NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I like Dio's a lot more. He doesn't put pinch harmonics all over the place. Although the pinch harmonics give the song a little more energy to it, Howard messes up the power in Dio's voice at the verse "between the velvet lies...." I love that part when Dio does it and Howard screaming it messes it up. Although I do like the KSE solo a little more
I re-listened to them recently. The first one I heard was KSE's because they're way more out there as far as one of the first metal bands people listen to. So I guess that's one reason I thought the KSE one was better but recently I listened to the Dio one again and then listened to the KSE one and I really see the differences in them
Pestilence - Reggie's Rock Club - June 15, 2010 - Chicago, Illinois.
Well, yesterday was a night that will go down in history for me. It comes OH SO FUCKING CLOSE to beating Behemoth back in January for me. Tied with them though for the best show I've ever been to.
Got there early for the very first time, about an hour early, and met up with Roberto (Psicosis) and Adam (JaGBaG).
Also, this was kind of different for me, because my girlfriend was with lol. First Metal show for her, and she likes Warbringer now. WIN. Lolz.
Sacrificial Slaughter: They were pretty good Music wise, but they were just straight to the "formula" Death Metal, nothing special, but good thing they were only the opening band. 7/10
Enfold Darkness: Jesus Fucking CHRIST I love these guys, they're so fucking amazing, and their Drummer is phenomenal. The minute they started playing The Benefits Of Your Demise was when I truly went apeshit for the first time during the show. Got in the pits, which was the first time I've moshed in a loooong time. Also, the stage is extremely close to the rail, and Justin, the Vocalist (Who has an epic Mario/Wario style 'stache lolz.) Was leaning over and was literally face to face to me while screaming. It was fucking EPIC. 10/10
Vital Remains: ....................These motherfuckers did things I never thought I'd see at a show. They were top fucking notch Musically, but Tony (I think that's his name?) the Vocalist, started fucking PULLING PEOPLE UP ON STAGE AND LETTING THEM STAGE DIVE. And this one dude, who knew the words, was screaming into the mic with him on stage, they were taking turns screaming each line and then he jumped off stage. Truly fucking chaotic. Right on the rail for them, just as I was since the beginning of Enfold Darkness. Can't wait to see them again at Summer Slaughter '10. 10/10
WARMOTHERFUCKINGBRINGER: I can safely say, that after last night, this band, fucking CHANGED. MY. LIFE. Now, I've seen them already, at Killfest, but they completely and utterly topped themselves in every possible fucking way last night. To start off, John kept leaning over and seeing that I was screaming the lyrics, so me and him were face to face and I was screaming into the fucking mic, and the energy off the crowd for them was just infuckingsane. At one point, this kid I know from Guitar Center, climbed on stage, and screamed "TOTAL WAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!" with John, and John didn't mind at all, but the dickhead security kicked him out. So anyways, first time I saw them, they didn't play At The Crack Of Doom, so I was disappointed, but THIS TIME, ohhhh they played it, they motherfucking played it all right, but this time, he wanted a fucking wall of death, now I was in a tiny ass wall of death for BFMV at Mayhem '09, but I wouldn't say that it counts, and all the other times walls of death were called at past shows, I would pussy out, but this time, he said "I want you motherfuckers to split up into 2 sides, I think you know what that means, and I screamed "FUCKING WALL OF DEATH!" and he smiled, and I couldn't contain myself, and I fucking darted over to the right side, I was right next to Adam, and we just nodded at eachother, and they played the acoustic intro, and then as soon as the blasting kicked we all ran like fucking gladiators, and............fuck I can't even describe it. It was just so perfect and rewarding, and just reassures me that moments like that are why I fucking live for Metal. Moshed with Roberto, he ran straight into me and I slid back lolz. And they played Beneath The Waves, which was amazing and screaming all the lyrics, especially the chorus was rewarding. And then at the end, when they played Combat Shock, me and this dude next to me were screaming the chorus in each other's faces out of nowhere, it just happened, but we just looked at each other and started screaming, and it made me think "Now THIS is what Metal is all about.". So anyways, they completely stole the show (I also got their Guitarist's pick at the end, keepin' up mah streak. Lolz.) and for the first time ever, I don't know what score to give them, they were so far beyond perfect, sooo.......... Priceless/10
Pestilence: By the time they played, I was so fucking worn out, and they played too much new stuff, and didn't play the ONE song I wanted to hear (Chronic Infection) but they still delivered. Amazing band, and it was cool to see that Justin (Enfold Darkness's Vocalist) and Enfold Darkness's Guitarist were in the crowd watching them. 8/10
I bought a Pestilence "Consuming Impulse" shirt. It's badassss.
So yea, absolutely perfect show, wish I could relive it.
"he Vocalist, started fucking PULLING PEOPLE UP ON STAGE AND LETTING THEM STAGE DIVE. And this one dude, who knew the words, was screaming into the mic with him on stage, they were taking turns screaming each line and then he jumped off stage. Truly fucking chaotic"
I like Dio's a lot more. He doesn't put pinch harmonics all over the place. Although the pinch harmonics give the song a little more energy to it, Howard messes up the power in Dio's voice at the verse "between the velvet lies...."
I love that part when Dio does it and Howard screaming it messes it up. Although I do like the KSE solo a little more
Overall Dio's Holy Diver>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kse holy diver
Really Santana? Thats not what you were saying in the Philswitch thread.....
"Whoever said kse holy diver>dio holy diver, I agree"
I smell a post-life Dio bandwagoner.......
General Crosier........
I like the KSE one but Dio's is better by far
Well, yesterday was a night that will go down in history for me. It comes OH SO FUCKING CLOSE to beating Behemoth back in January for me. Tied with them though for the best show I've ever been to.
Got there early for the very first time, about an hour early, and met up with Roberto (Psicosis) and Adam (JaGBaG).
Also, this was kind of different for me, because my girlfriend was with lol. First Metal show for her, and she likes Warbringer now. WIN. Lolz.
Sacrificial Slaughter: They were pretty good Music wise, but they were just straight to the "formula" Death Metal, nothing special, but good thing they were only the opening band. 7/10
Enfold Darkness: Jesus Fucking CHRIST I love these guys, they're so fucking amazing, and their Drummer is phenomenal. The minute they started playing The Benefits Of Your Demise was when I truly went apeshit for the first time during the show. Got in the pits, which was the first time I've moshed in a loooong time. Also, the stage is extremely close to the rail, and Justin, the Vocalist (Who has an epic Mario/Wario style 'stache lolz.) Was leaning over and was literally face to face to me while screaming. It was fucking EPIC. 10/10
Vital Remains: ....................These motherfuckers did things I never thought I'd see at a show. They were top fucking notch Musically, but Tony (I think that's his name?) the Vocalist, started fucking PULLING PEOPLE UP ON STAGE AND LETTING THEM STAGE DIVE. And this one dude, who knew the words, was screaming into the mic with him on stage, they were taking turns screaming each line and then he jumped off stage. Truly fucking chaotic. Right on the rail for them, just as I was since the beginning of Enfold Darkness. Can't wait to see them again at Summer Slaughter '10. 10/10
WARMOTHERFUCKINGBRINGER: I can safely say, that after last night, this band, fucking CHANGED. MY. LIFE. Now, I've seen them already, at Killfest, but they completely and utterly topped themselves in every possible fucking way last night. To start off, John kept leaning over and seeing that I was screaming the lyrics, so me and him were face to face and I was screaming into the fucking mic, and the energy off the crowd for them was just infuckingsane. At one point, this kid I know from Guitar Center, climbed on stage, and screamed "TOTAL WAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!" with John, and John didn't mind at all, but the dickhead security kicked him out. So anyways, first time I saw them, they didn't play At The Crack Of Doom, so I was disappointed, but THIS TIME, ohhhh they played it, they motherfucking played it all right, but this time, he wanted a fucking wall of death, now I was in a tiny ass wall of death for BFMV at Mayhem '09, but I wouldn't say that it counts, and all the other times walls of death were called at past shows, I would pussy out, but this time, he said "I want you motherfuckers to split up into 2 sides, I think you know what that means, and I screamed "FUCKING WALL OF DEATH!" and he smiled, and I couldn't contain myself, and I fucking darted over to the right side, I was right next to Adam, and we just nodded at eachother, and they played the acoustic intro, and then as soon as the blasting kicked we all ran like fucking gladiators, and............fuck I can't even describe it. It was just so perfect and rewarding, and just reassures me that moments like that are why I fucking live for Metal. Moshed with Roberto, he ran straight into me and I slid back lolz. And they played Beneath The Waves, which was amazing and screaming all the lyrics, especially the chorus was rewarding. And then at the end, when they played Combat Shock, me and this dude next to me were screaming the chorus in each other's faces out of nowhere, it just happened, but we just looked at each other and started screaming, and it made me think "Now THIS is what Metal is all about.". So anyways, they completely stole the show (I also got their Guitarist's pick at the end, keepin' up mah streak. Lolz.) and for the first time ever, I don't know what score to give them, they were so far beyond perfect, sooo.......... Priceless/10
Pestilence: By the time they played, I was so fucking worn out, and they played too much new stuff, and didn't play the ONE song I wanted to hear (Chronic Infection) but they still delivered. Amazing band, and it was cool to see that Justin (Enfold Darkness's Vocalist) and Enfold Darkness's Guitarist were in the crowd watching them. 8/10
I bought a Pestilence "Consuming Impulse" shirt. It's badassss.
So yea, absolutely perfect show, wish I could relive it.
psh! happens all the time here.
glad you had fun.