How do y'all not get tired? Do y'all just have such a high tolerance that it doesn't even matter anymore? This is really bugging me, I don't wanna be able to not enjoy weed now because it knocks me the fuck out.
after only doing mdma and acid for a year i dont even get high on GOOD weed it just puts me to sleep
i honestly dont mind it either what i get from mdma or acid is way better then anything weeds given me , i was throwing in my two cents
i call bullshit...just because you do so many other drugs does not mean you won't get high from weed
if i get high i get tired at the same time and just sleep
Well. If you felt the way I felt that day you would think different. DOn't forget I got 3 kids and a wife that depend on me. They kinda need me around. Seriously though I was having a heart attack. Scared aint the word. SCARED SHITLESS is more like it.
we've had the warning labels on cigarettes here for years now. also not too long ago they made it so that cigarettes cant be visible in the store and their not allowed to tell you what brands they have.
yeah ontario is pretty much the same, no smoking in any business/public building. must be 10 meters from all entrances. there was a local bar owner who bought an old school bus so that his customers could go into the bus instead of out in the cold to smoke and he got huge fines over it. also they tried to tell truck drivers that they couldnt smoke in their OWN trucks (that didnt last long)
I'm kinda glad it happened because I had been wanting to quit for a while and that just gave me the push I needed. I was tired of being tired all the time. The only downfall for me now is now I don't play video games no more. Weed=game fuel!
Yes sir. True story. When I was 17 I met this kid. He was the kind of kid who's dog was his best friend. Coke bottles for glasses..the whole 9. I have a soft spot in me for people that don't really have no friends or are new in the town so I try to make the comfortable and be their friend etc. His uncle was the biggest weed dealer around (which I had no idea about when I became his friend).This kid use to take his Uncles weed (on more than 1 occasion) and give the shit to me. Sometimes it was a half pound at a clip. That shit went on for like a year. His uncle would hide it in different spots oe lock it up but somehow he always got it. 17 was a good age. That kid grew up to be friggin huge. He's like retard strong now. Moral of the story is be nice to everyone because you never know how they will pay it forward back to you.
How do y'all not get tired? Do y'all just have such a high tolerance that it doesn't even matter anymore? This is really bugging me, I don't wanna not be able to enjoy weed now because it knocks me the fuck out.
It just depends on what you are smoking and what you are doing at the time. It's less of a problem if you stay busy, if you are on your ass you're more likely to want to zonk out. Different strains have different effects. Tolerance also plays a part in it.