Those are the only two Avengers films that I liked enough to buy on DVD. Thor 1 sucked, 2 was decent, Iron Man 2/3 sucked, Captain America 1 was decent, Hulk was mehs, and Avengers are just okay.
Avengers was amazing. I really liked Thor 2. Iron Man is awesome, and the second one is pretty good too. Sure the first Thor and Iron Man 3 were kinda 'meh', but they were still enjoyable.
Still better than Ghost Rider, or the second one (ehhhh....), or even Daredevil (Directors cut version > ), X3, Blade, Howard the Duck, Spiderman 3, hell even Origins: Wolverine. And I like most of those, at least to a certain degree, too.
The best comic book movie (not including Winter Soldier since I haven't seen it yet), is still Dredd to me though. I wish they'd make a second one of that.
I'm sure its good, but Marvel has had quite a few other really good movies. Even their worst are pretty good.
Sorry, I meant o say Winter Soldier > every other avengers film put together.
Marvel has definitely had some awesome films outside the avengers.
Winter Soldier > Iron Man 1 > the rest.
Those are the only two Avengers films that I liked enough to buy on DVD. Thor 1 sucked, 2 was decent, Iron Man 2/3 sucked, Captain America 1 was decent, Hulk was mehs, and Avengers are just okay.
Those are the best ones
Avengers was amazing. I really liked Thor 2. Iron Man is awesome, and the second one is pretty good too. Sure the first Thor and Iron Man 3 were kinda 'meh', but they were still enjoyable.
Still better than Ghost Rider, or the second one (ehhhh....), or even Daredevil (Directors cut version > ), X3, Blade, Howard the Duck, Spiderman 3, hell even Origins: Wolverine. And I like most of those, at least to a certain degree, too.
As a whole Marvel's movies > DC's movies regardless though. They are def reigning supreme in terms of comic book films.
Thor 1 and Iron Man 3 were not even remotely enjoyable for me.
Avengers was full of awful one-liners, and the acting was mediocre for most of the time.
The best comic book movie (not including Winter Soldier since I haven't seen it yet), is still Dredd to me though. I wish they'd make a second one of that.
Pretty decent.
for real doe. Avengers = Winter Soldier > Iron Man > Thor > Iron Man 2 > Captain America > Thor 2 > Iron Man 3 > Incredible Hulk
iron man movies sucked
Lol at thinking Thor 1 wad better than 2.
1 should have been called "Product Placement: The Movie"
Says the dumb fuck that thinks Avengers sucked. End your life.
Yeah I haven't seen the new captain America yet but it goes like this for me
Avengers> Incredible Hulk>captain America> thor 1> iron man trilogies
Haven't seen Thor 2 yet either
Hulk better than Iron Man
I had to watch the first iron man like 5 times to get all the way through it because I kept falling asleep