I'm pretty stoked for Amazing Spider-Man 2, tbh. I was really reluctant when I saw they were rebooting the character so soon, but the first one makes the old series look campy. I've prolly seen it more than anything other movie ever because my son loves it so much
New Punisher comic
\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/
I called this like a week ago
Possible Spidey spoiler at link. Apparently Amazing 700.1 is coming out!
Kevin Smith (who directed those movies) hosts the show.
@Metalcrusades you see Cap yet?
Not yet. I'm hoping to go next weekend. I've heard its awesome.
Its easily the best phase 2 movie, and on par with ( and in my opinion slightly better than) The Avengers for best Marvel movie period.