This motherfucker played a sunrise set at Bonnaroo, going over 5 hours until well after the sun was up. I was in a tent sleeping though, so when I saw he was in Detroit, I was sold. Wish I had found out sooner though, then my friends may have had a better shot at going...Unlike me they have this inability to find out about a show within a couple weeks and go. It's just impossible, I don't know. As I'm drawing near, I smoke a doob to make sure I'm at least somewhat under the influence for this. Walk in and Blood Diamonds is on stage, different sound then Pretty Lights but a killer set, got me involved. The whole place had the drugged out festival feel, including a few "This is a good sign" signs. There were hoopers and just fucking lights everywhere. Finally the joint gets set up for Pretty Lights. Not sure what you guys know about him, but his sets aren't just a dude behind a laptop. First off he has several laptops, but aside from that there's a drummer, to guys on keyboards, then trumpet and trombone. Then occasionally Derrick will play bass or something. When he came out though, this dude was fuuuuuuuucked up. I mean he was doing all kinds of swaying. But fuck man the place went nuts. Slut mode was activated in every female as the urge to grind their ass against anything and everything ensued. There was this sexy ass asian chick in spandex booty shorts and rave gloves, I would have gave her the D right then if I didn't think there would be negative repercussions. The light show was fucking phenomenal, I can't even describe. They were onstage for about two and a half hours and there wasn't a single second the place wasn't hopping. I was really hoping they would do the Pink Floyd - Time remix, but it just wasn't meant to be. 11/10 Would go again.
As Crusaders Depart - Easily one of i think the 2 best FL bands there are, they're awesome every time - 8/10
Fit For A King - Surprisngly pretty good, they're crazy generic, but yet they're still different from most christiancore bands. notbad.jpg - 6.5/10
The Plot In You - I couldn't be more indifferent on any band ever. - 5/10
Iwrestledabearonce - Surprised me big time, not enough to buy their merch, but enough to not mind seeing them again. - 6/10
Upon A Burning Body - Their albums don't even remotely do them justice, they are so incredibly heavy, groovy and melodic live. They really know how to dominate a crowd - 9/10
4arm - surprised me. Was headbangimg hard a couple times.
Gojira - killed, next.
Slayer - fun until i had my hamd against some dudes chest in the pit and my thumb was out like inwas giving a thumbs up. Got smashed. Literally heard it pop over the music. Hurt so bad. Bitch is swollen.
NIN show was awesome, but some of the people in the crowd were retards. this one guy n particular next to me, and then a little in front of me, got irate as fuck whenever the crowd surge would cause people to fall into he and his two girls and friend and would yell "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES STOP IT." "FAGGOTS I PAYED GOOD MONEY FOR THIS TICKET STOP BUMPING ME" yet insisted on trying to move as close to front and center as possible, then kept doing it the entire show till I thought he was going to burst a blood vessel.
at one point we were all crammed in body to body and he turns around to me and this guy next to me and goes "You fucking assholes are breathing on my fucking neck, STOP!!!!!!!" ) ) ) )
Quick Sleigh Bells review. Sea of hipsters. Doldrums up first, electronic group I suppose? Not sure, and all I can find from them is a soundcloud page haha. Dude on key's looked like Allen Covet in Mr. Deeds with the long hair. I liked their sound though, it was pretty cool. They were the only openers and soon after Sleigh Bells hit the stage. Not sure what their angle is, or if Alexis has overwhelming power in the band because one guitar was bright pink and the other was tiger pattern. Apparently this is their first tour with an actual drummer, so that was cool. I was expecting the crowd to be intense...and it took awhile but they place really got going when they played Crown on the Ground early in the set. Funny thing about the song was, she sounded so absolutely perfect that I was questioning whether or not she was lip synching. Well the mic went out during one of their biggest songs and my question was quickly answered. It was out for at least half the song too, I was pissed. If all of your songs are two and three minutes, you should play a lot of them. Nope, these guys left for their encore after 45 minutes, and in total they played an hour...kind of disappointing but it was still a great set. Alexis did some crowd surfing at the end and I copped some thigh. Grabbed some cool videos including one where I meant to take a pic when she was standing above me, but instead I got a five second video of her as she fell on us to surf. Grabbed a setlist too.
Showed up about half in into 4arm set. Hadn't listened to them at all beforehand, but it they were pretty entertaining.
Gojira set was great. Had a feeling the crowd wouldn't be too great since they were playing under Slayer, and that proved to be right. The past three times I've seen them, the venue has been increasingly bigger. I'm stoned that just ran through my head for some reason. But yeah not too much movement compared to the two headliners that were fucking crazy. Still though, dudes rocked out. Wish the sound would have been a little better that close up. Also it must have been a pretty long time since my last show at The Filmore, I don't remember the stage being that short at all.
This is where the worst fucking crowd I have been in comes into play. It's been awhile since I've been to a show like this, a big name band playing in a theater setting or bigger that draws a lot of drunks, dbags and assholes that this is one of three concerts they'll go to this year and thing everything is supposed to go their way. Yeah so Brando may recall a drunk guy with his wife next to him. For the most part they were okay folk, just kind of annoying how drunk the guy was. Like when he first walked in front of me, he kept leaning back against me. I was waiting for him to trust fall so I could just avoid him and watch him fall. But yeah, this dude went nuts and almost go in a fight, but it wasn't with me, who cares. Then there was this scrawny little dude jumping at me and after like 5 times I realized he was intentionally hitting me. Then he goes off on how I pushed him on purpose and how I'm a dick and trying to move me. I lol and tell him I have no idea what he's talking about, I didn't fucking push this dude for no reason. Next song he falls back even further and I go "Is that my fault to?" Then there was just a whole herd of drunk guys I encountered that kept doing this "Gah I gotta get my breathing space back" and just start shaking or some shit. Encountered the "dude I'm with my girlfriend" guy more than once. Then this fucking 400 pound mother fucker starts putting all of his weight on me pushing me, so I'm trying to push back with basically little success so I'm basically pushing the guy next to me. Well this dude starts bitching at me so I point at this big ass fucking moose next tot me. But yeah, I shrugged the shit off and kept up there. My glasses survived at least 8 seconds on the floor. I recovered them completely intact. Forgot to put my contacts in. Fuck man I shouldn't have wrote this after smoking, so much pointless shit in here. Anyway, dropped back and left after Raining Blood. Looked at the set and figured I could sacrifice Angel of Death.
ok so this chick just kept pushing me and pushing me over and over while im on the wall hunched over, grabbing my thumb, and grimacing so finally i just threw wild blind back hand and it her and thats when i found out it was a chick. 0.
Yeah basically said fuck it being up front and dipped back to the pit after Captor Of Sin. So much fucking idiots up front during Slayer I didn't feel like dealing with them the whole time. But yeah Gojira was great as always and Slayer were great as well performance wise. They sounded great the whole night and that's all I can really ask for. Also dat scream Tom does during Angel Of Death ^:)^ Overall a fun show despite all the fucking retards up front.
Masonic Temple, Detroit
This motherfucker played a sunrise set at Bonnaroo, going over 5 hours until well after the sun was up. I was in a tent sleeping though, so when I saw he was in Detroit, I was sold. Wish I had found out sooner though, then my friends may have had a better shot at going...Unlike me they have this inability to find out about a show within a couple weeks and go. It's just impossible, I don't know. As I'm drawing near, I smoke a doob to make sure I'm at least somewhat under the influence for this. Walk in and Blood Diamonds is on stage, different sound then Pretty Lights but a killer set, got me involved. The whole place had the drugged out festival feel, including a few "This is a good sign" signs. There were hoopers and just fucking lights everywhere. Finally the joint gets set up for Pretty Lights. Not sure what you guys know about him, but his sets aren't just a dude behind a laptop. First off he has several laptops, but aside from that there's a drummer, to guys on keyboards, then trumpet and trombone. Then occasionally Derrick will play bass or something. When he came out though, this dude was fuuuuuuuucked up. I mean he was doing all kinds of swaying. But fuck man the place went nuts. Slut mode was activated in every female as the urge to grind their ass against anything and everything ensued. There was this sexy ass asian chick in spandex booty shorts and rave gloves, I would have gave her the D right then if I didn't think there would be negative repercussions. The light show was fucking phenomenal, I can't even describe. They were onstage for about two and a half hours and there wasn't a single second the place wasn't hopping. I was really hoping they would do the Pink Floyd - Time remix, but it just wasn't meant to be. 11/10 Would go again.
As Crusaders Depart - Easily one of i think the 2 best FL bands there are, they're awesome every time - 8/10
Fit For A King - Surprisngly pretty good, they're crazy generic, but yet they're still different from most christiancore bands. notbad.jpg - 6.5/10
The Plot In You - I couldn't be more indifferent on any band ever. - 5/10
Iwrestledabearonce - Surprised me big time, not enough to buy their merch, but enough to not mind seeing them again. - 6/10
Upon A Burning Body - Their albums don't even remotely do them justice, they are so incredibly heavy, groovy and melodic live. They really know how to dominate a crowd - 9/10
Didn't watch attila cause they suck.
Gojira - killed, next.
Slayer - fun until i had my hamd against some dudes chest in the pit and my thumb was out like inwas giving a thumbs up. Got smashed. Literally heard it pop over the music. Hurt so bad. Bitch is swollen.
at one point we were all crammed in body to body and he turns around to me and this guy next to me and goes "You fucking assholes are breathing on my fucking neck, STOP!!!!!!!"
Quick Sleigh Bells review. Sea of hipsters. Doldrums up first, electronic group I suppose? Not sure, and all I can find from them is a soundcloud page haha. Dude on key's looked like Allen Covet in Mr. Deeds with the long hair. I liked their sound though, it was pretty cool. They were the only openers and soon after Sleigh Bells hit the stage. Not sure what their angle is, or if Alexis has overwhelming power in the band because one guitar was bright pink and the other was tiger pattern. Apparently this is their first tour with an actual drummer, so that was cool. I was expecting the crowd to be intense...and it took awhile but they place really got going when they played Crown on the Ground early in the set. Funny thing about the song was, she sounded so absolutely perfect that I was questioning whether or not she was lip synching. Well the mic went out during one of their biggest songs and my question was quickly answered. It was out for at least half the song too, I was pissed. If all of your songs are two and three minutes, you should play a lot of them. Nope, these guys left for their encore after 45 minutes, and in total they played an hour...kind of disappointing but it was still a great set. Alexis did some crowd surfing at the end and I copped some thigh. Grabbed some cool videos including one where I meant to take a pic when she was standing above me, but instead I got a five second video of her as she fell on us to surf. Grabbed a setlist too.
Gojira set was great. Had a feeling the crowd wouldn't be too great since they were playing under Slayer, and that proved to be right. The past three times I've seen them, the venue has been increasingly bigger. I'm stoned that just ran through my head for some reason. But yeah not too much movement compared to the two headliners that were fucking crazy. Still though, dudes rocked out. Wish the sound would have been a little better that close up. Also it must have been a pretty long time since my last show at The Filmore, I don't remember the stage being that short at all.
This is where the worst fucking crowd I have been in comes into play. It's been awhile since I've been to a show like this, a big name band playing in a theater setting or bigger that draws a lot of drunks, dbags and assholes that this is one of three concerts they'll go to this year and thing everything is supposed to go their way. Yeah so Brando may recall a drunk guy with his wife next to him. For the most part they were okay folk, just kind of annoying how drunk the guy was. Like when he first walked in front of me, he kept leaning back against me. I was waiting for him to trust fall so I could just avoid him and watch him fall. But yeah, this dude went nuts and almost go in a fight, but it wasn't with me, who cares. Then there was this scrawny little dude jumping at me and after like 5 times I realized he was intentionally hitting me. Then he goes off on how I pushed him on purpose and how I'm a dick and trying to move me. I lol and tell him I have no idea what he's talking about, I didn't fucking push this dude for no reason. Next song he falls back even further and I go "Is that my fault to?" Then there was just a whole herd of drunk guys I encountered that kept doing this "Gah I gotta get my breathing space back" and just start shaking or some shit. Encountered the "dude I'm with my girlfriend" guy more than once. Then this fucking 400 pound mother fucker starts putting all of his weight on me pushing me, so I'm trying to push back with basically little success so I'm basically pushing the guy next to me. Well this dude starts bitching at me so I point at this big ass fucking moose next tot me. But yeah, I shrugged the shit off and kept up there. My glasses survived at least 8 seconds on the floor. I recovered them completely intact. Forgot to put my contacts in. Fuck man I shouldn't have wrote this after smoking, so much pointless shit in here. Anyway, dropped back and left after Raining Blood. Looked at the set and figured I could sacrifice Angel of Death.
also, crowd was cray for us.