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The Concert Review Thread



  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,813 spicy boy
    >implying i like tas
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    You do, don't lie =;

    And i enjoyed Hatebreed when i saw them on the LoG/In Flames tour back last November, but i would not pay to go see them headline now.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,813 spicy boy
    No i dont kilm yourself
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,813 spicy boy
    You are stupid.
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    edited October 2013
    And you are drunk.

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,813 spicy boy
    Sitting in class
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    And you're on a forum?

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,813 spicy boy
    Hasnt started yet L-)
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Doesn't matter. :-B
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,813 spicy boy
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Scar The Martyr--San Antonio, Texas--10/2/13

    Going to make this short. Show had a total of like 70 to 90 people max. Lot of people don't know about them yet but I'm sure they will start blowing up soon by all the maggots :|

    Two local openers were meh.

    Eyes Set To Kill-Sexy ass bitches that can rock out pretty good. Lead singer/guitarist can actually shred pretty good. Bass player chick was hot and was slapping dat bass all sorts of sexy :>


    Scar The Martyr-Were pretty damn good live and heavy. Like this side project from Joey better than Murderdolls by a ton. The lineup for the band is pretty awesome as well with Joey, Jed Simon, Kris Norris, Kyle Konkie, and Joey Blush. Singer I have never heard of before but the dude was good. Check em out if they come by.

    Afterwards got to hang out with the whole band and talk for awhile. Joey was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up :)) but he was a really nice and chill dude and very thankful for us coming out. Asked him how it felt playing small clubs again and dude got a big smile and went on a five minute talk on how he missed it and shit. Talked with Jed Simon for a bit as well about his Strapping Young Lad days. Dude is so awesome and funny. Could have talked the whole night if we had the time.


  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Better than the murderdolls?!?!??!
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    I'll write a better review later.

    The Hackish - Technical for the sake of being technical. They looked like a inbred hillbilly metal band, but people ate it up because they had a female vocalist who could scream, even though she only had once pitch and you couldn't understand a word she said. - 3/10

    Abiotic - New vocalist, they are now Suicide Silence 2.0 - 0/10

    Waking The Cadaver - It was like Hatebreed trying to be deathcore, only they were extremely meh at their instruments. The vocalist was so awkward to watch, walking around the stage, fist bumping etc, it was as if i was watching Ray Romano try to be a vocalist. And on top of that his pig squeals sounded like a dog's squeak toy. - 1/10

    Exhumed - I'd been wanting to see this band for the last couple years, and they did not disappoint. I know they normally do it, but on 3 separate occasions they had a man dressed in a bloody surgeon outfit come out with a chainsaw and run around the venue, and towards the end of their set their guitarist did a minute or so long solo, and acted like he died at the end, the guy came back out with a defibrillator and 4 times the drummer held up a sign that read "CLEAR", and he'd try to resuscitate him. After the fourth try he went back stage, and came back out with a beer, the drummer held up a sign that read "BEER", and he poured it all of the guitarist's face, and he then got up and finished the solo. At the end of their set we came to find it was their bassist's birthday, so the surgeon brought out a cake, we sand happy birthday, he shoved it in the bassist's face and then threw it into the crowd. All in all it was an extremely fun and heavy set, definitely the band of the night. - 9/10

    Dying Fetus - There are no words to describe how loud, heavy and brutal this band was last night, and John Gallagher is definitely one of the best vocalists in the business. Dying fetus sped through a 12 song set which felt like 20 songs, and every second of it was incredible. Right before their last two songs, John told the crowd it was their last US tour till spring, because they're going to be writing and recording a new album around new year's, so pretty stoked for that. I also found it hilarious, because there were SO MANY scene/core kids there for the first 3 bands, they all sat in the back during Exhumed, and the funny part was most of them bought a DF shirt, but once the band came on and (i guess) they realized what they were in for, 80% or so of them left the venue 2 songs in. All in all, Dying Fetus are one of the heaviest and most brutal live bands in the country, everything would have been perfect had the crowd not been so pathetic and just stood there most of the time. Can't wait for the new album! - 8.5/10

    Dying Fetus

    1)Grotesque Impalement
    2)We Are Your Enemy
    3)From Womb to Waste
    4)Your Treachery Will Die With You
    5)Homicidal Retribution
    6)Killing on Adrenaline
    7)Second Skin
    8)The Blood of Power
    9)Praise the Lord (Opium of the Masses)
    10)One Shot, One Kill
    11)Kill Your Mother, Rape Your Dog
    12)Pissing in the Mainstream


    3)In The Name Of Gore
    4)Limb From Limb
    5)Coins Upon The Eyes
    7)All Guts, No Glory
    8)Guitar Solo
    9)As Hammer To Anvil
    10)The Matter Of Splatter

    TL;DR - If you attend this tour, just show up for the last two bands.
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Tame Impala
    St. Louis, Missouri

    Hit the city some time in the afternoon, found a room and took off towards the venue. The Pageant is located on a street with a ton of stores and cafes, it was really cool. So I walked around trying to spot a hottie by herself, but really the place was just full of clusters of hipsters. Checked out merch which was located in a building next door kind of, and bought an event poster. I'd asked if they were going to have one in Chicago because I'd have picked one up there instead, but merch dude said there woudn't be. There was supposed to be but the artist got sick or some shit. So I walk the poster back around 6:15, thinking the 8pm on the ticket was for doors. No I get back and everybody in line a minute ago is in the joint already. What's funny though, is that I've noticed when there is a main access point to the floor that almost everybody uses, people naturally flood that area without regarding the rest of the floor. So the entire right side is about 6 people deep when I get the idea to check out the left side, where even just off dead center is completely empty. I grabbed a rail spot and started looking at my phone like the loser I am. Tried striking up a convo with the couple next to me but it didn't pan out. Then I noticed this smaller chick behind me. I hate blocking peoples views, so I scooted over in what I thought was an obvious "yo dude here's some space grab it before someone else" motion. Eventually she walks up and takes the spot and a minute later we're talking. She was a really cool chick. I didn't fuck her, that was clearly the next question. She was cool but clearly not dtf, and honestly I just wanted a good conversation for once. Only other band on tour was White Denim. I'd never heard of them, but goddamn did they surprise me. They didn't have a specific sound, but fuck could they jam when they did. I'd love to check them out some more, I might even buy some merch from them in Chicago. Soon after Tame Impala started setting up, and their sound guys were wearing labcoats which the chick informed me was a Flaming Lips thing. Excitement started building up right about now and I could not wait. The first time I saw them, there was no gap between the last note played in the soundcheck, and the band walking out. It was one of the coolest things I'd seen, and I was hoping they would do it again. No luck, they made us wait. Finally Tame came out and blew everybody's face off. Something about them. I don't know, they just bring me great joy. Really might be my favorite band to see live. Half Full Glass of Wine is just goddamn perfect live. The jam they extend it with is sexy as shit and then they swoop back in. Yeah I don't know why I'm writing this now, I have to get up and drive home in a couple hours. Fuck it. Show was fucking great. Even if they play the same set in Chicago I'll fucking love it. Random late addition, it was pretty interesting seeing them with new bassist Cam Avery. The first time I saw them they still had Nick Albrook, a scrawny little guy who looks like your sister before puberty...Cam is a tall mother fucker and pretty built, and considering the first time I saw Tame Impala, he was the energetic vocalist for the opening band The Growl...the whole thing was interesting. It was like watching a star player sit on the bench for some reason. Which is in no way a dig as bass players - slap - it as just strange. Now after the set, I held my ground and hoped to snag a setlist, which I fucking did. I actually offered it to the chick because I figured I was seeing them in Chicago in a couple days anyway, and this was the end of it for her. But she passed, solid because i got that shit signed and a sweet ass pic with Kevin.

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  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Updated setlist pic, other one was shortly after I got it. When he signed it he goes "and throw a couple squigglies in there" iblnb4 sideways
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  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    edited October 2013
    Wow I really fucked up that inb4
    Also, @cup, he said on stage that it might be the last time they go around for a minute since they all have other projects.
    Post edited by Gazorpazorpfield on
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  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    edited October 2013
    fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu not what I wanted to hear. I know the band have little to nothing to do with routing selection but thats some dang ol bullshit ill tell you h'what. never once been to az from my knowledge.

    sam and I really want to go to the santa barbara show, but that shit is quickly approaching and I still have sleep in denver to save for. hes much more of a fan than myself but still Id love to see them at least once.
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    since I saw both kylesa shows in two different cities, and one being a festival setting with the other a standard show, Im just gonna combine the bands I saw

    --southwest terrorfest (minus kylesa touring package)--

    demon lung - these guys were sweet. I was under the impression for some reason that they were a hardcore band. not the case. they performed on the floor with fog and minimal lighting. made it really cool. they remind me of a heavier royal thunder, with a lot more crushing doom as opposed to rock vibes. I was digging them pretty hard. 9/10

    ancestors - really cool as well. I was supposed to do a short interview with them but it sort of fell through. they were heavier than I remember from what I was shown in a youtube song, but maybe that was from their new album or something. they had some artwork prints on the table that were really trippy. had I had more money I would have bought one for sure. 8/10

    --kylesa/pinkish black/sierra--

    sierra - only really caught their set in tempe last night. theyre pretty cool, just sort of seem generic from what I heard. not a bad band by any means, but kind of just sounded like any given local death/doom band. but I honestly wasnt paying that much attention either. Ill have to spin some of their material for a closer listen. 7/10

    pinkish black - these guys were very neat and Im about to download what material of theirs I can find. I was so impressed by them in tucson that I left my drink on the table in the bar to go over to kylesas merch table and ask who they were. they sound like a heavier wooden shjips, very psychedelic and groovy, but bassy and heavy at the same time. cool ass shit. 9/10

    kylesa - both dates, both the same amount of awesome. first time seeing them since 2009 when they opened the mastodon show with intronaut (who I also was unfamiliar with at the time). hearing those two perform that night got me into the music Im into today, which is why Im excited to get the static tensions half sleeve, hopefully sooner rather than later. but the band played very well, sound was great, although I felt that it sounded better in tempe. stood on lauras side for tucson and phils for last night. since static is ten songs of pure perfection, its hard to find an absolutely perfect kylesa set unless they basically play a double set, with one of them being static in full. but they chose some good ones. the new material sounds fantastic live as well, which is great because even though I liked ultraviolet, I still dont think it holds a candle to the past four releases. so that was neat to hear how good it sounded, especially unspoken, that shit was righteous. would have liked to have heard natures predators,only one, and insomnia doe. but 0 because they kicked serious fucking ass and like slap said, they jam so hard its not even fair. 10/10

    I love winning with women
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Nigga you went to that fest and didn't catch Children of God [-(
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