well they are 50 bux a pop lol but yea maybe ill buy 2
I quit smoking for a few weeks, took Vales perma-flush detox pills (8 a day for 2 weeks) and dropped dirty on a home test. Took another cleanser called strip, drank gallons of water for 3 days straight and still dipped dirty with a home test.
I don't know. Weed doesn't really do it for me anymore. Just knocks my ass out as soon as I come down, and smoking more doesn't help after I already came down, it just makes me even more tired. And it's not a matter of bad weed, this was some FLAME that got me fucking gone after like three hits, but it still knocked me out afterwards. I wish the comedown was like DXM, sudden, but you still have that "afterglow", and it doesn't knock your ass out.
so erik i robo tripped the other on 8 cvs brand ( basically tripple cs i took 4 then 4 more a half hour later) and for some reason i have no idea why i tripped for like 12 hours i went to a different world when i closed my eyes fell asleep and then woke up still tripping and felt a tiny bit nauseas the whole time but i have no idea why 8 was this strong when ive taken 10 ( 5 then 5 ) and it wasnt anywhere as near as strong
How do y'all not get tired? Do y'all just have such a high tolerance that it doesn't even matter anymore? This is really bugging me, I don't wanna not be able to enjoy weed now because it knocks me the fuck out.
How do y'all not get tired? Do y'all just have such a high tolerance that it doesn't even matter anymore? This is really bugging me, I don't wanna be able to not enjoy weed now because it knocks me the fuck out.
after only doing mdma and acid for a year i dont even get high on GOOD weed it just puts me to sleep
i honestly dont mind it either what i get from mdma or acid is way better then anything weeds given me , i was throwing in my two cents
good weed makes you high not sleepy I can get baked as fuck and still go out and do normal shit if i smoked schwag then id get really sleepy + probably have a headache
Just get the fake pee.
Holy fuck dopest dope I've smoked in a while.
Fuck those are some seriously huge sticky heads
On more then one occasion though after doing a good amount of cardio I have felt wicked high when I stop.
is it loading for you?
How do y'all not get tired? Do y'all just have such a high tolerance that it doesn't even matter anymore? This is really bugging me, I don't wanna not be able to enjoy weed now because it knocks me the fuck out.
i honestly dont mind it either what i get from mdma or acid is way better then anything weeds given me , i was throwing in my two cents
I can get baked as fuck and still go out and do normal shit
if i smoked schwag then id get really sleepy + probably have a headache