Chevelle w/ Middle Class Rut and Janus Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel Providence RI 3/2/12
So I started my night off freaking out because I showed up at my friend’s house who was driving me, and he wasn’t there. Thankfully he just had a late rescue call he had to go on and was back within about 15 minutes. We left Barrington around 6, stopping at Taco Bell along the way (probably not the greatest idea before a concert, but whatever), and showing up at Lupo’s around 6:40. The line wasn’t insanely long when we got there, which was a plus. We spent our time ignoring the cold and watching all the ghetto people of Providence, which can usually be hilarious. By around 7 people were walking the line asking if people had extra tickets because apparently the show sold out. We ended up going into the venue around 7:30, stopping at the coat check and bathroom, and then into the venue where I was 2nd row of people from the rail. Some chick in front of me turned around and said in a bitchy tone “You better stay the fuck off my back” to which I responded “Have you ever even been to a concert here?” because Lupo’s is small as fuck and gets extremely rowdy. Thankfully a spot opened up next to me so I wouldn’t have to deal with her.
Janus: 5/10 Okay opening band, pretty mediocre hard rock but they weren’t that bad. Their guitarist looks like a total twat.
Middle Class Rut: 6/10 Disappointing show, especially since I really like this band. All of their songs sounded extremely similar, and they get repetitive as fuck. The guitarist vocalist also cheats when playing guitar, half the time he uses his pedal to warp the sound up or down a note rather than just play it, which is sad because his parts really aren’t complex at all. The crowd seemed really into them though, the customary Lupo’s giant moshpit took up the floor behind me, featuring a hilarious black dude in full pimp attire, including a giant afro. Setlist: Sad to Know All Walks of Life Alive or Dead Oh Well/Are You On Your Way? Busy Bein’ Born New Low USA
Chevelle: 9.5/10 The crowd push started well before Chevelle hit the stage, and I spent my time talking to some chill people nearby about how crazy the show was going to be. We weren’t wrong. Once they went on, the crowd was a constant mess of pushing, moshing, and crowd surfing. Unlike the last time I saw Chevelle, I’ve learned to be able to listen to the music in the middle of an insane crowd, unlike last time where I spent all my energy trying to keep my place. The band sounded fantastic, Pete is definitely one of the best frontmen in rock. There were multiple times when Pete came right up to where I was, bending down and playing the guitar six inches from my face. The dude can jam. Their set was more than satisfying, mostly because all of their material is great lol. Can’t wait to see them again. Antisaint Letter from a Thief Another Know It All Hats Off To The Bull Sleep Apnea Same Old Trip Closure Jars Send The Pain Below Forfeit Vitamin R Still Running I Get It Envy Wonder What’s Next The Clincher The Red Face To The Floor
Where, oh where can I possible begin? Door were early, but I wasn't interested in being the first in. Got there an hour late and the first band was just finishing up. One of the first things I noticed was the amount of hipsters present...I didn't even know they existed in Toledo. I don't think I ever really had the chance to observe them. EVERYTHING I HEARD ABOUT THEM IS TRUE. They even talked about PBR as they were drinking PBR.
Up next, another local band...they had a guy that wore a collar and tie, no shirt...thought it was dumb. Also had a girl playing the violin, she was hot. They jammed a few songs and took off.
This. Is. Where. It. All. Changed.
Electric Eel Shock. This is where the Japanese take over started. They did their sound check and just stood there for a minute with no sound. Then Iron Man started playing over the that is going on, the drummer starts taking off his clothes until he is bare ass naked with nothing but a 4 foot sock dangling off his junk. Later found out there was a reason for this length.. It was used as an improvised guitar between songs. I couldn't process just how hard they jammed and sounded great. During the set they played the coolest cover of Iron Man I've heard...but that may be because it's the only cover of Iron Man I've heard. Either way it would still probably win with a couple other to compare. Give you an idea if you care...probably don't. You probably didn't even read this far. lol
Peelander-Z There's been times when I looked at my venues upcoming shows, looked at a band and went "meh don't care." This was almost just that, but I decided to look at a video. And that video changed my mind and made me spend the $10 to go. Easily one of the best $10 I've ever spent. One of the funniest intros I've seen/heard. "Attention Peelanders, we are nearing Earth. Approximately 2.5 human lightyears away...14 dog lightyears away. We are approaching...10. 9. 8....9. 10. 11. 12. 13...14." There was more but I forget. Eventually they came out wearing some jackets with flashing lights and helmets. Quickly jumped into playing. Crowd participation was integrated right after the first song as they handed out metal dog food bowls and drumsticks for people to beat. Now, I never understood the whole asian fetish thing, but I would bone Peelander-Pink. Just had to say that. There was a part where the entire crowd did some limbo action, which was really just two of the members holding a rope across the floor and walking it over everyone haha. Then there was a point where we held up the bassist while he jammed. Sadly they only played about an hour, but it wasn't over before the highlight of the night.. Now, they broke down during the last song and held one a sign that read "Guitar player wanted" I had just fell towards the back of the small crowd of maybe 60 people so I was kind of bummed knowing I wasn't gonna get up in time. Either way, I broke towards the front. I got up there when he held up a "Bass player wanted" sign, but he picked a girl on the other side of the stage. Finally he held up a "Drummer wanted" sign, and I got picked! All I had to do was keep pace with a "Clap...clap...clap" but eventually when they did the human bowling, and all the pins got knocked down I got to go crazy lol.
Amazing experience, wish we could've gotten a better picture...we didn't exactly bawse out the timing. There was a flash, a break, and then another flash..but we moved before the second one both times.
1. Omaha Stylee 2. Do You Right 3. Time Bomb 4. Taiyed 5. Evolution!!! 6. Salsa 7. Large in the Margin 8. Starshines 9. 1,2,3 10. Sweet 11. Time Is Precious 12. Don't Stay Home 13. Something Out Of Nothing --Bass solo-- (P-nut walked around entire lower bowl of arena and walked through crowd while playing solo) 14. Nutsymptom 15. I'll Be Here Awhile 16. Right Now!!! 17. My Stoney Baby 18. T & P Combo 19. Mindspin ----Intermission---- Summer Unity Tour 2012 Announcement - 311 w/ Slightly Stoopid. 20. Freak Out 21. Soulsucker 22. Today My Love 23. Wild Nights 24. Freeze Time 25. Thank Your Lucky Stars 26. Full Ride 27. Hostile Apostle 28. Dancehall (last played on 4/15/02) 29. Transistor 30. Inner Light Spectrum 31. Waiting In Vain (Bob Marley cover) (Acoustic) 32. Six 33. Sunset In July 34. Hydroponic 35. Nix Hex (Nick on piano) (This was cool to see Nick on a piano.) 36. Old Funk (rare B-side) 37. Welcome ----Countdown to 3/11 Day---- 38. Jackpot
We do it all over again tomorrow night. I'll write a full review of both shows when I get home Monday.
39. Down 40 .Rock On 41. Grassroots 42. Hive 43. Sever 44. Off Beat Bare Ass 45. Amber 46. Firewater (first time ever played) (Fans have been asking for this one for years. Finally.) 47. You Wouldn't Believe 48. And A Ways To Go 49. Applied Science (extended w/ entire band on drumline) (This was awesome! They do this often, but not to this extent.) 50. Jupiter 51. There's Always An Excuse 52. Brodels 53. Trouble 54. Still Dreaming 55. Beyond the Gray Sky 56. Creatures ---Intermission--- 57. Cali Soca 58. Speak Easy 59. Stealing Happy Hours 60. Life's Not a Race 61. Use of Time 62. Too Much Too Fast (First time ever played.) 63. Lucky 64. DLMD 65. 8:16 am 66. Beautiful Disaster 67. Uncalm 68. Juan Bond 69. Eons 70. I Told Myself 71. All Mixed Up 72. Gap 73. Homebrew 74. Who's Got the Herb? 75. Livin n Rockin 76. Random 77. Sometimes Jacks Rule the Realm 78. Feel So Good
78 songs played between both shows combined.
These were 311 shows 18/19 for me. I need to check, but I'm pretty sure I've heard the entire catalog and most b-sides now. The energy these guys bring and have been bringing all these years is insane. Much respect. Two jam packed nights at the MGM Garden. I'm glad I decided to go. My first 311 Day was in 2004, and I've been to every one since. Always a great time. I guess their age is catching up with them. They usually push out 60+ songs a night. This time they split it between two nights. Which was cool. It made a weekend out of it.
Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel Providence RI
So I started my night off freaking out because I showed up at my friend’s house who was driving me, and he wasn’t there. Thankfully he just had a late rescue call he had to go on and was back within about 15 minutes. We left Barrington around 6, stopping at Taco Bell along the way (probably not the greatest idea before a concert, but whatever), and showing up at Lupo’s around 6:40. The line wasn’t insanely long when we got there, which was a plus. We spent our time ignoring the cold and watching all the ghetto people of Providence, which can usually be hilarious. By around 7 people were walking the line asking if people had extra tickets because apparently the show sold out. We ended up going into the venue around 7:30, stopping at the coat check and bathroom, and then into the venue where I was 2nd row of people from the rail. Some chick in front of me turned around and said in a bitchy tone “You better stay the fuck off my back” to which I responded “Have you ever even been to a concert here?” because Lupo’s is small as fuck and gets extremely rowdy. Thankfully a spot opened up next to me so I wouldn’t have to deal with her.
Janus: 5/10
Okay opening band, pretty mediocre hard rock but they weren’t that bad. Their guitarist looks like a total twat.
Middle Class Rut: 6/10
Disappointing show, especially since I really like this band. All of their songs sounded extremely similar, and they get repetitive as fuck. The guitarist vocalist also cheats when playing guitar, half the time he uses his pedal to warp the sound up or down a note rather than just play it, which is sad because his parts really aren’t complex at all. The crowd seemed really into them though, the customary Lupo’s giant moshpit took up the floor behind me, featuring a hilarious black dude in full pimp attire, including a giant afro.
Sad to Know
All Walks of Life
Alive or Dead
Oh Well/Are You On Your Way?
Busy Bein’ Born
New Low
Chevelle: 9.5/10
The crowd push started well before Chevelle hit the stage, and I spent my time talking to some chill people nearby about how crazy the show was going to be. We weren’t wrong. Once they went on, the crowd was a constant mess of pushing, moshing, and crowd surfing. Unlike the last time I saw Chevelle, I’ve learned to be able to listen to the music in the middle of an insane crowd, unlike last time where I spent all my energy trying to keep my place. The band sounded fantastic, Pete is definitely one of the best frontmen in rock. There were multiple times when Pete came right up to where I was, bending down and playing the guitar six inches from my face. The dude can jam. Their set was more than satisfying, mostly because all of their material is great lol. Can’t wait to see them again.
Letter from a Thief
Another Know It All
Hats Off To The Bull
Sleep Apnea
Same Old Trip
Send The Pain Below
Vitamin R
Still Running
I Get It
Wonder What’s Next
The Clincher
The Red
Face To The Floor
Where, oh where can I possible begin?
Door were early, but I wasn't interested in being the first in. Got there an hour late and the first band was just finishing up. One of the first things I noticed was the amount of hipsters present...I didn't even know they existed in Toledo. I don't think I ever really had the chance to observe them. EVERYTHING I HEARD ABOUT THEM IS TRUE. They even talked about PBR as they were drinking PBR.
Up next, another local band...they had a guy that wore a collar and tie, no shirt...thought it was dumb. Also had a girl playing the violin, she was hot. They jammed a few songs and took off.
Electric Eel Shock.
This is where the Japanese take over started. They did their sound check and just stood there for a minute with no sound. Then Iron Man started playing over the that is going on, the drummer starts taking off his clothes until he is bare ass naked with nothing but a 4 foot sock dangling off his junk. Later found out there was a reason for this length.. It was used as an improvised guitar between songs. I couldn't process just how hard they jammed and sounded great. During the set they played the coolest cover of Iron Man I've heard...but that may be because it's the only cover of Iron Man I've heard. Either way it would still probably win with a couple other to compare. Give you an idea if you care...probably don't. You probably didn't even read this far. lol
There's been times when I looked at my venues upcoming shows, looked at a band and went "meh don't care." This was almost just that, but I decided to look at a video. And that video changed my mind and made me spend the $10 to go. Easily one of the best $10 I've ever spent. One of the funniest intros I've seen/heard. "Attention Peelanders, we are nearing Earth. Approximately 2.5 human lightyears away...14 dog lightyears away. We are approaching...10. 9. 8....9. 10. 11. 12. 13...14." There was more but I forget. Eventually they came out wearing some jackets with flashing lights and helmets. Quickly jumped into playing. Crowd participation was integrated right after the first song as they handed out metal dog food bowls and drumsticks for people to beat. Now, I never understood the whole asian fetish thing, but I would bone Peelander-Pink. Just had to say that. There was a part where the entire crowd did some limbo action, which was really just two of the members holding a rope across the floor and walking it over everyone haha. Then there was a point where we held up the bassist while he jammed. Sadly they only played about an hour, but it wasn't over before the highlight of the night.. Now, they broke down during the last song and held one a sign that read "Guitar player wanted" I had just fell towards the back of the small crowd of maybe 60 people so I was kind of bummed knowing I wasn't gonna get up in time. Either way, I broke towards the front. I got up there when he held up a "Bass player wanted" sign, but he picked a girl on the other side of the stage. Finally he held up a "Drummer wanted" sign, and I got picked! All I had to do was keep pace with a "Clap...clap...clap" but eventually when they did the human bowling, and all the pins got knocked down I got to go crazy lol.
Amazing experience, wish we could've gotten a better picture...we didn't exactly bawse out the timing. There was a flash, a break, and then another flash..but we moved before the second one both times.
1. Omaha Stylee
2. Do You Right
3. Time Bomb
4. Taiyed
5. Evolution!!!
6. Salsa
7. Large in the Margin
8. Starshines
9. 1,2,3
10. Sweet
11. Time Is Precious
12. Don't Stay Home
13. Something Out Of Nothing
--Bass solo-- (P-nut walked around entire lower bowl of arena and walked through crowd while playing solo)
14. Nutsymptom
15. I'll Be Here Awhile
16. Right Now!!!
17. My Stoney Baby
18. T & P Combo
19. Mindspin
----Intermission---- Summer Unity Tour 2012 Announcement - 311 w/ Slightly Stoopid.
20. Freak Out
21. Soulsucker
22. Today My Love
23. Wild Nights
24. Freeze Time
25. Thank Your Lucky Stars
26. Full Ride
27. Hostile Apostle
28. Dancehall (last played on 4/15/02)
29. Transistor
30. Inner Light Spectrum
31. Waiting In Vain (Bob Marley cover) (Acoustic)
32. Six
33. Sunset In July
34. Hydroponic
35. Nix Hex (Nick on piano) (This was cool to see Nick on a piano.)
36. Old Funk (rare B-side)
37. Welcome
----Countdown to 3/11 Day----
38. Jackpot
We do it all over again tomorrow night. I'll write a full review of both shows when I get home Monday.
39. Down
40 .Rock On
41. Grassroots
42. Hive
43. Sever
44. Off Beat Bare Ass
45. Amber
46. Firewater (first time ever played) (Fans have been asking for this one for years. Finally.)
47. You Wouldn't Believe
48. And A Ways To Go
49. Applied Science (extended w/ entire band on drumline) (This was awesome! They do this often, but not to this extent.)
50. Jupiter
51. There's Always An Excuse
52. Brodels
53. Trouble
54. Still Dreaming
55. Beyond the Gray Sky
56. Creatures
57. Cali Soca
58. Speak Easy
59. Stealing Happy Hours
60. Life's Not a Race
61. Use of Time
62. Too Much Too Fast (First time ever played.)
63. Lucky
64. DLMD
65. 8:16 am
66. Beautiful Disaster
67. Uncalm
68. Juan Bond
69. Eons
70. I Told Myself
71. All Mixed Up
72. Gap
73. Homebrew
74. Who's Got the Herb?
75. Livin n Rockin
76. Random
77. Sometimes Jacks Rule the Realm
78. Feel So Good
78 songs played between both shows combined.
These were 311 shows 18/19 for me. I need to check, but I'm pretty sure I've heard the entire catalog and most b-sides now. The energy these guys bring and have been bringing all these years is insane. Much respect. Two jam packed nights at the MGM Garden. I'm glad I decided to go. My first 311 Day was in 2004, and I've been to every one since. Always a great time. I guess their age is catching up with them. They usually push out 60+ songs a night. This time they split it between two nights. Which was cool. It made a weekend out of it.