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The Concert Review Thread



  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Hey bro...

    Nice novel of an explanation
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    WOW. That came out a LOT bigger than expected.
    I love winning with women
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    and sorry chew, they didnt play breathe today, maybe they'll change it up when they come to baltimore
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    hey bro

    way to not explain youre soty sounds like hatebreed statement, i didnt mean to come off like a jerkoff, thats just one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard on this board. if you could explain, maybe i'd get it, but i seen the one bands a shit ton of times, the other o seen tonight, one kicks major ass, the other i wouldnt pay to see.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    i didnt mean to buggout on you man, my bad. hatebreeds one of my favorite bands. it came out wrong. i just dont see any similarity in the two, except for maybe the way they look. but youre entitled to your opinion.
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    This was a failed troll attempt the whole time.

    Forget it ><
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I was hoping to get Ape as the bait, but apparently not.
    I love winning with women
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    oh, damn. i thought you was serious. btw, i had to save that huge ass picture and look it up that way to tell what it was,i got got...
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I actually didn't even know you were a Hatebreed fan. I learned something today.
    I love winning with women
    Uproar Festival - Denver - 09/14

    Denver's Uproar date opened with 2 local bands, which was kind of a drag as they both were awful. After about an hour of walking around grabbing all of the freebies the vendors had to offer - which was a shit ton by the way, I wish Mayhem was like that - the first real band started.

    Hail The Villain: These guys knocked me on my ass. Before today, I had never heard more than one song from these guys. After seeing them live, that is going to change very soon. They were spot on, energetic, and vocalist Bryan Crouch is a very entertaining frontman. Im not knocking these guys are revolutionary or complex, but they are some damn good hard rock. Before their set, I was walking by their merch tent, and the merch guy offered me a shirt and their cd for 15 bucks. I politely declined, then immediately regretted not taking it after seeing their performance. I met the entire band, and they signed my program. They were extremely cool and I got a few photos. 8/10

    New Medicine: After meeting Hail The Villain we raided the Rockstar tent for some energy cola and shitastic rockstar gum. We watched New Medicine from the tent, and they didnt impress. The singers vocals were eerily similar to Zack De La Rocha of Rage Against The Machine, but the music was all over the place. Their merch guy described them before their set as a mix of "RATM, Offspring, Shinedown, and Atreyu." I almost laughed in his face. They were ok, definitely the worst band of the day, not counting locals. 4/10

    Airbourne: One of my guilty pleasures. I fucking love these guys more and more every time I see them. Haters gonna hate. Their singer is an absolute madman in the live setting. During one song, he jumped on one of his roadies shoulders, who then carried him around the crowd, all the while doing the guitar solo. He jumped on amp stacks, smashed rockstars against his head, and more. They also sounded very clean. If you hate these guys, you'll continue to hate them. If you like them, you'll have fun during their set. 8.5/10

    Hellyeah: One of the bands I was stoked to see on this tour. They turned out to be the biggest disappointment. Chad Gray seemed downright bored during their entire set. They sounded decent, but their set was just uninspired. The setlist was also abysmal. Highlights like Cowboy Way and You Wouldnt Know were negated by slower cuts like Hell Of A Time and possibly the worst closing song ever, Alcohaulin Ass. Perhaps the most annoying thing of the day was the crowd. Gathering the courage to try and mosh, I looked around the crowd to see where the nearest pit was. The only problem: there was none. I asked a few bigger guys around me to help me open up a circle to start a pit, and they shook their head and mumbled "Nah man." There were little to no pits all day. The amount of Avenged Sevenfold fans at the show probably had something to do with this. 6/10

    Halestorm: I missed the first 2 songs because I was seeing the last few songs from Hellyeah (the set times were extremely fucked up for our date. At least a half an hour off, so Hellyeah and Halestorm overlapped) Being the opening main stage band, their sound was slightly buggy, but they performed well. Lizzy Hale hits some godly fucking notes during "I Get Off" And the drum solo was pretty cool. I'd like to see them in a more intimate setting. Oh, and by the way, these guys signed at their merch booth for practically the entire day. From Hail The Villain to Airbourne they were signing: for free. My friends and I met them, and they were very cool. They asked everyone they met their names, and had decent conversations with everyone. I talked to the bassist about the finer points of Anthrax after I complimented his Among The Living Shirt. 8/10

    Avenged Sevenfold: They gave me pretty much what I expected. Their stage show was awesome, and they played well, I am just not a big fan of them. 8.5/10

    Disturbed: Of all the times I have seen these guys, this was probably the worst time. At least for David Dramain. His voice cracked multiple times throughout several songs. It seemed more of something along the lines of a cold, or exhaustion, than a bad performance. The video screens they had behind them were very appealing to the eye, and each song had something unique playing for it. One of the best stage set ups ive seen. I loved the medley they did, and the setlist was excellent as always. Even though I said this was the worst time I have seen Disturbed, they were still the best band of the day. 9/10

    Overall, this tour has nothing on Mayhem, but it was still a good time. If they continue it next year i'll probably be there.
    This was a failed troll attempt the whole time.

    Forget it ><</p>
    It wasnt failed . George got butthurt. Therefore it was successful.
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Did you happen to see if any of the mainstage bands used actual setlists?
    I love winning with women
    I was in the 2nd tier seats, so no.
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    and sorry chew, they didnt play breathe today, maybe they'll change it up when they come to baltimore
    do they have another stop in baltimore? Outside of the one show this past thursday?
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    Sucks you had to miss Stone Sour....but I'm glad you enjoyed Hail The Villain. Great live band.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • FIRENATHANIELHACKETTFIRENATHANIELHACKETT Posts: 35,453 spicy boy didnt miss Stone Sour...I just forgot to write about them <_>
  • SGNL_05SGNL_05 Posts: 3,501 just the tip
    sleep is great to listen to.

    fixed for the few non stoners on here like myself. haha
    ...I thought you smoked??

    i quit smoking CIGARETTES lol

    ive never smoked teh weeeedz....
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    sleep is great to listen to.

    fixed for the few non stoners on here like myself. haha
    ...I thought you smoked??

    i quit smoking CIGARETTES lol

    ive never smoked teh weeeedz....
    Ah. Ok.
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod didnt miss Stone Sour...I just forgot to write about them <_>

    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
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