Sadly can never experience that. I've asked so many times, but my Dad is too much of a religious nutcase to go smh it hurts, ya know? I've been to a concert with at least one parent from everyone in my crew and it was a blast. Would've loved to experience Maiden or Sabbath or something with my Dad.
I was like slap and saw every show with my dad until about 2012. Once I was able to drive out started going to more hy myself. I've seen the killers with my mom two out of three times and she's going with me this summer again.
My dad took me to some shows when I was younger, including Joan Jett and Metallica, but we didn't get along for several years. I had expensive tickets to see Primus and Helmet with my girlfriend, but I broke up with her about a week before the show. I couldn't find anyone to take the ticket, so I kinda talked him into going with me. I told him Primus were my generation's Frank Zappa, who he likes a lot. He had a blast. The next year, I got stuck in a similar situation where I had Tool tickets in North Carolina and my ride bailed. My dad helped out and drove me up to Charlotte even though he didn't know their music at the time. He had a blast again. After that, for several years, we would go to at least one show a year together. I saw Metallica a couple of times with him, Primus again, a couple more Tool shows, every Ozzfest from '97-2000. In a lot of ways, it repaired our relationship. I ended up having a couple of really awesome experiences with him. One was a Primus show I ended up working crew for. I made friends with their tour manager and ended up getting my dad and brother backstage to meet the band. My brother still has the setlist. The other was when we went and saw a band called Echobrain, which was Jason Newsted's first tour after leaving Metallica. It was at a tiny venue called the Cotton Club and when we left, we ended up being parked right next to the tour bus. Ended up talking to Newsted for like 30 minutes. It was awesome. My dad still brags about it to his friends lol
When end we saw Metallica my dad, a buddy, and me drank a ridiculous amount. We were all drunk AF. My dad threw his hands up to cheer and tumbled over the seats in front of us into the next row )
he he went with me to a slip knot show. He had never really been on the floor for a "heavy" show like that before. Well he ended up getting to close and apperantly a pit broke out out of no where and he was standing in the middle. he said he got pushed over and his glasses got broken ))
I like Torche's more recent albums and they're fun live, but man if you get them instead of Mutoid Man opening for Kvelertak on this tour, you're getting the short end of the stick. Mutoid Man put on one of the best sets I've seen this year.
I prefer Harmonicraft as well, though I don't think I've given Restarter enough spins either. Mutoid Man just does what Torche does and cranks it up to 11. They blew me away.
I wasn't too stoked about the sound but the show was still great. I haven't listened to any Mutoid Man but I have a feeling it'd be another classic moment where you really start digging a band after seeing them.
Just got back from night 1 of the LOG/Clutch/COC tour. Show was awesome! I only caught pieces of Corrosions set cause I was in the lobby catching up with a few people. But everybody was on point. Just a great, all around fun show.
LOG's set: (10:00-11:30)
Desolation 512 Ghost Walking Walk With Me In Hell Ruin Still Echos Now You've Got Something to Die For Descending The Faded Line Set to Fail Blacken the Cursed Sun Erase This Hourglass Vigil Laid to Rest Redneck
Clutch: (9:00-9:50)
X-Ray Visions Firebirds Burning Beard Crucial Velocity Book, Saddle & Go Sucker for the Witch Son of Virginia DC Sound Attack Quick Death in Texas MOB Goes Wild
COC: (8:20-8:50)
? ? Broken Man Vote With A Bullet Albatross Clean My Wounds
Desolation 512 Ghost Walking Walk With Me In Hell Ruin Still Echos Now You've Got Something to Die For Descending The Faded Line Set to Fail Blacken the Cursed Sun Erase This Hourglass Vigil Laid to Rest Redneck
When end we saw Metallica my dad, a buddy, and me drank a ridiculous amount. We were all drunk AF. My dad threw his hands up to cheer and tumbled over the seats in front of us into the next row
he he went with me to a slip knot show. He had never really been on the floor for a "heavy" show like that before. Well he ended up getting to close and apperantly a pit broke out out of no where and he was standing in the middle. he said he got pushed over and his glasses got broken
LOG's set: (10:00-11:30)
Ghost Walking
Walk With Me In Hell
Still Echos
Now You've Got Something to Die For
The Faded Line
Set to Fail
Blacken the Cursed Sun
Erase This
Laid to Rest
Clutch: (9:00-9:50)
X-Ray Visions
Burning Beard
Crucial Velocity
Book, Saddle & Go
Sucker for the Witch
Son of Virginia
DC Sound Attack
Quick Death in Texas
MOB Goes Wild
COC: (8:20-8:50)
Broken Man
Vote With A Bullet
Clean My Wounds