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who you gonna vote for



  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent
    naw man i give a shit about stuff like that as well...its all the same bullshit to me... i dont think anyone has the right to brainwash kids at a young age...just guide them as best you can and let them make up their own minds about big decisions like that..hearing stuff like you just wrote makes me pretty upset and sad, i hate shit like that
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    thrid party/ independent
    They will be strictly taught that a womans place is in the kitchen and baring children for the man of the house. That she will not speak back and will do as instructed.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    not voting
    naw man i give a shit about stuff like that as well...its all the same bullshit to me... i dont think anyone has the right to brainwash kids at a young age...just guide them as best you can and let them make up their own minds about big decisions like that..hearing stuff like you just wrote makes me pretty upset and sad, i hate shit like that
    fair enough. I will state though that although I am not into polygamy I do not support the government making laws against it. If two-ten consensual adults want to chose that lifestyle, I believe they should be allowed too. I am against all forms of brain washing though (or conditioning) such as the Pledge of Allegiance and would support laws against it.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    not voting
    They will be strictly taught that a womans place is in the kitchen and baring children for the man of the house. That she will not speak back and will do as instructed.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    edited July 2012
    thrid party/ independent
    naw man i give a shit about stuff like that as well...its all the same bullshit to me... i dont think anyone has the right to brainwash kids at a young age...just guide them as best you can and let them make up their own minds about big decisions like that..hearing stuff like you just wrote makes me pretty upset and sad, i hate shit like that
    fair enough. I will state though that although I am not into polygamy I do not support the government making laws against it. If two-ten consensual adults want to chose that lifestyle, I believe they should be allowed too. I am against all forms of brain washing though (or conditioning) such as the Pledge of Allegiance and would support laws against it.
    untill i see otherwise though i believe almost all polygamy situations are due to childhood brainwashing doe..thats just my belief i could be wrong... not to say you couldnt have normal functioning adults practicing it in a decent way... i just hink theyre still brainwashed into choosing that lifestyle..esp the women
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    not voting
    I've watched that polygamy show on tv... know the one im talking about? Anyways, the kids didnt seem all that brain washed. the main guy on the show has 3 brothers I think, and 2 of them arent into polygamy
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    say what nigga? just because you are a monogamist, doesnt mean if it was made legal that you would need to participate. This statement is like saying "Currently I'd vote against gay marriage because I am a hetrosexual, but I would have no problem with gay marriage being legalized."
    Not really, since my or the society's wellbeing isn't threatened by homosexuality. I think there's a present amount of threat to society with polygamy. I'm open to the possibility that I'm wrong, but that's just my gut instinct. Seeing Mom or Dad with hedonistic intentions could result in a change in nurturing, etc. It's not something I'm willing to bank on, but I think it could be there.

    I'd vote against it because it's a "I don't see the current need for it, and I see its impacts on the household as negative" basis. For gay marriage, I see it on a "there is a need for it, and there are no negative impacts on the household" basis.

    I'd vote against it because I weigh my vote on my values and the societal good. I don't see it being good or bad for society, and it doesn't conform with my values. Gay marriage conforms with my values and I see it as good for society.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited July 2012
    not voting
    Not really, since my or the society's wellbeing isn't threatened by homosexuality. I think there's a present amount of threat to society with polygamy. I'm open to the possibility that I'm wrong, but that's just my gut instinct. Seeing Mom or Dad with hedonistic intentions could result in a change in nurturing, etc. It's not something I'm willing to bank on, but I think it could be there.
    Since you dont see a need for it, I'll give you one. Costs of living has gone sky high in recent years and pay has not kept up with cost of living. It is almost assured that traditional families need both parents working to make ends meet, and the kids must sit in day cares being raised by minimum wage workers. Having multiple adults in a marriage, is like having a bigger group of people all working together for the greater good of their small group. If two people need to work to support the family, the the third wife can stay at home and nurture the kids in a safe environment that is healthy for the kids and consistent with their families morals.

    Would you like to doubt my scenario being true? Just because Polygamy doenst fit well within your moral compass, doesnt mean it is wrong for others. I will agree with Nola that brainwashing is bad and should be stopped if happening, but if consensual adults want to make an agreement such as this which does not hurt or impact society, then who are you to vote and say no you can't. Would you rather the system of minimum wage workers raise their kids to rob you and rape your kids in 20 years? Im being absurd to prove my point.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    yeah becuase presidnets make big gay marriage decisions on the reg yo
    Clinton did sign the, now ruled unconstitutional by the first circuit court, Defense of Marriage Act
    nearly every bill that is introduced and passed violates the constitution in some way or form...i don't see how this should be a surprise

  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Since you dont see a need for it, I'll give you one. Costs of living has gone sky high in recent years and pay has not kept up with cost of living. It is almost assured that traditional families need both parents working to make ends meet, and the kids must sit in day cares being raised by minimum wage workers. Having multiple adults in a marriage, is like having a bigger group of people all working together for the greater good of their small group. If two people need to work to support the family, the the third wife can stay at home and nurture the kids in a safe environment that is healthy for the kids and consistent with their families morals.

    Would you like to doubt my scenario being true? Just because Polygamy doenst fit well within your moral compass, doesnt mean it is wrong for others. I will agree with Nola that brainwashing is bad and should be stopped if happening, but if consensual adults want to make an agreement such as this which does not hurt or impact society, then who are you to vote and say no you can't. Would you rather the system of minimum wage workers raise their kids to rob you and rape your kids in 20 years? Im being absurd to prove my point.
    Another thing I'd be concerned about would be that it would create a tax incentive to have 10 wives. Why not let me just marry 16 women so they all pay less in taxes?

    I think having multiple adults in a marriage could be good, but I'm not convinced legalizing polygamy is the way to go while so few Americans practice polygamy. If there's a way to make the legislation work and be fool proof, then cool. Sign me up.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited July 2012
    not voting

    Another thing I'd be concerned about would be that it would create a tax incentive to have 10 wives. Why not let me just marry 16 women so they all pay less in taxes?

    I think having multiple adults in a marriage could be good, but I'm not convinced legalizing polygamy is the way to go while so few Americans practice polygamy. If there's a way to make the legislation work and be fool proof, then cool. Sign me up.
    You know, our country was founded upon not paying taxes. We are literally a country because we were fed up with paying England taxes. And for the next 150 years we basically had zero income tax. The first real income tax the US government implemented was a income tax to help support the USA's involvement in WW1. It was sold on the fact that it would only be a tax for the richest 1% of the USA. And it would only be 1% of the richest 1%'s income and it would only last for a couple of years until the war is over. Flash forward 50 years past that and now everyone is paying at least 20%, if not closer to 50% (counting Social Security, Medicare, and Income taxes. All three of these line items are income taxes even if you want to call it a different name)

    Anyways... So what has your precious tax money allowed the US government to do? Has it given us a top notch education system where we a educating our populaces to be leaders of the world? NOOOOPEEE. That's Sweden. We have a wonderful health care system that is affordable and doesnt turn away the poor? Negative... that's like every other 1st world country. At least we are protected with our retirement and SS. Sorry, that account will be bankrupt in 15 years. SO what do we have? It's allowed them to produce a war machine that is unparalleled. here is our current military spending in relation to the next highest spenders.


    So you're worried about someone playing the system and getting out of paying a little tax money? Good! is what I say. It will just give the rich in power less money to build bombs to drop on the poor.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    not voting
    Oh and Obama is change? How is keeping military spending at unsustainable operating levels change? Looks like he is stayed the course. Sure he hasnt grown it like Bush Jr did, but he kept it at Bush's highest spending level. Fuck Obama. Fuck Bush, and Fuck every president on this list for investing all our money in building bombs instead of improving our society.

  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    thrid party/ independent
    Fuck every president on this list for investing all our money in building bombs instead of improving our society.
    =D> ^:)^
  • Da_MuffinzDa_Muffinz Posts: 2,972 balls deep
    thrid party/ independent
    Obama and Romney= same corrupt bullshit we've been having for the past 10 years. I'm so done living under this two-party dictatorship.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    You know, our country was founded upon not paying taxes. We are literally a country because we were fed up with paying England taxes. And for the next 150 years we basically had zero income tax. The first real income tax the US government implemented was a income tax to help support the USA's involvement in WW1. It was sold on the fact that it would only be a tax for the richest 1% of the USA. And it would only be 1% of the richest 1%'s income and it would only last for a couple of years until the war is over. Flash forward 50 years past that and now everyone is paying at least 20%, if not closer to 50% (counting Social Security, Medicare, and Income taxes. All three of these line items are income taxes even if you want to call it a different name)

    Anyways... So what has your precious tax money allowed the US government to do? Has it given us a top notch education system where we a educating our populaces to be leaders of the world? NOOOOPEEE. That's Sweden. We have a wonderful health care system that is affordable and doesnt turn away the poor? Negative... that's like every other 1st world country. At least we are protected with our retirement and SS. Sorry, that account will be bankrupt in 15 years. SO what do we have? It's allowed them to produce a war machine that is unparalleled. here is our current military spending in relation to the next highest spenders.
    It's still illegal to not pay your taxes, and because the politicians aren't using it the way I want them to, doesn't mean that I want to authorize not paying your taxes. No dice.
    Oh and Obama is change? How is keeping military spending at unsustainable operating levels change? Looks like he is stayed the course. Sure he hasnt grown it like Bush Jr did, but he kept it at Bush's highest spending level. Fuck Obama. Fuck Bush, and Fuck every president on this list for investing all our money in building bombs instead of improving our society.

    If there's one thing that you can notice in that graph, it's that there's nearly no examples of a president drastically decreasing the military budget right away with the exception of Eisenhower. All of the other ones have chosen the economically smart method of slowly decreasing the budget. When you're a consumption based economy like the United States, stopping consumption, no matter the use, could have drastic effects.

    It'll be interesting to see the 4th year numbers for Obama. Because if they've increased, I agree, but if they haven't, then it works for him. But you also have to understand that all of this goes through Congress first. Vote out your incumbent congressmen first.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent
    wine you sound like such a bitch sometimes when you cant admit obamas clear wrongdoings...
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy

    everyone should give this a watch...sure its a little long and kinda boring...but its a very good informational documentary
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent
    what it comes down to is obama is a bad president. the end. im sorry but its simple truth
    was george bush worse? hell yes
    were alot of presidents wrose? hell yes
    but that is not an excuse he still sucks and is an extreme disappointment stop making excuses for him
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    not voting
    im gonna vote for Givez A. Fukk
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
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