trying to get him him millions. There are plenty of people who deserve sympathy here let's get "poor guy" paid 8-|
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    So that means he shouldn't go after them for falsely accusing him of killing children? Well ok then
  • Me_Me_ Posts: 13,701 salt miner
    He should and will be paid. His fb should of been deactivated right away by him till this shit blows over but you can't accuse people of shit like this and get way with it. O btw..all those video games you guys like..yeahhhhhh..we gotta get rid of those also..they promote violence
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    That better have been sarcasm :|
  • Magson13Magson13 Posts: 1,584 just the tip
    Imagine if those teachers were all carrying guns. The killer would have been stopped much sooner, and less people would have lost their lives. More guns saves lives, not less.
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Nobody "accused" him of anything, they falsely identified him.. But again its not like it came out of nowhere, it was his Brother after all and he may have been seeing signs that what happened could have been a possibility.

    Anyway done with this for now. I will continue to mourn the real victims. The fact that some of u would rather focus on this as opposed to the real issue saddens me a bit I guess
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • Me_Me_ Posts: 13,701 salt miner

    Nobody "accused" him of anything, they falsely identified him.. But again its not like it came out of nowhere, it was his Brother after all and he may have been seeing signs that what happened could have been a possibility.

    Anyway done with this for now. I will continue to mourn the real victims. The fact that some of u would rather focus on this as opposed to the real issue saddens me a bit I guess

    Accused/falsely identified.....what's the difference.....They blasted his pic everywhere. You gonna hire this guy for a job if he applies at your place? He did nothing wrong besides his stupid comments on fb. And they were stupid because of the way he said it. If he wouldof said something like Let me clear alot up by saying it was my brother not me it would of been a whole lot better than what he said. He just lashed out. We have all lashed out at one time or another.

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