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who you gonna vote for



  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    thrid party/ independent
    Only 7% of all currency is even in paper form. The rest is just numbers on a computer. All of it means absolutely nothing.
    Treasury bonds, etc. are currency. It means so much more than absolutely nothing. If all of the paper money that we put into vending machines, give to cashiers and snort cocaine with vanished, the economic world would still be there. If all of the other 93% of "absolutely nothing" vanished, the economic order would collapse.

    Modern economics depends on central banks, and just because there are issues with the Fed, which really isn't that big outside of a few bad apples without checks and balances put into the position to do a lot, doesn't mean that abolishing it is the way to go.

    Jeez dude. How's the kool aid?
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    It was never very difficult to find out if it came down to a point, Obama would be for gay marriage, and it is about to get to that point.

    It's always been clear, just not stated.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent
    thats because whether or not he was for or against gay marriage had no bearing on his presidential reign... but once he realizes he could use it for re election it went from understood to stated... funny how that worked out
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    thats because whether or not he was for or against gay marriage had no bearing on his presidential reign... but once he realizes he could use it for re election it went from understood to stated... funny how that worked out
    Oh my god, he used his stance to his advantage politically.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    not voting
    Oh my god, he used his stance to his advantage politically.
    What sucks about it is when that person is then viewed as history as being the person to lead the revolution. When in reality they dont give a fuck. It's like Lincoln... Lincoln gave 0 fucks about slavery and he said so himself. However he used slavery as a catalyst to justify an illegal war against the south. And today he is remembered for freeing the salves... yay. Unless you are the people actually leading the effort and see that this jackass gets all the credit for all your hard work.
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    not voting
    Phil Labonte for prezident

  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Oh my god, he used his stance to his advantage politically.
    What sucks about it is when that person is then viewed as history as being the person to lead the revolution. When in reality they dont give a fuck. It's like Lincoln... Lincoln gave 0 fucks about slavery and he said so himself. However he used slavery as a catalyst to justify an illegal war against the south. And today he is remembered for freeing the salves... yay. Unless you are the people actually leading the effort and see that this jackass gets all the credit for all your hard work.
    C'mon, Obama didn't start shit and none of the historical credit will go to him. It'll all go to Harvey Milk, who actually deserves it. I'm no Lincoln expert, so I can't say shit, but Obama won't be remembered as the gay civil rights president.

    However, someone should jump on that, there's an easy spot in history for that person as one of the best civil rights oriented presidents ever.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    thats because whether or not he was for or against gay marriage had no bearing on his presidential reign... but once he realizes he could use it for re election it went from understood to stated... funny how that worked out
    doesn't change the fact that he turned around and supported it. I don't see a single conservative/republican candidate jumping on that wagon.
    actually almost every single Republican strategist has warned their party to chill out on the anti-gay rhetoric saying it will cost them dearly in long run, its why there was almost no backlash when Obama announced his support.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    actually almost every single Republican strategist has warned their party to chill out on the anti-gay rhetoric saying it will cost them dearly in long run, its why there was almost no backlash when Obama announced his support.
    Republicans are starting to jump ship on gay marriage as a topic entirely, as a matter of fact.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited July 2012
    thats because whether or not he was for or against gay marriage had no bearing on his presidential reign... but once he realizes he could use it for re election it went from understood to stated... funny how that worked out
    doesn't change the fact that he turned around and supported it. I don't see a single conservative/republican candidate jumping on that wagon.
    actually almost every single Republican strategist has warned their party to chill out on the anti-gay rhetoric saying it will cost them dearly in long run, its why there was almost no backlash when Obama announced his support.
    they're still against it though and I don't trust them to not support anti-gay propaganda.
    oh they're still hardcore anti-gay. they're just not making it a rallying cry anymore.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited July 2012
    The ad's planned partenthood's running are taking a serious toll on Romney's female vote. in markets where most women remember seeing them Obama was ahead of romney by almost 20 points in the womens vote.

    if the numbers hold Obama has this locked up pretty much. if he can hold the Illegal *cough* i mean latino, the gay and the women's vote it will be very hard for Romney to make up the difference. hes got a very strong lead in the youth vote as well and there are still a shit ton of blacks who will vote for him solely cause hes black although less than last election.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent
    thats because whether or not he was for or against gay marriage had no bearing on his presidential reign... but once he realizes he could use it for re election it went from understood to stated... funny how that worked out
    Oh my god, he used his stance to his advantage politically.
    im jussayin why im not a huge fan of him and wont be voting for him, the doods just playing the game like all the other repubs and libs and i dont vote for people who are just playing the game i vote for difference makers and people who will do what obama said he was going to do (but didnt do) when he ran four years ago
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited July 2012
    right now Obama is boxing in Republicans on middle class tax cuts in a brilliant political move. he wants to extend the bush tax cuts for those under 250,000 which is 98% but let them expire for the top 2% bringing them back to clinton era rates. he playing the lets agree to do what we agree on and knock this shit out now card and debate the top 2% after the election, not jeopardizing the 98% in the process. now the republicans are in panic mode trying to block it without looking like they want rates to go up on the middle class and are protecting billionaires at the people's expense
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent
    yeah becuase presidnets make big gay marriage decisions on the reg yo
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited July 2012
    yeah becuase presidnets make big gay marriage decisions on the reg yo
    Clinton did sign the, now ruled unconstitutional by the first circuit court, Defense of Marriage Act
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    The debate is coming down to a supreme court decision, possibly Perry vs Schwarzenegger, and in order for that to go the way it should, it needs presidential support.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    Obama already ordered the DoJ to stop defending the constitutionality of DOMA. House republicans have had to pick up the pieces
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent
    marriage should just be defined by the state period..if your gay and you wanna get married so bad move to a state that has gay marriage..if you wanna be gay and live in spr republican texas then tough titties....but then at the same time i feel if we do that to long some states would get way ahead of other states socially causing more problems...the whole 50 different states thing really makes things tough as fuck we should just split the country into four smaller countries lol
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    marriage should just be defined by the state period..if your gay and you wanna get married so bad move to a state that has gay marriage..if you wanna be gay and live in spr republican texas then tough titties....but then at the same time i feel if we do that to long some states would get way ahead of other states socially causing more problems...the whole 50 different states thing really makes things tough as fuck we should just split the country into four smaller countries lol
    No. Definitely not.

    If you're a person and want "freedom of speech" move to a country that has freedom of speech. If you live in Saudi Arabia then tough titties.

    Gay marriage is the largest social debate in America right now, and it's about more than being married. It's arguing the political legitimacy of an entire portion of the population.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    thrid party/ independent
    so then your not an advocate of states rights wine?
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