no it'd help if you off'd yourself. don't give me that you are fucking retarded. you think i was going to react with, oh fuck yes thanks for trying to ruin something i'm really looking forward to! \m/
you've been freakin out about this Tool setlist for a while now, and thrn just straight up ask for another bands setlist. That was a golden opportunity that you set yourself up for. Chill out man. Its a setlist.
that sucks man
Would it help if I said "sorry"?
no it'd help if you off'd yourself. don't give me that
you are fucking retarded. you think i was going to react with, oh fuck yes thanks for trying to ruin something i'm really looking forward to! \m/
god damn you're irateness is over 9000.
Calm down lil' fella.
kill yourself lil fella i don't see why my reaction is a fucking surprise to you
nah he's right
You kinda brought it upon yourself though. Relax. Take a yoke.
how by asking for the dahlia set? get hit by a car and become paralyzed from the neck down.
brought it upon my fucking self. don't even become paralyzed just die. then i'll come to funeral and burn the fucker down so all your family dies too.
you've been freakin out about this Tool setlist for a while now, and thrn just straight up ask for another bands setlist. That was a golden opportunity that you set yourself up for. Chill out man. Its a setlist.
yeah because idk people keep trying to ruin it. so you just hop on the dick train and do the same. fucking end your life don't tell me to chill out.
i didn't know me asking for a set of a band that i liked automatically means POST THE TOOL SET HE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE!
kill yourself you don't even have a point to argue here you are just a grade a faggot
this the most mad you 've ever been
Goddamn todd
it's a fucking setlist, you'll still have just as much fun seeing them regardless. Assuming you even go... :-?
Tool is in Mexico the next two days be a shame if they got detained