and there is another reason why i am not a big fan of maynard....why even tour with Tool and APC if he isn't going to put the same effort into it as puscifer
Because Tool is a different thing then Puscifer <_>
im not saying he should act the same saying he should put in the same ammount of effort...oh well i will take a new album soon tho please! lol
Children of Bodom/Eluveitie/Revocation/Threat Signal-3/3/12-Starland Ballroom, Sayerville, NJ
So, for like a month or so, I was debating on going or not because I had seen Bodom before and had (and still have) midterm work to do. I'm glad I went. Left my apartment at 3pm with my friend Ryan, derped around in Freehold for a few hours, picked up an Asian kid, got lost a few blocks from the venue and ended up at some factory. Fucking Sayerville sucks. Got to the venue about 15 minutes before doors opened. Bought an Eluveitie shirt and Bodom beanie. We made our way to the center right where the pit would open. Lights went down at 7.
Threat Signal-Didn't really care about these guys and still really don't. They weren't terrible, but the singer sounds like he's trying to sound like Chester Bennington of Linkin Park. They should have just let the bass player sing. Small pit opened behind us. Some guy slammed on my right ankle really hard. I'm still limping from that shit. 4/10
Revocation-My friend Susan found us right before they went on. She had decided to give up drinking that night. I had only heard a few songs of these guys before, but even if they sucked musically, the singer would make me like them regardless. Crowd surfing began. Singer kept yelling funny shit like "This is an instrumental. Imagine a field of vikings! It's like Skyrim! But the dragons have tits! Show me your fucking chalices!" and "One of these demon women with fuck you!". Great opener. 7/10
Harlot Cradle Robber Dismantle the Dictator Age of Iniquity Across the Forests and Fjords Conjuring the Cataclysm No Funeral
Eluveitie-They were the main reason I was attending. As soon as they ripped on stage, the place got packed. Susan and I got separated from Ryan and the Asian kid Chris when they went toward the front and Susan and I made a beeline to the craziness in the pit. I crowd surfed 3 or 4 times. There was a bunch of people jumping in the pit so Susan and I joined them. I literally jumped out of my shoes and nearly fell on my ass when I was trying to pit them back on while leaning on Susan when a bunch of people tried to pick up Susan to crowd surf. I so want to see these guys again. Would have loved for them to play waaaaaay longer. 9/10
Otherworld Everything Remains As It Never Was Nil Kingdom Come Undone Havoc A Rose for Epona Meet the Enemy (Do)Minion Quoth the Raven Inis Mona The Liminal Passage
Children of Motherfucking Bodom-My 4th time seeing them. It was my friends' first time seeing Bodom, so I warned them that it might get a bit crazy. And it did. Opening up with my favorite fucking Bodom song, Sixpounder, Susan I ran right into the craziness of things. Moshed quite a bit. Surfed 3 or 4 more times. Susan and I just running all over the place, picking up random people and launching them. Ended up in the 3rd row after my final surf for the encore. They kept trolling us by playing Bon Jovi. Alexi kept on yelling at them to stop but they didn't listen. ) Fuckers. Might have been the best time seeing Bodom. 10/10
Sixpounder Are You Dead Yet? Silent Night, Bodom Night Kissing the Shadows Shovel Knockout Living Dead Beat Everytime I Die Deadnight Warrior / Hate Me! Blooddrunk Angels Don't Kill In Your Face Lake Bodom Hate Crew Deathroll Bodom After Midnight Downfall
Ryan and I during Hate Crew Deathroll. I look like a hot mess after headbanging and surfing all night, but fuck it.
We all went to a diner afterwards after getting seriously lost for like a half hour. Got myself some bacon, ice cream and coffee. Now I am still limping on my right ankle, my neck hurts like a bitch and my upper left leg is throbbing. All worth it.
So, for like a month or so, I was debating on going or not because I had seen Bodom before and had (and still have) midterm work to do. I'm glad I went. Left my apartment at 3pm with my friend Ryan, derped around in Freehold for a few hours, picked up an Asian kid, got lost a few blocks from the venue and ended up at some factory. Fucking Sayerville sucks. Got to the venue about 15 minutes before doors opened. Bought an Eluveitie shirt and Bodom beanie. We made our way to the center right where the pit would open. Lights went down at 7.
Threat Signal-Didn't really care about these guys and still really don't. They weren't terrible, but the singer sounds like he's trying to sound like Chester Bennington of Linkin Park. They should have just let the bass player sing. Small pit opened behind us. Some guy slammed on my right ankle really hard. I'm still limping from that shit. 4/10
Revocation-My friend Susan found us right before they went on. She had decided to give up drinking that night. I had only heard a few songs of these guys before, but even if they sucked musically, the singer would make me like them regardless. Crowd surfing began. Singer kept yelling funny shit like "This is an instrumental. Imagine a field of vikings! It's like Skyrim! But the dragons have tits! Show me your fucking chalices!" and "One of these demon women with fuck you!". Great opener. 7/10
Cradle Robber
Dismantle the Dictator
Age of Iniquity
Across the Forests and Fjords
Conjuring the Cataclysm
No Funeral
Eluveitie-They were the main reason I was attending. As soon as they ripped on stage, the place got packed. Susan and I got separated from Ryan and the Asian kid Chris when they went toward the front and Susan and I made a beeline to the craziness in the pit. I crowd surfed 3 or 4 times. There was a bunch of people jumping in the pit so Susan and I joined them. I literally jumped out of my shoes and nearly fell on my ass when I was trying to pit them back on while leaning on Susan when a bunch of people tried to pick up Susan to crowd surf. I so want to see these guys again. Would have loved for them to play waaaaaay longer. 9/10
Everything Remains As It Never Was
Kingdom Come Undone
A Rose for Epona
Meet the Enemy
Quoth the Raven
Inis Mona
The Liminal Passage
Children of Motherfucking Bodom-My 4th time seeing them. It was my friends' first time seeing Bodom, so I warned them that it might get a bit crazy. And it did. Opening up with my favorite fucking Bodom song, Sixpounder, Susan I ran right into the craziness of things. Moshed quite a bit. Surfed 3 or 4 more times. Susan and I just running all over the place, picking up random people and launching them. Ended up in the 3rd row after my final surf for the encore. They kept trolling us by playing Bon Jovi. Alexi kept on yelling at them to stop but they didn't listen.
Are You Dead Yet?
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Kissing the Shadows
Shovel Knockout
Living Dead Beat
Everytime I Die
Deadnight Warrior / Hate Me!
Angels Don't Kill
In Your Face
Lake Bodom
Hate Crew Deathroll
Bodom After Midnight
Ryan and I during Hate Crew Deathroll. I look like a hot mess after headbanging and surfing all night, but fuck it.
We all went to a diner afterwards after getting seriously lost for like a half hour. Got myself some bacon, ice cream and coffee. Now I am still limping on my right ankle, my neck hurts like a bitch and my upper left leg is throbbing. All worth it.
Needs silent night, bodom night though
Oh and good review Britt
Edit: Just checked. I haven't seen them play Hatebreeder. Whatevers.