Eesh. My manager was ranting about Suicide Squad today. He said its essentially Batman and Robin, and that Leto Joker is the equivalent of Carrey's Riddler in Batman Forever.
It isnt even so much about the race changes anymore, its expected at this point (though I am a purist and prefer to see characters portrayed on screen as they are in source material. This applies to ALL characters. Im just as mad about the cast of Ghost in the Shell being white instead of Japanese), I mean most changes just fine (Kingpin in Daredevil, Nick Fury, Harvey Dent in the original Batman movies, etc), and dont bother me..
What bothers me is that they're obviously doing this to appease the current culture wars.
But there are hundreds of already established "minority" characters in comics. Why change things at all?
Here's the difference though. SJW/feminists (such as that lovely cunt I screenshotted) think white dudes get pissed because they're putting minorities into roles. In reality, people (not just white dudes) are pissed because they want to see the comic portrayed on the screen as it is in the comic. The "outrage" (im not really that mad, I just think it sucks) would be applied to EVERY CHARACTER of EVERY RACE, GENDER, ETHNICITY, SEXUALITY, whatever. Whereas SJWs only care about eliminated white men from things.
We "white dudes" dont give a fuck if its new characters, or characters established as a minority. But they dont acknowledge that. They think the "anger" stems from the WHAT not the WHY.
You know they arent making someone like Peter black because they know they'd lose the hardcore comic elitist crowd. So they only change minor characters, like M.J., because then its just enough forced diversity to appeal to the SJWs who wouldn't have seen it in the first place (see that FB post above) because they care more about representation than legacy and good stories, but then the movie can also maintain the elitist base because they aren't drastically changing a legacy character for the film.
Same reason why they changed Deadshot, but not Harley or Joker (aside from bastardizing the characters interpretation entirely)
It isnt even so much about the race changes anymore, its expected at this point (though I am a purist and prefer to see characters portrayed on screen as they are in source material. This applies to ALL characters. Im just as mad about the cast of Ghost in the Shell being white instead of Japanese), I mean most changes just fine (Kingpin in Daredevil, Nick Fury, Harvey Dent in the original Batman movies, etc), and dont bother me..
What bothers me is that they're obviously doing this to appease the current culture wars.
But there are hundreds of already established "minority" characters in comics. Why change things at all?
They cast Peter so perfecty. Why do they gotta fuck up the rest?
We "white dudes" dont give a fuck if its new characters, or characters established as a minority. But they dont acknowledge that. They think the "anger" stems from the WHAT not the WHY.
So fuck them.
Same reason why they changed Deadshot, but not Harley or Joker (aside from bastardizing the characters interpretation entirely)