I was kinda bummed that the end credits scene for Wolverine was just after the immediate cast and such. I stayed after the end thinking there would be more
Shit was still mindblowing doe
last week i was lamenting to my girlfriend about how i wanted to buy some comics for my son but i knew he'd just tear them up. she responded something along the lines of "well, he doesn't tear them up now." i asked her what she was talking about and she said that he sneaks into my storage room every day and looks through my graphic novels while i'm at work. i had no idea because they're always put back on the shelf in order when i get home. about a year ago, i had to trip out on him because he got into my wolverine 'origin' hardcover and wrote in it with a sharpie, so i banned him from the room. apparently, he's just refined his methods. anyways, this made me have to think about it because i don't really want him looking at shit like 'preacher' or 'transmetropolitan' mostly because of the perverse stuff. i also know that he obviously takes care of my stuff where he wouldn't if it were his own. so, i got on ebay the other day and found someone selling issues 1-16 of ultimate marvel team-up for $13 including shipping. roman looooooooves spiderman, and since that series is pretty much spiderman teaming up with other marvel heroes it should be perfect for him as a gateway comic. so i bought the comics, but i'm going to tell him they're mine and leave them in that room. that way he can get into them, but won't destroy them. win/win
Shit was still mindblowing doe
Might have to do this now :-?
new Marvel promo. Once again advertising a universe changing arc.
Commissioner Gordon TV show