So I looked up a few of the setlists for MMRBQ since I didn't remember a lot of the songs because I was having too much fun:
Vasoline Wicked Garden Crackerman Between the Lines Hickory Dichotomy Big Empty Sour Girl Creep Plush Interstate Love Song Bagman Huckleberry Crumble Tumble in the Rough Lounge Fly Sex Type Thing (with Jerry Cantrell) Encore: Dead & Bloated Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Alice In Chains
Them Bones Dam That River Rain When I Die Check My Brain Again Your Decision No Excuses Acid Bubble We Die Young Down in a Hole Angry Chair Man in the Box Would? Rooster
Three Days Grace
Break The Good Life I Hate Everything About You Pain Bitter Taste Home Last to Know I Don't Care (Apocalyptica cover) Goin' Down Just Like You Never Too late Riot Play Animal I Have Become
Untitled Empty Spaces Song for You Jesus or a Gun Sunburn Shimmer Bittersweet Ozone Hemorrhage (In My Hands)
Hero Whispers in the Dark Comatose Believe Awake and Alive Enter Sandman (Metallica cover) Monster Rebirthing
Job for a Cowboy / Whitechapel / Cattle Decapitation / Revocation 5/27/10, The Clubhouse, Tempe, AZ (FINAL TOUR DATE)
One of the few concerts lately that I actually went to with some friends. This was the last night of the tour, and JFAC were the hometown band. Needless to say, I'm fairly sure this fucker sold out because there were about 500 people in line and only about 300 (at most) were inside when the show started.
REVOCATION: Pretty much went as expected. Personally, I like them more on album, but that's just me. Still awesome to see. 7/10
CATTLE DECAPITATION: Way better than I expected. Their vocalist is really something. This guy can go from a shrill shriek to low gutturals instantly. They put on an awesome performance (even if the only words I could make out the entire set were "body farm"). 8/10
WHITECHAPEL: I really don't know where to begin here... except for saying that I've never seen the Clubhouse go so insane before. They came out swinging with Darkest and moved right into.................. Possession. They hit those first few chords of the song, and the place goes absolutely apeshit. Bodies were LITERALLY flying through the air, the whole crowd was either moshing, headbanging like mad, stage diving, or jumping up and down. There was absolutely NO in between. Myself, I was doing all three. The rest of their set continued as you would imagine Whitechapel would in a small club. Unbelievable performance 10/10
JOB FOR A COWBOY: Being in the front and center the whole set probably made them seem way better than they actually were. I only steadily listen to about 6 or so songs of theirs normally, and they played all of those except for The Rising Tide and Constitutional Masturbation. What was kind of funny was that there were these kids a couple people to the right of me who were intensely eyeing the setlist the whole time (mainly towards the last few songs). These guys KNEW they were going to grab it when the show was done. But think about this: When a band has ONE song left, and they've been playing the same set the whole tour, they know what it is. So JFAC finished Entombment of a Machine, and I gust grabbed the setlist. The kids' EYES ARE GLARING RED WITH A CONSCIENCE SET TO KILL, NOSTRILS FLARED AND THE EYES ARE PARALELL!!!! I fucking held on to that shit laughing so hard while they closed with Embedded. Got the setlist signed afterward by the bassist and lead guitarist too. The list had bloodstains on it from people's faces getting knocked around. Fucking sweet. 9/10
For merch, I got a JFAC shirt with a goat head on the front and their logo on the back, as well as a Whitechapel shot glass. Great night.
I arrived at about 6:30, a half-hour after doors opened. There wasn't any activity in front of the stage at all as far as crowds are concerned, so I went to the back and watched most of the first local band from a distance. Afterwards, however, I was positioned at the front of the stage for the remainder of the show.
Burn The Hearse - A local band from Royal Oak. They weren't bad, but they weren't particularly interesting. A lot of the riffs seemed like they'd been done before, the vocals weren't for me, and they pretty much lacked any kind of stage presence. I swear I heard a ripoff from Slayer's Raining Blood in there too. Certainly not even close to the worst opening local act I've seen, but they have work to do. 4/10
No Class Assassins - Not much good going on here either. In fact, I think I liked Burn The Hearse more musically. That being said, this St. Clair County quartet did have more of a stage presence than BTH, and the vocalist did work to get the crowd involved a little bit, albeit in vain. I would take any of this stuff over deathcore....but not much more. 3.5/10
Writhing - Hey, here we go. A local band with something good to offer. I actually really enjoyed these guys. Their sound has a bit of a Slayer vibe, but they don't rip them off, as the previous two bands poorly did. Some nice riffs, good drumming, and a decent stage presence added up to the best local act to take the stage on this night. I will say that the vocals were definitely low in the mix, but I could hear them alright. The vocalist was pretty humorous in between songs too. Overall, I liked them quite a bit and hope they'll open more shows and get some exposure. 7/10
Rumpelstiltskin Grinder - For me, there's nothing that gets my blood pumping more than a good thrash metal band set, and these guys were more than up to the challenge. Great performance from all members of the band musically, with many great riffs and solos performed throughout the set. The vocals were clear, crisp, and didn't sound like a classic thrash metal ripoff, which is always a plus. The band was also quite hilarious in between songs. One conversation led to the vocalist talking about metal dicks, another led to worship of Satan ("This song is about what every metal song should be about, and that's worshipping Satan!"), and his description of the last song involved a futuristic robot shooting people in the crotch....and also worshipping Satan. They were a lot of fun without getting old or wearing out their welcome, and after having to sit through three local bands to get to this point, they were a breath of fresh air. I hope they return soon, I'd love to see them play a full set. As for the setlist on this night, they played from memory, and I don't know them well enough to remember the set from memory. Some songs I know they played include Unleash The Troll, Brainwasher C. 1655, Darkness Never Ending, and Spyborg (which they closed with). 8.5/10
Obituary - These guys proved why they are one of the pioneers of the death metal genre. Their sound was great, with all the guitars, drums, and vocals coming in nice and crisp, and the balance was superb as well. Even though attendance at this show was poor, they managed to get whatever crowd was there going and moshing relentlessly throughout their entire set, which lasted about an hour. Though I didn't find myself bracing against the stage on every song like I did for Kreator, I could feel the crowd giving back all the energy the Florida death metal legends were dishing out. Ralph played all his solos right in front of me, which is always a treat to watch, especially when they are executed as well as he did. There were a couple of instrumental breaks in the set; one right before the Chopped In Half/Turned Inside Out combined tune and one right after the impressive drum solo Donald Tardy laid down to begin the encore. All of them seemed to be having a great time too, as they were laughing and smiling throughout the duration of the set. They worked fairly quickly, with little to no crowd interaction from John in between songs, but these guys are like Slayer; they start playing and the crowd moves because it's fucking Obituary and you know it's going to be nice and heavy. The highlights of their 13-song set for me were the medley of Chopped In Half/Turned Inside Out, On The Floor, Evil Ways, and, of course, Slowly We Rot, which the crowd eagerly helped John sing. They didn't give out any picks or sticks after the show, but John stuck around to shake our hands. I left with a sore neck and a greater appreciation for another fine death metal band to come out of Florida. Here's hoping next time, they come back on a major tour with bigger openers to draw the large crowd they deserve to play in front of. 10/10
Setlist(may be out of order, but the songs should be correct): List of Dead Blood to Give On the Floor Face Your God Dying Chopped in Half / Turned Inside Out Final Thoughts Threatening Skies The End Complete Forces Realign Contrast the Dead Evil Ways
"This song is so heavy it will melt your dick...and fill your vaginas with metal" "This song is about Satan, and brainwashing people into worshipping Satan with some drink or something..its fucking retarded"
Something that really depressed me though, I go and see Job For A Cowboy with Whitechapel, a show which I enjoyed, but am well aware full of generic music. It was as packed as packed gets. Obituary are legends of their genre, they are Florida Death Metal, and they barely get over 100 people.
I wanted to get one of the Budweiser Obituary shirts, but they were packing up right before they hit the stage...and I couldn't find them on their website like I thought I would.
I was talking to Mags about that...I swear it had to be what? September? I know it was back when I was first starting the school year. Promoters blow.
Them people set me up yesterday too. When the one chick squished her way in, I thought the other one decided to leave towards the back (a whole one row of people). Well instead she moved to the left of the front row pushing everyone to the right...I felt betrayed. And that pushed you way over lol
That happened to me at cannibal corpse. I was right in front of George, then I was almost falling over because my feet were to my left and my body was to my right. There wereso many people behind me that I couldn't find a place to stand.
Well this idiot guy pushed his way through and then, to make more room for himself stepped a few inches away from the rail then ran straight into it causing everyone around him to be bumped out of place and he kept doing this over and over and over I finally left after pit of zombies because I couldn't breathe and literally thought I was going to pass out
Generally you wont be the only person moving a crowd surfer, so spikes aren't that bad since not all their weight is on you...but a combat boot to the back of the head is shitty and unavoidable lol
belt buckles sometimes hurt, like my slayer belt buckle that's a pentagram. and to make it worse is one of the swords is chipped so it spears anyway touching it so i don't wear it at concerts anymore
Yes, it is supposed to be in that order because Vital's van broke down 100 miles outside Albuquerque and they had to headline in order to allow all the bands to play. I left after half of Pestilence's set, so I don't know if they even made it. There were two local openers, Rising Pain and Lurid State (both of whom are actually pretty good).
Sacrificial Slaughter: Best sound I've ever heard from a concert. It honestly sounded like they were playing the album. Ironically, their frontman got extremely pissed at the soundcheck guys because he insisted that his mic was low even though he was on top of everything. He was a real asshole, but the music was great. 7/10
Enfold Darkness: Not too shabby. Their singer has a sweet Wario mustache going 7/10
Warbringer: FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE... I was front and center for their entire set too, so I got some great videos and photos. At one point, we all yelled COMBAT SHOCK! and their singer goes "But you know we don't play that until the end, guys!" Since they got an extended set, they played it and after they were done they asked for requests. So I yelled SLAYER!!! and the singer goes "This kid right here is saying Slayer... what should we do about this?" One guy in the back yells "Kick his ass!" but the rest of the crowd starts yelling Slayer too. So they give in and ask what song. Majority of us yell Raining Blood, so they played that. They finished their set with Scorched Earth I think. So from what I remember their setlist was something like:
Total War Shoot To Kill Severed Reality Systematic Genocide Combat Shock Raining Blood Scorched Earth
and a couple more. But an awesome performance 9.5/10
Pestilence: I wasn't impressed. I left halfway through their set because I had to be up early tomorrow and Vital wasn't even going on till 11:15. Legends or not, I don't get them. Their singer sounds like he has Down Syndrome... so whatever. 4/10
Merch is fairly limited, but Warbringer has these awesome logoed lighters that double as bottle openers for $2 and Enfold has a large poster for $2 as well. If you have a big interest or the extra cash, definitely go. If not, it's no big huge loss.
Wicked Garden
Between the Lines
Hickory Dichotomy
Big Empty
Sour Girl
Interstate Love Song
Huckleberry Crumble
Tumble in the Rough
Lounge Fly
Sex Type Thing (with Jerry Cantrell)
Dead & Bloated
Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Alice In Chains
Them Bones
Dam That River
Rain When I Die
Check My Brain
Your Decision
No Excuses
Acid Bubble
We Die Young
Down in a Hole
Angry Chair
Man in the Box
Three Days Grace
The Good Life
I Hate Everything About You
Bitter Taste
Last to Know
I Don't Care (Apocalyptica cover)
Goin' Down
Just Like You
Never Too late
Riot Play
Animal I Have Become
Empty Spaces
Song for You
Jesus or a Gun
Hemorrhage (In My Hands)
Whispers in the Dark
Awake and Alive
Enter Sandman (Metallica cover)
the other two bands were local
5/27/10, The Clubhouse, Tempe, AZ (FINAL TOUR DATE)
One of the few concerts lately that I actually went to with some friends. This was the last night of the tour, and JFAC were the hometown band. Needless to say, I'm fairly sure this fucker sold out because there were about 500 people in line and only about 300 (at most) were inside when the show started.
REVOCATION: Pretty much went as expected. Personally, I like them more on album, but that's just me. Still awesome to see. 7/10
CATTLE DECAPITATION: Way better than I expected. Their vocalist is really something. This guy can go from a shrill shriek to low gutturals instantly. They put on an awesome performance (even if the only words I could make out the entire set were "body farm"). 8/10
WHITECHAPEL: I really don't know where to begin here... except for saying that I've never seen the Clubhouse go so insane before. They came out swinging with Darkest and moved right into.................. Possession. They hit those first few chords of the song, and the place goes absolutely apeshit. Bodies were LITERALLY flying through the air, the whole crowd was either moshing, headbanging like mad, stage diving, or jumping up and down. There was absolutely NO in between. Myself, I was doing all three. The rest of their set continued as you would imagine Whitechapel would in a small club. Unbelievable performance 10/10
JOB FOR A COWBOY: Being in the front and center the whole set probably made them seem way better than they actually were. I only steadily listen to about 6 or so songs of theirs normally, and they played all of those except for The Rising Tide and Constitutional Masturbation. What was kind of funny was that there were these kids a couple people to the right of me who were intensely eyeing the setlist the whole time (mainly towards the last few songs). These guys KNEW they were going to grab it when the show was done. But think about this: When a band has ONE song left, and they've been playing the same set the whole tour, they know what it is. So JFAC finished Entombment of a Machine, and I gust grabbed the setlist. The kids' EYES ARE GLARING RED WITH A CONSCIENCE SET TO KILL, NOSTRILS FLARED AND THE EYES ARE PARALELL!!!! I fucking held on to that shit laughing so hard while they closed with Embedded. Got the setlist signed afterward by the bassist and lead guitarist too. The list had bloodstains on it from people's faces getting knocked around. Fucking sweet. 9/10
For merch, I got a JFAC shirt with a goat head on the front and their logo on the back, as well as a Whitechapel shot glass. Great night.
I arrived at about 6:30, a half-hour after doors opened. There wasn't any activity in front of the stage at all as far as crowds are concerned, so I went to the back and watched most of the first local band from a distance. Afterwards, however, I was positioned at the front of the stage for the remainder of the show.
Burn The Hearse - A local band from Royal Oak. They weren't bad, but they weren't particularly interesting. A lot of the riffs seemed like they'd been done before, the vocals weren't for me, and they pretty much lacked any kind of stage presence. I swear I heard a ripoff from Slayer's Raining Blood in there too. Certainly not even close to the worst opening local act I've seen, but they have work to do. 4/10
No Class Assassins - Not much good going on here either. In fact, I think I liked Burn The Hearse more musically. That being said, this St. Clair County quartet did have more of a stage presence than BTH, and the vocalist did work to get the crowd involved a little bit, albeit in vain. I would take any of this stuff over deathcore....but not much more. 3.5/10
Writhing - Hey, here we go. A local band with something good to offer. I actually really enjoyed these guys. Their sound has a bit of a Slayer vibe, but they don't rip them off, as the previous two bands poorly did. Some nice riffs, good drumming, and a decent stage presence added up to the best local act to take the stage on this night. I will say that the vocals were definitely low in the mix, but I could hear them alright. The vocalist was pretty humorous in between songs too. Overall, I liked them quite a bit and hope they'll open more shows and get some exposure. 7/10
Rumpelstiltskin Grinder - For me, there's nothing that gets my blood pumping more than a good thrash metal band set, and these guys were more than up to the challenge. Great performance from all members of the band musically, with many great riffs and solos performed throughout the set. The vocals were clear, crisp, and didn't sound like a classic thrash metal ripoff, which is always a plus. The band was also quite hilarious in between songs. One conversation led to the vocalist talking about metal dicks, another led to worship of Satan ("This song is about what every metal song should be about, and that's worshipping Satan!"), and his description of the last song involved a futuristic robot shooting people in the crotch....and also worshipping Satan. They were a lot of fun without getting old or wearing out their welcome, and after having to sit through three local bands to get to this point, they were a breath of fresh air. I hope they return soon, I'd love to see them play a full set. As for the setlist on this night, they played from memory, and I don't know them well enough to remember the set from memory. Some songs I know they played include Unleash The Troll, Brainwasher C. 1655, Darkness Never Ending, and Spyborg (which they closed with). 8.5/10
Obituary - These guys proved why they are one of the pioneers of the death metal genre. Their sound was great, with all the guitars, drums, and vocals coming in nice and crisp, and the balance was superb as well. Even though attendance at this show was poor, they managed to get whatever crowd was there going and moshing relentlessly throughout their entire set, which lasted about an hour. Though I didn't find myself bracing against the stage on every song like I did for Kreator, I could feel the crowd giving back all the energy the Florida death metal legends were dishing out. Ralph played all his solos right in front of me, which is always a treat to watch, especially when they are executed as well as he did. There were a couple of instrumental breaks in the set; one right before the Chopped In Half/Turned Inside Out combined tune and one right after the impressive drum solo Donald Tardy laid down to begin the encore. All of them seemed to be having a great time too, as they were laughing and smiling throughout the duration of the set. They worked fairly quickly, with little to no crowd interaction from John in between songs, but these guys are like Slayer; they start playing and the crowd moves because it's fucking Obituary and you know it's going to be nice and heavy. The highlights of their 13-song set for me were the medley of Chopped In Half/Turned Inside Out, On The Floor, Evil Ways, and, of course, Slowly We Rot, which the crowd eagerly helped John sing. They didn't give out any picks or sticks after the show, but John stuck around to shake our hands. I left with a sore neck and a greater appreciation for another fine death metal band to come out of Florida. Here's hoping next time, they come back on a major tour with bigger openers to draw the large crowd they deserve to play in front of. 10/10
Setlist(may be out of order, but the songs should be correct):
List of Dead
Blood to Give
On the Floor
Face Your God
Chopped in Half / Turned Inside Out
Final Thoughts
Threatening Skies
The End Complete
Forces Realign
Contrast the Dead
Evil Ways
Drum Solo
Slow Death
Slowly We Rot
"This song is so heavy it will melt your dick...and fill your vaginas with metal"
"This song is about Satan, and brainwashing people into worshipping Satan with some drink or something..its fucking retarded"
I suppose this fits better in this thread.
I wanted to get one of the Budweiser Obituary shirts, but they were packing up right before they hit the stage...and I couldn't find them on their website like I thought I would.
Them people set me up yesterday too. When the one chick squished her way in, I thought the other one decided to leave towards the back (a whole one row of people). Well instead she moved to the left of the front row pushing everyone to the right...I felt betrayed. And that pushed you way over lol
Well this idiot guy pushed his way through and then, to make more room for himself stepped a few inches away from the rail then ran straight into it causing everyone around him to be bumped out of place and he kept doing this over and over and over
I finally left after pit of zombies because I couldn't breathe and literally thought I was going to pass out
Yes, it is supposed to be in that order because Vital's van broke down 100 miles outside Albuquerque and they had to headline in order to allow all the bands to play. I left after half of Pestilence's set, so I don't know if they even made it. There were two local openers, Rising Pain and Lurid State (both of whom are actually pretty good).
Sacrificial Slaughter: Best sound I've ever heard from a concert. It honestly sounded like they were playing the album. Ironically, their frontman got extremely pissed at the soundcheck guys because he insisted that his mic was low even though he was on top of everything. He was a real asshole, but the music was great. 7/10
Enfold Darkness: Not too shabby. Their singer has a sweet Wario mustache going 7/10
Warbringer: FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE... I was front and center for their entire set too, so I got some great videos and photos. At one point, we all yelled COMBAT SHOCK! and their singer goes "But you know we don't play that until the end, guys!" Since they got an extended set, they played it and after they were done they asked for requests. So I yelled SLAYER!!! and the singer goes "This kid right here is saying Slayer... what should we do about this?" One guy in the back yells "Kick his ass!" but the rest of the crowd starts yelling Slayer too. So they give in and ask what song. Majority of us yell Raining Blood, so they played that. They finished their set with Scorched Earth I think. So from what I remember their setlist was something like:
Total War
Shoot To Kill
Severed Reality
Systematic Genocide
Combat Shock
Raining Blood
Scorched Earth
and a couple more. But an awesome performance 9.5/10
Pestilence: I wasn't impressed. I left halfway through their set because I had to be up early tomorrow and Vital wasn't even going on till 11:15. Legends or not, I don't get them. Their singer sounds like he has Down Syndrome... so whatever. 4/10
Merch is fairly limited, but Warbringer has these awesome logoed lighters that double as bottle openers for $2 and Enfold has a large poster for $2 as well. If you have a big interest or the extra cash, definitely go. If not, it's no big huge loss.