We arrived in Orlando a good hour or so before the first band were to start, so we killed time by getting some of the best pizza I've had in a long time.
We walked in the venue right as the first band Reason to Rebel started, so we grabbed our guest list tickets (interviewing Finch) and headed to the stage. I had previously never heard of this band, but i was pleasantly surprised. Reason To Rebel reminded me of Minus the Bear, but without the synths, and their vocalist sounds like Mike Shinoda. Overall i definitely enjoyed them, and I'll have to check out their album at some point. - 7/10
Up next were Dance Gavin Dance, this was my second time seeing them, but the first since they acquired their new vocalist. The first time i saw them I enjoyed them somewhat, but this time they were just awful, their playing was sloppy, and there really isn't any need for their second vocalist, because their lead singer can easily do both parts. I have no plans of ever seeing this band live again. - 2/10
Now it was time for one of the bands that got me into modern music(for the time), Finch. I was beyond excited that they were playing their "What It Is To Burn" album in it's entirety, it's still one of my all time favorite post-hardcore albums. This was also theyr farewell tour for the US, so i was sad that it was going to be my first and last time ever seeing Finch. Finch blasted through the album without stopping to address the crowd except on two short occasions, and getting to hear "Letters To You" and "Post Script" back to back was amazing, whenever he sang the line, "If we get through tomorrow then we'll be fine", it gave me slight goosebumps. Nate Barcalow is still at the top of his game, and is nearly flawless live. All in all it was one of the most intimate and memorable sets I've ever seen from a band, and I'm glad I got to see them once. If this tour comes to your area, i Highly recommend attending. - 9/10 ---
1)New Beginnings 2)Letters to You 3)Post Script 4)Grey Matter 5)Perfection Through Silence 6)Awake 7)Without You Here 8)Stay with Me 9)Project Mayhem 10)Untitled 11)Three Simple Words 12)Ender 13)Stars (Hum cover) 14)Worms of the Earth 15)What It Is to Burn
Dance Gavin Dance
1)Alex English 2)Lemon Meringue Tie 3)NASA 4)Carl Barker 5)The Robot With Human Hair Pt. 4 6)Jesus H. Macy 7)Me and Zoloft Get Along Just Fine 8)Uneasy Hearts Weigh The Most 9)And I Told Them I Invented Times New Roman
Made it to the venue in Cleveland right at doors to see a massive line. Nile in AZ was a pretty good sized venue overall, plenty big and unless the venue has some weird ass capacity rules, I'm sure it didn't sell out. Peabody's in Cleveland is small as fuck, at the very least a third of the size. I've seen Polkadot Cadaver there a couple times and they manage to get it packed, but for this tour it was stuffed. Back to the capacity thing, there is no way that last night wasn't an insane fire hazard. From the second you walk in the door it was impossible to move around, and this was while The Safety Fire was on. I jigged my way to the front left for The Contortionist and parked there while they played. A cool five song set before they were done and The Faceless was setting up. What confuses me is there was very clearly a guy sound checking a bass on the stage, but then when they came out, it was The Bassless. This is when the crowd got rowdy and about 20 seconds into the set I made it to the third row, but my spot was cash because I was behind some dude that was like 5'4, and front row is nothing but a hassle because it's one of those places where the stage is just above your knees. The crowd was more insane during The Faceless than it ever got during Btbam in AZ. It is possible though that it's because we were all so packed in. Like I said this place had at least as many people as the Arizona show in about a third the size. The downfall here though is the nice visuals the folks in Btbam prepared were almost completely blocked haha. Really, the two circle screens they had were both halfway blocked off. Once Between the Buried and Me Came on, then this place really got intense. Set was a ton of fun and I would see it again. I actually planned on going to last weekends show in Detroit instead of this one, but it was during the Cowboys/Redskins game so I figured I'd pass. Sound was shitty where I was, so that's a major plus for Arizona because I was front for that and had no trouble hearing, even though Alex said something about their shitty sound. In Cleveland I could barely hear anything Tommy did on the keys, and sometimes even strained to hear vocals. I know it was better further back, but not enough to make me want to leave my spot. Probaby my last show at this Peabody's location as they are closing their doors at the end of the month due to getting kicked the fuck out and at the moment they don't have a new location set in stone.
I mean I'm sure there are venues with way worse sound, but nile is pretty mediocre imo. that venue is home to mostly hardcore acts so I guess that scene doesn't really mind lol.
as far as the barrier goes, hard for me to say. its about waist high for me at nile.
where were you most of their set? I lost track of everyone other than sam and then when I moved up before white walls I lost track of everybody officially.
finna post a review of the AC show soon. shit was bonkers. two videos have already made it up on youtube. hopefully somebody posts footage of 'the purple bottle' because that shit was off the wall.
So I'm really digging Feelings. Finna get a laptop soon so I'll definitely be dling more. From what I hear I should consider seeing them...oh go figure they had to reschedule thr Cleveland date for Dec. 6th :thinking emote:
yeah that album is nuts. its haunting, as is a decent amount of their material. they have some footage online of them performing during the time they were recording for feels, and panda was hopped the fuck up on drugs, so he wore a blonde wig and wanted everyone to call him "edgar." in fact I'll link it below this paragraph. I watched it last night, its nuts just knowing what was going through their heads at the time. anyway its from just before the recording and when the lyrics werent set in stone, and it feels like a lot of the song is improvised and all. its just crazy. then they have this freak out at 6:50 (which is part of the song as you know, but live its something else). keep in mind this is one of the first times 'purple' was ever performed live. never shows the audience reaction but jesus christ...
I wish there were more footage of our show up by now. someone did record the purple bottle for us, but they were in the front row and in their description "I recorded this on shrooms" so its not great quality.
as far as the show is concerned, just see them. you will not regret it. if tame impala get the response they get out there, AC will for sure. one of the best shows of the year, possibly in the last two years.
hope I havent spoiled the set at all, but dear god man just fucking go. like what you said about tame impala: "dont think, just go."
Yeah you knew what I meant. Since all I have is the CD I just pop in my car, I barely know the track names lol But I've got the album down pretty well. Shit it looks great, only problem is tickets are $40 and with the job hunt I'm doing, I can't even guarantee that I'll be able to go.
Money shouldn't be as much of an issue as the potential of being new at a job and stuck working. Amd yeah the first couple listens it seems like it hits a wall and slows down after Purple, but then after a couple listens and then drugs it all meshes together. I like Loch Raven for such a mellow calming vibe..but I!m not gonna jump in the car like "YO LETS BUMP THAT RAVEN"
Review/Comparrison to AZ Btbam tour Probaby my last show at this Peabody's location as they are closing their doors at the end of the month due to getting kicked the fuck out and at the moment they don't have a new location set in stone.
The Black Dahlia Murder/Skeletonwitch/Fallujah Peabody's in Cleveland
So 5 days after what I thought was my last show at Peabody's, I found myself at Peabody's. Weather was fucking weird, something mentioned by a couple of the bands. On the way I went through variations of rain, sleet and snow, but once I got to Cleveland there weren't any cold pieces of water in its various forms falling. Line seemed longer than Btbam at first, but there weren't two running this time. When I got inside the joint, it wasn't packed from the front to the back. Looked at merch and bought a Witch tour shirt. Didn't know this was the first night until some kid who was obviously new to this deal is at the Witch table and starts asking for TBDM merch, at which point the guy goes "yeah you wanna go to the next table." So then he asks if he thinks there will be any merch left after the show and he goes "I think so, it's the first date of the tour so we should have some stuff." Got my shirt and went up the stage and found myself surrounded by scene kids. One was an absolute fucking tool, oh my god it hurt to be around his existence. First band up is some local called Noisem, different sound from their look. Turned out to be kind of thrashy and the guitar player could shred. Set was pretty short and before long Fallujah was setting up. This is where toolbag comes into play. He's there with two friends that are clearly a couple. He starts talking about how TBDM is awesome live and the first time he saw them was at Warped this year and his friends are gonna have a good time. There was way too much talk about Warped for my liking. Not just this kid, but the group next to me. They were talking about how they blew their money at warped and didn't have much to spend here. Lol children. When Fallujah gets going there is some crowd movement and some pushing, this is where the couple gets their first look of "Holy shit whats going on?" Inside I was laughing because this was nothing compared to what was coming up before the night was over. So this tool fellow decides after a couple songs that he's going to be the one that starts stage diving. The floor wasn't nearly dense enough, but whatever. Kid shoots up, I move up to where he was standing knowing that he's going to want this spot back. Five minutes later there's a tapping on my back, I almost shit myself laughing. So I ignore and he keeps tapping. Finally he weasels his way around and in front of me. I don't care, I figure shit will be different when Skeletonwitch comes on. Now based off the amount of time I've spent on crowd interactions, you can tell how I felt about Fallujah. Set was cool but nothing special. Finally Witch is up next, and holy shit have they gotten some recognition. First time I saw them was shortly after Breathing the Fire came out and there weren't too many people. It was in Toledo though so I'll give them that. But yeah when they came out the place went fucking nuts. Within second the kid goes stage diving again, this time I take his spot front and center and this time he's not getting it back. Funny thing is he actually tried, I felt a tap and there's this motherfucker looking at me while trying to hold his feet with the crowd going nuts. Halfway through the set, the couple is like "Yeah fuck this tho," and drop out. Played a lot off stuff off Forever Abomination as well as a couple new songs. Then they hit up some Breathing the Fire and Beyond the Permafrost. Fucking great set, Chance kept saying stuff like if only every night could be this good. Caught a setlist, score. Actually me and both dudes on my left and right got one, good distribution on their part. Now for The Black Dahlia Murder. I actually thought about dropping out towards the back for their set, but then thought against it. If you haven't listened to Everblack, expect to be out of the loop for most of the set. If I had a functional laptop I'd have listened to it by now, but I haven't felt like buying it or listening to it off youtube. A strong 7 out of 16 songs were Everblack, so I was fucked. Still a cool set though. Crowd surfing was top of it's game this night, people were climbing to the ceiling and jumping off and the whole nine yards. Caught their set too. Shouted out of Trevor let's smoke while holding my j up and he goes "That sounds fucking awesome." But yeah I fucked that situation all sorts of up. My first and foremost priority was smoking with Skeletonwitch. I talked to both Nate and Chance and they said hellyeah but it was have to be after they packed up, and that they didn't blame me if I left. I thought I would hang out. So I talk to Trevor and Brian for a minute who aren't doing jack shit and don't mention anything about smoking. Then while I'm standing there this chick walks up to me and starts asking me where I'm from and all this shit in a totally out of it tone. Her friend comes up and she goes "Alright I gotta go." She goes for a hug, and I'm like "K whatever" And then she reaches in my fucking pocket and takes off. Grab her shoulder like "What the fuck" And she goes all "Did you steal my fucking phone?"
Now, it wasn't until after I left that I realized this is a direct play by fucking play re-enactment of my situation in New Orleans. I was high as shit and laughing my ass off when I made that discovery. So here's this drunk bitch thinking I stole her phone, funny I was a drunk bitch thinking some chick stole my phone. Both ended in confrontations that were entertaining to the outside. Anyway I realized she didn't grab anything and fucked off. At this point though I realized not only has Skeletonwitch packed up, they already fucking left. Didn't have the patience to wait around for TBDM again, so I left.
Random fact, I've gotten a Skeletonwitch set at every show possible. The only two I didn't, they were actually laminated and packed up with everything else.
the back to back kylesa dates also threw a wrench in the gears because there was no way in hell I was gonna miss either show.
We walked in the venue right as the first band Reason to Rebel started, so we grabbed our guest list tickets (interviewing Finch) and headed to the stage. I had previously never heard of this band, but i was pleasantly surprised. Reason To Rebel reminded me of Minus the Bear, but without the synths, and their vocalist sounds like Mike Shinoda. Overall i definitely enjoyed them, and I'll have to check out their album at some point. - 7/10
Up next were Dance Gavin Dance, this was my second time seeing them, but the first since they acquired their new vocalist. The first time i saw them I enjoyed them somewhat, but this time they were just awful, their playing was sloppy, and there really isn't any need for their second vocalist, because their lead singer can easily do both parts. I have no plans of ever seeing this band live again. - 2/10
Now it was time for one of the bands that got me into modern music(for the time), Finch. I was beyond excited that they were playing their "What It Is To Burn" album in it's entirety, it's still one of my all time favorite post-hardcore albums. This was also theyr farewell tour for the US, so i was sad that it was going to be my first and last time ever seeing Finch. Finch blasted through the album without stopping to address the crowd except on two short occasions, and getting to hear "Letters To You" and "Post Script" back to back was amazing, whenever he sang the line, "If we get through tomorrow then we'll be fine", it gave me slight goosebumps. Nate Barcalow is still at the top of his game, and is nearly flawless live. All in all it was one of the most intimate and memorable sets I've ever seen from a band, and I'm glad I got to see them once. If this tour comes to your area, i Highly recommend attending. - 9/10
1)New Beginnings
2)Letters to You
3)Post Script
4)Grey Matter
5)Perfection Through Silence
7)Without You Here
8)Stay with Me
9)Project Mayhem
11)Three Simple Words
13)Stars (Hum cover)
14)Worms of the Earth
15)What It Is to Burn
Dance Gavin Dance
1)Alex English
2)Lemon Meringue Tie
4)Carl Barker
5)The Robot With Human Hair Pt. 4
6)Jesus H. Macy
7)Me and Zoloft Get Along Just Fine
8)Uneasy Hearts Weigh The Most
9)And I Told Them I Invented Times New Roman
Made it to the venue in Cleveland right at doors to see a massive line. Nile in AZ was a pretty good sized venue overall, plenty big and unless the venue has some weird ass capacity rules, I'm sure it didn't sell out. Peabody's in Cleveland is small as fuck, at the very least a third of the size. I've seen Polkadot Cadaver there a couple times and they manage to get it packed, but for this tour it was stuffed. Back to the capacity thing, there is no way that last night wasn't an insane fire hazard. From the second you walk in the door it was impossible to move around, and this was while The Safety Fire was on. I jigged my way to the front left for The Contortionist and parked there while they played. A cool five song set before they were done and The Faceless was setting up. What confuses me is there was very clearly a guy sound checking a bass on the stage, but then when they came out, it was The Bassless. This is when the crowd got rowdy and about 20 seconds into the set I made it to the third row, but my spot was cash because I was behind some dude that was like 5'4, and front row is nothing but a hassle because it's one of those places where the stage is just above your knees. The crowd was more insane during The Faceless than it ever got during Btbam in AZ. It is possible though that it's because we were all so packed in. Like I said this place had at least as many people as the Arizona show in about a third the size. The downfall here though is the nice visuals the folks in Btbam prepared were almost completely blocked haha. Really, the two circle screens they had were both halfway blocked off. Once Between the Buried and Me Came on, then this place really got intense. Set was a ton of fun and I would see it again. I actually planned on going to last weekends show in Detroit instead of this one, but it was during the Cowboys/Redskins game so I figured I'd pass. Sound was shitty where I was, so that's a major plus for Arizona because I was front for that and had no trouble hearing, even though Alex said something about their shitty sound. In Cleveland I could barely hear anything Tommy did on the keys, and sometimes even strained to hear vocals. I know it was better further back, but not enough to make me want to leave my spot. Probaby my last show at this Peabody's location as they are closing their doors at the end of the month due to getting kicked the fuck out and at the moment they don't have a new location set in stone.
Shit wont insert fuck mobile
as far as the barrier goes, hard for me to say. its about waist high for me at nile.
yeah that album is nuts. its haunting, as is a decent amount of their material. they have some footage online of them performing during the time they were recording for feels, and panda was hopped the fuck up on drugs, so he wore a blonde wig and wanted everyone to call him "edgar." in fact I'll link it below this paragraph. I watched it last night, its nuts just knowing what was going through their heads at the time. anyway its from just before the recording and when the lyrics werent set in stone, and it feels like a lot of the song is improvised and all. its just crazy. then they have this freak out at 6:50 (which is part of the song as you know, but live its something else). keep in mind this is one of the first times 'purple' was ever performed live. never shows the audience reaction but jesus christ...
I wish there were more footage of our show up by now. someone did record the purple bottle for us, but they were in the front row and in their description "I recorded this on shrooms" so its not great quality.
as far as the show is concerned, just see them. you will not regret it. if tame impala get the response they get out there, AC will for sure. one of the best shows of the year, possibly in the last two years.
hope I havent spoiled the set at all, but dear god man just fucking go. like what you said about tame impala: "dont think, just go."
quite honestly I think merriweather post pavilion is overrated as hell, but its still not a bad album.
I recently got into daffy duck after a while of being whatever on it. now the only one Im not totally sold on is loch raven.
Peabody's in Cleveland
So 5 days after what I thought was my last show at Peabody's, I found myself at Peabody's. Weather was fucking weird, something mentioned by a couple of the bands. On the way I went through variations of rain, sleet and snow, but once I got to Cleveland there weren't any cold pieces of water in its various forms falling. Line seemed longer than Btbam at first, but there weren't two running this time. When I got inside the joint, it wasn't packed from the front to the back. Looked at merch and bought a Witch tour shirt. Didn't know this was the first night until some kid who was obviously new to this deal is at the Witch table and starts asking for TBDM merch, at which point the guy goes "yeah you wanna go to the next table." So then he asks if he thinks there will be any merch left after the show and he goes "I think so, it's the first date of the tour so we should have some stuff." Got my shirt and went up the stage and found myself surrounded by scene kids. One was an absolute fucking tool, oh my god it hurt to be around his existence. First band up is some local called Noisem, different sound from their look. Turned out to be kind of thrashy and the guitar player could shred. Set was pretty short and before long Fallujah was setting up. This is where toolbag comes into play. He's there with two friends that are clearly a couple. He starts talking about how TBDM is awesome live and the first time he saw them was at Warped this year and his friends are gonna have a good time. There was way too much talk about Warped for my liking. Not just this kid, but the group next to me. They were talking about how they blew their money at warped and didn't have much to spend here. Lol children. When Fallujah gets going there is some crowd movement and some pushing, this is where the couple gets their first look of "Holy shit whats going on?" Inside I was laughing because this was nothing compared to what was coming up before the night was over. So this tool fellow decides after a couple songs that he's going to be the one that starts stage diving. The floor wasn't nearly dense enough, but whatever. Kid shoots up, I move up to where he was standing knowing that he's going to want this spot back. Five minutes later there's a tapping on my back, I almost shit myself laughing. So I ignore and he keeps tapping. Finally he weasels his way around and in front of me. I don't care, I figure shit will be different when Skeletonwitch comes on. Now based off the amount of time I've spent on crowd interactions, you can tell how I felt about Fallujah. Set was cool but nothing special. Finally Witch is up next, and holy shit have they gotten some recognition. First time I saw them was shortly after Breathing the Fire came out and there weren't too many people. It was in Toledo though so I'll give them that. But yeah when they came out the place went fucking nuts. Within second the kid goes stage diving again, this time I take his spot front and center and this time he's not getting it back. Funny thing is he actually tried, I felt a tap and there's this motherfucker looking at me while trying to hold his feet with the crowd going nuts. Halfway through the set, the couple is like "Yeah fuck this tho," and drop out. Played a lot off stuff off Forever Abomination as well as a couple new songs. Then they hit up some Breathing the Fire and Beyond the Permafrost. Fucking great set, Chance kept saying stuff like if only every night could be this good. Caught a setlist, score. Actually me and both dudes on my left and right got one, good distribution on their part. Now for The Black Dahlia Murder. I actually thought about dropping out towards the back for their set, but then thought against it. If you haven't listened to Everblack, expect to be out of the loop for most of the set. If I had a functional laptop I'd have listened to it by now, but I haven't felt like buying it or listening to it off youtube. A strong 7 out of 16 songs were Everblack, so I was fucked. Still a cool set though. Crowd surfing was top of it's game this night, people were climbing to the ceiling and jumping off and the whole nine yards. Caught their set too. Shouted out of Trevor let's smoke while holding my j up and he goes "That sounds fucking awesome." But yeah I fucked that situation all sorts of up. My first and foremost priority was smoking with Skeletonwitch. I talked to both Nate and Chance and they said hellyeah but it was have to be after they packed up, and that they didn't blame me if I left. I thought I would hang out. So I talk to Trevor and Brian for a minute who aren't doing jack shit and don't mention anything about smoking. Then while I'm standing there this chick walks up to me and starts asking me where I'm from and all this shit in a totally out of it tone. Her friend comes up and she goes "Alright I gotta go." She goes for a hug, and I'm like "K whatever" And then she reaches in my fucking pocket and takes off. Grab her shoulder like "What the fuck" And she goes all "Did you steal my fucking phone?"
Now, it wasn't until after I left that I realized this is a direct play by fucking play re-enactment of my situation in New Orleans. I was high as shit and laughing my ass off when I made that discovery. So here's this drunk bitch thinking I stole her phone, funny I was a drunk bitch thinking some chick stole my phone. Both ended in confrontations that were entertaining to the outside. Anyway I realized she didn't grab anything and fucked off. At this point though I realized not only has Skeletonwitch packed up, they already fucking left. Didn't have the patience to wait around for TBDM again, so I left.
Random fact, I've gotten a Skeletonwitch set at every show possible. The only two I didn't, they were actually laminated and packed up with everything else.
Im gonna be happy to hear anything.