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The Concert Review Thread



  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    merch at rhe carcass show is really disappointing. even the carcass flag is meh.

    I love winning with women
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies

    Those Gorguts shirt designs were \m/ though 

  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Will still prolly end up picking up a couple shirts lol

  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy

    Will still prolly end up picking up a couple shirts lol

    idk something about them was just mediocre. only one I possibly would have picked up if I had more to spend was the camo carcass shirt.

    gorguts didnt even have colored sands on vinyl.

    I love winning with women
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    They had Wisdom Of Hate and Obscura tho

  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Short review.

    Night Verses - I was pretty blown away by this band, they got the crowd pumped very quickly.

    Intervals - Not bad, but I was board after two songs.

    The Safety Fire - Worst band of the night, the singer sounded like shit. 

    Battlecross - They flat out stole the show, everything about their set was perfect. I can't remember the last time I headbanged that hard. 

    PTH - I enjoyed them, but out of the 4 times I've seen them it was their weakest by far. Rody was hilarious as always, though. 

  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy

    cloudkicker was the shit.

    intronaut were awesome

    left seven songs into tesseract

    I love winning with women
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies

    Black Crown Initiate - They are alright, really tight musically.

    Inquisition \m/ \m/

    Goatwhore - I was over them and ready for their set to end after 2 songs.

    1349 - Good fucking lord, I'm not sure what to think about their set, but it was insane.


    Behemoth - Flat out the best set I've seen from any band this year, Nergal is a master at working the crowd. Orion and Inferno are fucking monsters.











  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies

    Rob Zombie covered Am I Evil? by Diamondhead.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,812 spicy boy
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies

    0 to your 0

  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer
    Join Date: Dec 2010
    Location: Pennsylvania
    Posts: 207
    Volbeat -- Bethlehem, PA -- May 1st, 2014

    So this was my second time seeing volbeat. The venue sold out and by the time Trivium went on most of the crowd was drunk as hell. Digital Summer was generic octane rock. Trivium was great aside from the weak setlist. Volbeat killed it. The crowd was beyond rowdy. Way too many drunks for my liking but overall the show kicked ass!

    Doc Holliday
    Hallelujah Goat 
    Boa [JDM]
    Lola Montez
    Sad Man's Tongue 
    Heaven nor Hell 
    16 Dollars 
    Dead but Rising
    The Mirror and the Ripper 
    Maybellene I Hofteholder 
    Evelyn(with Trivium)
    Still Counting 
    Pool of Booze, Booze, Booza 
    The Hangman's Body Count 
    The Human Instrument / A Warrior's Call

    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer
    Just copied that from my MS post

    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,812 spicy boy
    wish i could have seen that show

  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Mastodon -- Oakland, CA -- May 1st, 2014

    I’ll just start with the first band.

    First band was Kvelertak. I’ve known about this band for a while but have never actually taken the time to listen to them, but going in I assumed they were good because blackened rock ‘n’ roll sounds cool. And it was. If you haven’t heard Kvelertak yet, they’re kinda like a Norwegian Andrew W.K. with black metal influences. They were pretty fun live. The first song they played felt like it had an extended intro and the singer performed the song with some sort of mask that had a whole owl on it, so that was cool. After that, they were just jamming on some rockin’ tunes and were tons of fun. The singer has really good presence and the guitarists are good. I was surprised the one playing the most leads was playing with no pick. I don’t get why some people decide to play without a pick but he sounded fine so whatever. Overall, Kvelertak were fun and I’d be down to see ‘em again. 

    Next up was Gojira. This was my third time seeing them and it was a blast yet again. Once they came on, it was apparent a good amount of the crowd was super pumped to see Gojira and might’ve been the main draw for them, because people were going hard during their set. These guys have incredible presence and their live sound is heavy as hell. The set was about what I would expect from a Gojira opening set, but it’s still always a blast to hear songs like Heaviest Matter Of The Universe, Backbone, and Flying Whales. You can probably guess which album of theirs is my favorite… I thought it was really cool that they brought out some old tunes, they were super heavy. And the extended jam during the last song was awesome. Overall, Gojira are always a fun live band. 

    To Sirius 
    The Heaviest Matter of the Universe 
    Flying Whales 
    L'Enfant Sauvage 
    Toxic Garbage Island 
    In the Forest 
    Blow Me Away You(niverse) 

    Next up was the almighty Mastodon. This was now 8th time seeing them, and this performance was up there with some of the best. I was trying to avoid the setlist because I like to be surprised when I see Mastodon, but the first two songs were spoiled for me when I opened a thread on another forum I go on. But seeing Hearts Alive and Divinations on there made me super pumped and I was under the impression the setlist was gonna be really good, and boy was I right. This is probably the most impressive setlist Mastodon has put together in a while if you wanna hear deepcuts. Yet again, Mastodon sounded great live. Their vocals are as good as ever if you ask me. Only thing bad I can say is I couldn’t hear Brent too well, but that’s mostly due to the fact that I was on Bill’s side of the stage during the set. Hearts Alive was awesome to experience again, as it’s my favorite Masto-tune, even if it’s kinda weird as an opener. But I went HAM during part before the first verse and the solo section. It’s such an epic song. Divinations was awesome to hear again since they haven’t played it since 2010 I don’t think. After those two songs it was all surprises for me so when I heard the intro for Crusher Destroyer I went full school-girl mode and lost it. And from there they were just playing banger after banger. The set was just such a good mix of tunes, I really coulda only asked for more Remission. But hearing them jam Bladecatcher, Trample Under Hoof, Siberian Divide, and Naked burn was just amazing. I would’ve never guessed they’d bust out those tunes. And getting standard tunes like Capillarian Crest, Crystal Skull, Megalodon, Aqua Dementia and Oblivion is always tight. I really liked the sound of the new song, Chimes At Midnight. There were some really sweet harmonized leads and the main riff is pretty heavy. High Road was also enjoyable too. Something funny I noted is they had lyrics printed out for the new ones near the monitors. And like people have mentioned, having The Sparrow as a closer is little bit of a mood killer, but I can’t complain because this setlist was so impressive. Overall, Mastodon delivered yet again. I think the best time to see Mastodon is right before they release a new album and right after the new album comes out, because they pull out a lot of the goodies. 

    Hearts Alive 
    Crusher Destroyer 
    Capillarian Crest 
    Black Tongue 
    Crystal Skull 
    Trampled Under Hoof 
    Siberian Divide 
    Naked Burn 
    Octopus Has No Friends 
    Chimes At Midnight (new song)
    High Road (new song)
    Aqua Dementia 
    The Sparrow 

    Kvelertak: 7/10
    Gojira: 8/10
    Mastodon: 10/10
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