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Connecticut school shooting: Reports say more than dozen dead



  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    I think you're off base on this CF I would do the same if my shit got blown up. It was said 12000 something shares in a couple minutes not to mention those posts were made before he knew anything about his family being involved. You act like he was sitting in the other room from his murdered mother posting and laughing
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • Me_Me_ Posts: 13,701 salt miner
    Seeing the pics of the kids is heartbreaking. I played with my youngest son all day today. We went to the barber and got our hair cut. Went to the river and threw some rock in and things like that. Went and got some candy at the store. Came home (this is kinda weird I guess) but were outside running around the house with toy guns shooting make believe zombies and I felt like people who were driving by me were kinda looking at me funny for playing with toy guns. O well..maybe it was just me...
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Its all for attention which people seem to still be giving them
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep

    your very misinformed you think i'm butthurt. I'm just saying stop feeling sorry for the d-bag, he deserves no sympathy from you or anyone else

    you are butthurt and that "douchebag" just got his life ruined and here's why.

    1. His mom got murdered

    2. His bro, who he hasn't talked to since 2010, is now on the same level as Charles Manson and Ted Bundy.

    3. No amount of correct information will undo the damage of being falsely identified as a kid killer.

    This guys life is done all because of what his sibling did and he's never going to be able to escape the shadow of this killing. He's going to have to change his name because people are going to want him dead cuz of his brother.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    i fully support homocide in the case of westboro
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,927 spicy boy
    >heard i was just accused of a mass shooting
    >better check my facebook

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,927 spicy boy
    I just watched one of the partens im an emotional person anyways....but usually people that i don't know/aren't in my life don't get tears flowing....but yeah that totally sad
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    Morgan Freeman's brilliant take on what happened yesterday :

    "You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

    It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed
    people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

    CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

    You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."

  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    >Suggest society bans gun sales in an attempt to reduce firearm homicides.
    >Therefore banning guns would eliminate all murders.

    So far from the argument. I'm not trying to say that things like bombs, etc; aren't often chosen ways of killing people, I'm saying that there's something wrong with finding the mort popular one at a store down the street. Cool to disagree, I just think this conversation is worth having, and how much you all would actually still believe that if you knew homicide victims.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Episode said:

    I see 6 potential murder weapons if I wanted someone dead. A knife, a bat, a hammer, an ax, a saw, and oh, my Goddamn bare hands. Fuck outta here wit that shit.

    If you or anyone can ever go into a school and murder 26 people with those items, then I'm wrong.

    It just so happens that all of these murders are carried out with guns.

    Also, as for constructing bombs, etc. That's one of the weapons used at Columbine. They didn't work. Don't make it sound like everyone's a fucking bomb technician because they have a garage and some ammonia. Those fail. Guns don't.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    ask timothy mcveigh about home made bombs. its really not hard to make bombs if you have time to plan and acquire the materials. gimme some det cord, an IV bag, cardboard and some duck tape and i can take a 8 foot section of wall out.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,798 spicy boy
    Shanelildikkmcgyver :-?
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited December 2012
    Sure. I'm not saying that a gun ban would eliminate murder or large attacks, I'm saying that I think they would reduce them.

    Just the fact that there is another way they can do it doesn't mean we shouldn't restrict the most common way of doing it.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,927 spicy boy

    lildikkcomedianztoddz....just like himz daddyz
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I'm sure a good percentage of this country would not be happy if there was a gun ban
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
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