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who you gonna vote for



  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent

    NolaMetal said:

    marriage should just be defined by the state period..if your gay and you wanna get married so bad move to a state that has gay marriage..if you wanna be gay and live in spr republican texas then tough titties....but then at the same time i feel if we do that to long some states would get way ahead of other states socially causing more problems...the whole 50 different states thing really makes things tough as fuck we should just split the country into four smaller countries lol

    YEAH, and let's get rid of the Civil Rights act....leave it up to the states...If Texas don't want n*****s, then jus' move to a dang state that likes 'em....States' Rights is a joke and a weapon used by multinational corporations and the radical right to divide and conquer the left on every issue....e.g. voting rights/laws, marriage equailty environmental issues, health and wellfare, etc....
    well first of all marriage = / = civil rights
    this country looks at marriage in a strange way imo if its a religious thing then keep it out of govt, if its not a religious thing than everyone should have the right to do it..i first think we need to answer that question...secondly you dont believe in any states rights? thats completely retarded....americans are too different from each other and technically i dont think its if the exact same rules applied to people up in vermont than it is with people down in lousiana...they both like to live life differently and you have to understand that...Yes i agree with you that civil rights should be granted to the entire population but like i said in a convo a while back almost any issue could be considered a civil rights issue... affirmative action could be considered a civil rights issue, abortion, legalizing marijuana, etc.... so without states rights whats your brilliant plan to keep the country under one unified way of law? at least SOME sattes have gay marriage and medical marijuana and shit like got to start somewhere cuz if there were no states rights then there would be exactly zero states with it
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    yeah id actually like to see the federal government less involved with what the states do
  • TravisTravis Posts: 4,971 balls deep
    NOLA: The right to a State Marriage License to one group of adults but not another based on orientation is taxation without representation...pretty unconstitutional....States Rights is valid, but not to the effect of dividing a populace in order to further toxic legislation (ALEC for example)...The Right Wing corrupts the meaning and scope of "states rights" to exert power over state officials, which is much easier than taking on the federal government; Example: can the state of Ohio combat literally a BILLION dollars worth of campaign finance and lobby efforts by a polluting corporation that wants to destroy Ohio's rivers with waste?....You flood the airwaves with attack ads and buy off local, county and state officials, whose opposition (that OPPOSES said polluting corporation) has no chance of winning a slanted election...It's classic 'divide and conquer' The Koch Brother and their ilk have had great success steamrolling individual states with legislation packages and ready-made bills/funding that firthers their interests....The Frac'ing Industry is going to have a tough time duking it out with the EPA; solution: De-fund/ demonize the EPA and go after STATE laws that restrict destroying the environment....
  • TravisTravis Posts: 4,971 balls deep
    If you're not a Liberal at age 18, you have no heart.

    If you're not a Liberal at age 40, you have no brain.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    Any one should be able to get so sick of this debate

    i do feel like the federal government has to much control over out lives tho
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited July 2012
    when i got married at the magistrate and they had you repeat what they said, i refused to say god. i said North Carolina instead. the magistrate looked pissed but there was really nothing he could do.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent
    liberals are fucking retarded on a number of issues so i cannot call myself a liberal, even though im wayyyy more left leaning at this point than right, Independent till the day i die
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